Class ExtentIndex.AbstractExtentIndex

  extended by java.util.AbstractCollection
      extended by com.bbn.openmap.geo.ExtentIndex.AbstractExtentIndex
All Implemented Interfaces:
ExtentIndex, java.lang.Iterable, java.util.Collection
Direct Known Subclasses:
ExtentIndex.ArrayListExtentIndexImpl, ExtentIndex.HashSetExtentIndexImpl
Enclosing interface:

public abstract static class ExtentIndex.AbstractExtentIndex
extends java.util.AbstractCollection
implements ExtentIndex

A basic implementation of ExtentIndex that uses Collection-typed buckets. Extending classes must implement #makeBucket(int) to specify an alternative Collection implementation.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.bbn.openmap.geo.ExtentIndex
ExtentIndex.AbstractExtentIndex, ExtentIndex.ArrayListExtentIndexImpl, ExtentIndex.HashSetExtentIndexImpl
Field Summary
protected  java.util.Collection all
          all is a collection of everything successfully indexed.
protected  java.util.Collection[] buckets
static double D_MARGIN
          Default value for #margin if not specified in the call to the constructor.
static int D_NBUCKETS
          Default value for #nbuckets if not specified in the call to the constructor.
protected  java.util.Collection discarded
 double margin
          how much of a margin to put around regions for indexing purposes, in nautical miles.
 int nbuckets
          how many buckets in the longitudinal index - 360 means 1 bucket per degree of longitude.
protected  java.util.Collection polar
          polar is a bucket for anything that is near enough to either pole to cover more than 1/2 the buckets.
Constructor Summary
ExtentIndex.AbstractExtentIndex(double m)
ExtentIndex.AbstractExtentIndex(int nb)
ExtentIndex.AbstractExtentIndex(int nb, double m)
Method Summary
 boolean add(java.lang.Object o)
          Add an object to the index.
 boolean addExtent(GeoExtent extent)
          Method to call to add Region object with BoundingCircle to Collection and organize it for later retrieval.
protected  int bucketFor(double lon)
          figure out what bucket a particular longitude goes in.
 void clear()
          Method to call to clear out the index.
 double indexHorizontalRange()
          RegionIndex parameter method.
 java.util.Iterator iterator()
 java.util.Iterator iterator(GeoExtent o)
          return an iterator listing a subset of the whole collection that is a superset of the actual matches.
protected  java.util.Iterator lookup(double left, double right)
          Called when you want everything in each bucket between the coordinates.
protected  java.util.Iterator lookup(double left, double right, BoundingCircle bc)
          Called when you want to get the regions in the buckets, but you want to further filter on objects that can intersect based on the bounding circle provided.
 java.util.Iterator lookupByBoundingCircle(BoundingCircle bc)
 java.util.Iterator lookupByPath(GeoPath path)
 java.util.Iterator lookupBySegment(GeoSegment segment)
protected  java.util.Collection makeBucket()
protected abstract  java.util.Collection makeBucket(int sizeHint)
          implement to specify the factory to use to create Bucket storage.
protected static double normalizeLon(double lon)
          normalize longitude to be at least 0.0 and less than 360 *
protected static double[] normalizeLons(double[] lons)
 boolean removeExtent(GeoExtent region)
          Method to call to remove a region from the index.
 int size()
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.util.AbstractCollection
addAll, contains, containsAll, isEmpty, remove, removeAll, retainAll, toArray, toArray
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Collection
addAll, contains, containsAll, equals, hashCode, isEmpty, remove, removeAll, retainAll, toArray, toArray

Field Detail


public static final int D_NBUCKETS
Default value for #nbuckets if not specified in the call to the constructor.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final double D_MARGIN
Default value for #margin if not specified in the call to the constructor.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public final int nbuckets
how many buckets in the longitudinal index - 360 means 1 bucket per degree of longitude. More than 360 doesn't seem to add much search speed, less than 180 makes it slower. The sweet spot on current datasets is somewhere in between. If unspecified, defaults to #D_NBUCKETS


public final double margin
how much of a margin to put around regions for indexing purposes, in nautical miles. This must be at least the largest margin searched for by route (currently 50nmiles) - the larger this value, the larger the average entries/bucket and so, the slower the search. If unspecified, defaults to #D_MARGIN


protected final java.util.Collection[] buckets


protected final java.util.Collection all
all is a collection of everything successfully indexed.


protected final java.util.Collection polar
polar is a bucket for anything that is near enough to either pole to cover more than 1/2 the buckets.


protected final java.util.Collection discarded
Constructor Detail


public ExtentIndex.AbstractExtentIndex()


public ExtentIndex.AbstractExtentIndex(int nb)


public ExtentIndex.AbstractExtentIndex(double m)


public ExtentIndex.AbstractExtentIndex(int nb,
                                       double m)
Method Detail


protected final java.util.Collection makeBucket()


protected abstract java.util.Collection makeBucket(int sizeHint)
implement to specify the factory to use to create Bucket storage.

sizeHint - a guess at the number of elements that are likely to be stored in this bucket or 0 if unknown.
A Collection instance suitable for use as a bucket


public boolean add(java.lang.Object o)
Add an object to the index.

Specified by:
add in interface java.util.Collection
add in class java.util.AbstractCollection
true if object is a GeoExtent and was added.


public boolean addExtent(GeoExtent extent)
Method to call to add Region object with BoundingCircle to Collection and organize it for later retrieval.

Specified by:
addExtent in interface ExtentIndex
extent - Region to index
true if object added, false if it's been discarded.


protected static final double normalizeLon(double lon)
normalize longitude to be at least 0.0 and less than 360 *


protected final int bucketFor(double lon)
figure out what bucket a particular longitude goes in.


protected static final double[] normalizeLons(double[] lons)


protected java.util.Iterator lookup(double left,
                                    double right)
Called when you want everything in each bucket between the coordinates.

left - left-most (west) bucket value.
right - right-most (east) bucket value.
Iterator over regions in buckets that cover range provided.


protected java.util.Iterator lookup(double left,
                                    double right,
                                    BoundingCircle bc)
Called when you want to get the regions in the buckets, but you want to further filter on objects that can intersect based on the bounding circle provided.

left - left-most (west) bucket value.
right - right-most (east) bucket value.
bc - Bounding circle to do another filter check, if null, everything in a bucket will be returned.
Iterator over regions in buckets that cover range provided that intersect with the BoundingCircle (if one is provided).


public boolean removeExtent(GeoExtent region)
Method to call to remove a region from the index.

Specified by:
removeExtent in interface ExtentIndex
true if the region was found and removed.


public void clear()
Method to call to clear out the index.

Specified by:
clear in interface ExtentIndex
Specified by:
clear in interface java.util.Collection
clear in class java.util.AbstractCollection


public double indexHorizontalRange()
RegionIndex parameter method.

Specified by:
indexHorizontalRange in interface ExtentIndex
horizontal range in nautical miles for matches.


public java.util.Iterator lookupBySegment(GeoSegment segment)


public java.util.Iterator lookupByPath(GeoPath path)


public java.util.Iterator lookupByBoundingCircle(BoundingCircle bc)


public java.util.Iterator iterator(GeoExtent o)
Description copied from interface: ExtentIndex
return an iterator listing a subset of the whole collection that is a superset of the actual matches. A valid (but inefficient) implementation would return an iterator over the whole collection. Implementation should match anything that is likely to match - this will generally include, for instance, additional space around the actual segment to accommodate buffer zones around the segment.

Specified by:
iterator in interface ExtentIndex
an Iterator over BoundingCircle objects in the Collection where the GExtent may be related to them.


public java.util.Iterator iterator()
Specified by:
iterator in interface java.lang.Iterable
Specified by:
iterator in interface java.util.Collection
Specified by:
iterator in class java.util.AbstractCollection
Iterator over all entries in Collection.


public int size()
Specified by:
size in interface java.util.Collection
Specified by:
size in class java.util.AbstractCollection
number of all entries in Collection.


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.util.AbstractCollection

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