Class GeoArray.Float

  extended by com.bbn.openmap.geo.GeoArray.Adapter
      extended by com.bbn.openmap.geo.GeoArray.Float
All Implemented Interfaces:
GeoArray, GeoArray.Mutable
Enclosing interface:

public static class GeoArray.Float
extends GeoArray.Adapter
implements GeoArray.Mutable

An implementation of GeoArray and GeoArray.Mutable that contains float-precision values. Holds the coordinates in a float array of x, y, z, x, y, z values.


Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.bbn.openmap.geo.GeoArray
GeoArray.Adapter, GeoArray.Double, GeoArray.Float, GeoArray.Mutable
Constructor Summary
protected GeoArray.Float(float[] coords)
  GeoArray.Float(Geo[] geos)
  GeoArray.Float(GeoArray ga)
Method Summary
 void closeArray()
          Ensure that the Geo array starts and ends with the same values.
static GeoArray.Float createFromGeoCoords(float[] xyz)
static GeoArray.Float createFromLatLonDegrees(double[] latlondeg)
static GeoArray.Float createFromLatLonDegrees(float[] latlondeg)
static GeoArray.Float createFromLatLonRadians(double[] latlonrad)
static GeoArray.Float createFromLatLonRadians(float[] latlonrad)
 boolean equals(int index, Geo comp)
 Geo get(int i)
          Get a Geo represented by the index i.
 Geo get(int i, Geo ret)
          Load the values for Geo at index i into ret.
 int getSize()
          Get the number of Geo points represented by this array.
 void removeDups()
          Modify, if needed, the Geo array with the duplicates removed.
 void set(int i, double lat, double lon, boolean isDegrees)
          Set the values for the provided index to the latitude, longitude.
 void set(int i, double x, double y, double z)
          Set the values for the provided index to the values x, y, z, which are vector Geo values, *not* lat, lon and height.
 void set(int i, Geo g)
          Set the values for the provided index to the values represented by g.
Methods inherited from class com.bbn.openmap.geo.GeoArray.Adapter
area, distance, toLLDegrees, toLLRadians, toPointArray
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.bbn.openmap.geo.GeoArray
area, distance, toLLDegrees, toLLRadians, toPointArray

Constructor Detail


public GeoArray.Float(Geo[] geos)


public GeoArray.Float(GeoArray ga)


protected GeoArray.Float(float[] coords)
Method Detail


public static GeoArray.Float createFromLatLonDegrees(float[] latlondeg)


public static GeoArray.Float createFromLatLonDegrees(double[] latlondeg)


public static GeoArray.Float createFromLatLonRadians(float[] latlonrad)


public static GeoArray.Float createFromLatLonRadians(double[] latlonrad)


public static GeoArray.Float createFromGeoCoords(float[] xyz)


public int getSize()
Description copied from interface: GeoArray
Get the number of Geo points represented by this array.

Specified by:
getSize in interface GeoArray
number of geo points


public void set(int i,
                double x,
                double y,
                double z)
Description copied from interface: GeoArray.Mutable
Set the values for the provided index to the values x, y, z, which are vector Geo values, *not* lat, lon and height.

Specified by:
set in interface GeoArray.Mutable


public void set(int i,
                Geo g)
Description copied from interface: GeoArray.Mutable
Set the values for the provided index to the values represented by g.

Specified by:
set in interface GeoArray.Mutable


public void set(int i,
                double lat,
                double lon,
                boolean isDegrees)
Description copied from interface: GeoArray.Mutable
Set the values for the provided index to the latitude, longitude.

Specified by:
set in interface GeoArray.Mutable
isDegrees - true if lat/lon in decimal degrees.


public Geo get(int i)
Description copied from interface: GeoArray
Get a Geo represented by the index i.

Specified by:
get in interface GeoArray
Geo at index i


public Geo get(int i,
               Geo ret)
Description copied from interface: GeoArray
Load the values for Geo at index i into ret.

Specified by:
get in interface GeoArray
ret filled in with values at index i


public boolean equals(int index,
                      Geo comp)
Specified by:
equals in interface GeoArray
index - the index of the Geo in the GeoArray to compare.
comp - the Geo to compare to the indexed value.
true of x, y, and z of the Geos match.


public void closeArray()
Ensure that the Geo array starts and ends with the same values. Will replace the current coord array with one three floats longer if needed.

Specified by:
closeArray in interface GeoArray


public void removeDups()
Modify, if needed, the Geo array with the duplicates removed.

Specified by:
removeDups in interface GeoArray

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