Uses of Class

Packages that use Geo
com.bbn.openmap.event Provides the various event object and listener interfaces for using the MapBean. 
com.bbn.openmap.geo Package that contains classes to do calculations in lat/lon space. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.test Provides a test layer for OpenMap. 
com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics Provides geographically based graphics classes. 
com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.util This package contains simple utility classes used specifically for OMGraphics. 

Uses of Geo in com.bbn.openmap.event

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.event with parameters of type Geo
protected  void RangeRingsMouseMode.paintCircle(Geo originGeo, double distance, java.awt.Graphics graphics, MapBean theMap)
          Paints a unique circle centered on origin and which crosses dest on the given Graphics.
protected  void RangeRingsMouseMode.paintLabel(Geo originGeo, double distance, java.awt.Graphics graphics, MapBean theMap)
          Paints a label for the circle drawn using dest on the given Graphics.

Uses of Geo in com.bbn.openmap.geo

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.geo declared as Geo
protected  Geo Rotation.g
protected  Geo RibbonIterator.gc
protected  Geo BoundaryCrossing.geo
          The Geo location of the crossing.
static Geo Geo.north
          North pole.
protected  Geo RibbonIterator.point
protected  Geo GeoPoint.Impl.point
protected  Geo[] GeoSegment.Impl.seg
protected  Geo RibbonIterator.v1
protected  Geo RibbonIterator.v2

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.geo that return Geo
 Geo Geo.add(Geo b)
          Returns this + b.
 Geo Geo.add(Geo b, Geo ret)
 Geo Geo.antipode()
          Returns the point opposite this point on the earth.
 Geo Geo.antipode(Geo ret)
          Returns the point opposite this point on the earth.
 Geo[] Geo.approximateArc(Geo p0, Geo p1, double err)
static Geo[] Geo.approximateArc(Geo pc, Geo p0, Geo p1, double err)
          compute a polygonal approximation of an arc centered at pc, beginning at p0 and ending at p1, going clockwise and including the two end points.
static Geo[] poly)
          Returns the center of the polygon poly.
static Geo[] poly, Geo ret)
          Returns the center of the polygon poly.
static Geo poly)
          Returns the center of the polygon poly.
static Geo poly, Geo ret)
          Returns the center of the polygon poly.
static Geo[] Geo.closeGa(Geo[] ga)
          return a Geo array where the first and last elements are the same, thus closing the path, by adding a point if needed.
static Geo[] Geo.computeCorridor(Geo[] path, double radius)
          alias for computeCorridor(path, radius, radians(10), true) *
static Geo[] Geo.computeCorridor(Geo[] path, double radius, double err, boolean capp)
          Wrap a fixed-distance corridor around an (open) path, as specified by an array of Geo.
 Geo Geo.cross(Geo b)
          Vector cross product.
 Geo Geo.cross(Geo b, Geo ret)
          Vector cross product.
 Geo Geo.crossNormalize(Geo b)
          Equivalent to this.cross(b).normalize().
 Geo Geo.crossNormalize(Geo b, Geo ret)
          Equivalent to this.cross(b).normalize().
static Geo Geo.crossNormalize(Geo a, Geo b, Geo ret)
          Equivalent to this.cross(b).normalize().
protected static Geo ConvexHull.findHighest(Geo[] geos)
 Geo Geo.geoAt(double distance, double azimuth)
          Deprecated. use #offset(double, double)
 Geo Ribbon.get(int which)
          Get the Geo for the Ribbon.
 Geo GeoArray.get(int i)
          Get a Geo represented by the index i.
 Geo GeoArray.Float.get(int i)
 Geo GeoArray.Double.get(int i)
 Geo GeoArray.get(int i, Geo ret)
          Load the values for Geo at index i into ret.
 Geo GeoArray.Float.get(int i, Geo ret)
 Geo GeoArray.Double.get(int i, Geo ret)
 Geo BoundingCircle.getCenter()
          Returns a Geo representing the center of the circle.
 Geo BoundingCircle.Impl.getCenter()
 Geo OMGeo.Pt.getGeo()
 Geo BoundaryCrossing.getGeo()
 Geo[] OMGeo.Line.getGeoArray()
static Geo Intersection.getIntersectionGeo(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2, double lat3, double lon3, double lat4, double lon4)
          Returns a Geo representing the intersection of two great circles defined by the arcs (lat1, lon1) to (lat2, lon2) and (lat2, lon2) to (lat4, lon4).
 Geo ConvexHull.PivotAngleComparator.getPivot()
 Geo OMGeo.Pt.getPoint()
 Geo GeoPoint.getPoint()
          return the current point as a Geo object
 Geo GeoPoint.Impl.getPoint()
 Geo GeoPath.Impl.PointIt.getPoint()
 Geo[] OMGeo.Line.getSeg()
 Geo[] GeoSegment.getSeg()
 Geo[] GeoSegment.Impl.getSeg()
 Geo[] GeoPath.Impl.SegIt.getSeg()
          GSegment method.
static Geo[] Intersection.getSegIntersection(Geo p1, Geo p2, Geo p3, Geo p4)
          Find the intersection(s) between [p1-p2] and [p3-p4]
static Geo[] ConvexHull.hull(Geo[] geos)
          Using Graham's scan.
static Geo[] ConvexHull.hull(Geo[] geos, double tolerance)
          Using Graham's scan.
 Geo Geo.interpolate(Geo g2, double x)
 Geo Geo.interpolate(Geo g2, double x, Geo ret)
 Geo Geo.intersect(Geo q, Geo r)
          Find the intersection of the great circle between this and q and the great circle normal to r.
 Geo Geo.intersect(Geo q, Geo r, Geo ret)
          Find the intersection of the great circle between this and q and the great circle normal to r.
static Geo Intersection.isPolyNearPoly(GeoArray s, GeoArray r, double near)
          Is one region's boundary within 'near' range of a region? Note: good practice is s describes a smaller area than r.
static Geo Intersection.isSegmentNearPoly(Geo s1, Geo s2, GeoArray r, double near)
          Is a segment, represented by endpoints 's1' and 's2', withing a range 'near' of region 'r'?
static Geo Intersection.isSegmentNearPoly(GeoSegment segment, GeoArray r, double near)
          Where is a segment within range of a region?
static Geo[] Geo.LLaToGa(double[] lla)
          Convert a double array of alternating lat and lon pairs into a Geo array.
static Geo[] Geo.LLaToGa(double[] lla, boolean isDegrees)
          Convert a double array of alternating lat and lon pairs into a Geo array.
static Geo[] Geo.LLaToGa(float[] lla)
          Convert a float array of alternating lat and lon pairs into a Geo array.
static Geo[] Geo.LLaToGa(float[] lla, boolean isDegrees)
          Convert a float array of alternating lat and lon pairs into a Geo array.
static Geo Geo.makeGeo(double x, double y, double z)
static Geo Geo.makeGeo(Geo p)
static Geo Geo.makeGeoDegrees(double latd, double lond)
static Geo Geo.makeGeoRadians(double latr, double lonr)
 Geo Geo.midPoint(Geo g2)
          Find the midpoint Geo between this one and another on a Great Circle line between the two.
 Geo Geo.midPoint(Geo g2, Geo ret)
          Find the midpoint Geo between this one and another on a Great Circle line between the two.
 Geo Geo.normalize()
          Returns a unit length vector parallel to this.
 Geo Geo.normalize(Geo ret)
          Returns a unit length vector parallel to this.
 Geo Geo.offset(double distance, double azimuth)
          Returns a Geo that is distance (radians), and azimuth (radians) away from this.
 Geo Geo.offset(double distance, double azimuth, Geo ret)
          Returns a Geo that is distance (radians), and azimuth (radians) away from this.
static Geo Geo.offset(Geo origin, double distance, double azimuth)
static Geo Geo.offset(Geo origin, double distance, double azimuth, Geo ret)
static Geo[] Geo.posToGa(java.lang.String coords)
          convert a String containing space-separated pairs of comma-separated decimal lat-lon pairs into a Geo array.
static Geo[] Geo.posToGa(java.lang.String[] coords)
          Convert an array of strings with comma-separated decimal lat,lon pairs into a Geo array
static Geo[] Geo.removeDups(Geo[] ga)
          Return a Geo array with the duplicates removed.
 Geo Rotation.rotate(Geo v)
static Geo Rotation.rotate(Geo v1, double angle, Geo v2, Geo ret)
          Static method that does what creating a Rotation object can calling rotate() on it does.
 Geo Geo.scale(double s)
          Multiply this by s.
 Geo Geo.scale(double s, Geo ret)
          Multiply this by s.
static Geo Intersection.segIntersection(Geo a, Geo b, Geo c)
static Geo Intersection.segmentsIntersect(Geo a1, Geo a2, Geo b1, Geo b2)
static Geo Intersection.segmentsIntersectOrNear(Geo a1, Geo a2, Geo b1, Geo b2, double r)
static Geo Intersection.segmentsIntersectOrNear(Geo a1, Geo a2, Geo b1, Geo b2, double r, Geo ret)
 Geo Geo.subtract(Geo b)
          Returns this - b.
 Geo Geo.subtract(Geo b, Geo ret)
          Returns this - b.
 Geo[] GeoArray.toPointArray()
          Convert the GeoArray to an array of Geos.
 Geo[] GeoArray.Adapter.toPointArray()
          Convert the GeoArray to an array of Geos.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.geo that return types with arguments of type Geo
static java.util.List<Geo> Intersection.polyNearPoly(GeoArray s, GeoArray r, double near)
          Is one region's boundary within 'near' range of a region? Note: good practice is s describes a smaller area than r.
static java.util.List<Geo> Intersection.segmentNearPoly(Geo s1, Geo s2, GeoArray r, double near)
          Where is a segment, represented by endpoints 's1' and 's2', withing a range 'near' of region 'r'?
static java.util.List<Geo> Intersection.segmentNearPoly(GeoSegment segment, GeoArray r, double near)
          Where is a segment within range of a region?

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.geo with parameters of type Geo
 Geo Geo.add(Geo b)
          Returns this + b.
 Geo Geo.add(Geo b, Geo ret)
static double Geo.angle(Geo p0, Geo p1, Geo p2)
          Given 3 points on a sphere, p0, p1, p2, return the angle between them in radians.
 Geo Geo.antipode(Geo ret)
          Returns the point opposite this point on the earth.
 Geo[] Geo.approximateArc(Geo p0, Geo p1, double err)
static Geo[] Geo.approximateArc(Geo pc, Geo p0, Geo p1, double err)
          compute a polygonal approximation of an arc centered at pc, beginning at p0 and ending at p1, going clockwise and including the two end points.
 double Geo.azimuth(Geo v2)
          Azimuth in radians from v2 to this.
static Geo[] poly)
          Returns the center of the polygon poly.
static Geo[] poly, Geo ret)
          Returns the center of the polygon poly.
static Geo[] poly, Geo ret)
          Returns the center of the polygon poly.
static Geo poly, Geo ret)
          Returns the center of the polygon poly.
static Geo[] Geo.closeGa(Geo[] ga)
          return a Geo array where the first and last elements are the same, thus closing the path, by adding a point if needed.
static Geo[] Geo.computeCorridor(Geo[] path, double radius)
          alias for computeCorridor(path, radius, radians(10), true) *
static Geo[] Geo.computeCorridor(Geo[] path, double radius, double err, boolean capp)
          Wrap a fixed-distance corridor around an (open) path, as specified by an array of Geo.
 Geo Geo.cross(Geo b)
          Vector cross product.
 Geo Geo.cross(Geo b, Geo ret)
          Vector cross product.
 double Geo.crossLength(Geo b)
          Equivalent to this.cross(b).length().
 Geo Geo.crossNormalize(Geo b)
          Equivalent to this.cross(b).normalize().
 Geo Geo.crossNormalize(Geo b, Geo ret)
          Equivalent to this.cross(b).normalize().
static Geo Geo.crossNormalize(Geo a, Geo b, Geo ret)
          Equivalent to this.cross(b).normalize().
 double Geo.distance(Geo v2)
          Angular distance, in radians between this and v2.
 double GeoArray.distance(Geo geo, Geo closestPoint)
          Returns the perpendicular distance to the closest point on the edge of the polygon.
 double GeoArray.Adapter.distance(Geo pnt, Geo closestPoint)
          Returns the perpendicular distance to the closest point on the edge of the polygon.
static double Geo.distance(Geo v1, Geo v2)
          Angular distance, in radians between v1 and v2.
 double Geo.distanceKM(Geo v2)
          Distance in kilometers.
static double Geo.distanceKM(Geo v1, Geo v2)
          Distance in kilometers.
 double Geo.distanceNM(Geo v2)
          Distance in nautical miles.
static double Geo.distanceNM(Geo v1, Geo v2)
          Distance in nautical miles.
 double b)
          Dot product.
static double a, Geo b)
          Dot product.
 boolean GeoArray.equals(int index, Geo comp)
 boolean GeoArray.Float.equals(int index, Geo comp)
 boolean GeoArray.Double.equals(int index, Geo comp)
protected static Geo ConvexHull.findHighest(Geo[] geos)
static float[] Geo.GaToLLa(Geo[] ga)
          Convert a Geo array into a floating point lat lon array (alternating lat and lon values)
static double[] Geo.GaToLLa(Geo[] ga, double[] lla)
          Convert a Geo array into a floating point lat lon array (alternating lat and lon values).
static float[] Geo.GaToLLa(Geo[] ga, float[] lla)
          Convert a Geo array into a floating point lat lon array (alternating lat and lon values).
 Geo GeoArray.get(int i, Geo ret)
          Load the values for Geo at index i into ret.
 Geo GeoArray.Float.get(int i, Geo ret)
 Geo GeoArray.Double.get(int i, Geo ret)
static GeoRegion ConvexHull.getRegion(Geo[] geos)
          Using Graham's scan.
static Geo[] Intersection.getSegIntersection(Geo p1, Geo p2, Geo p3, Geo p4)
          Find the intersection(s) between [p1-p2] and [p3-p4]
static Geo[] ConvexHull.hull(Geo[] geos)
          Using Graham's scan.
static Geo[] ConvexHull.hull(Geo[] geos, double tolerance)
          Using Graham's scan.
 boolean Geo.inBubble(Geo v2, double forwardRadius, double backRadius, Geo p)
          Is Geo p inside the time bubble along the great circle segment from this to v2 looking forward forwardRadius and backward backwardRadius.
protected  void BoundingCircle.Impl.init(Geo[] region)
          Works by computing the centroid, then finding the largest radius.
protected  void BoundingCircle.Impl.init(Geo center, double radius)
 void Geo.initialize(Geo g)
          Initialize this Geo to match another.
 Geo Geo.interpolate(Geo g2, double x)
 Geo Geo.interpolate(Geo g2, double x, Geo ret)
 Geo Geo.intersect(Geo q, Geo r)
          Find the intersection of the great circle between this and q and the great circle normal to r.
 Geo Geo.intersect(Geo q, Geo r, Geo ret)
          Find the intersection of the great circle between this and q and the great circle normal to r.
 boolean BoundingCircle.intersects(Geo g, double radius)
 boolean BoundingCircle.Impl.intersects(Geo g, double r)
static boolean Intersection.intersectsCircle(Geo p1, Geo p2, Geo center, double radius)
          Returns true or false depending on whether the great circle seg from point p1 to point p2 intersects the circle of radius (radians) around center.
 boolean Geo.isInside(Geo v2, double radius, Geo p)
          Is the point, p, within radius radians of the great circle segment between this and v2?
static boolean Geo.isInside(Geo v1, Geo v2, double radius, Geo p1, Geo p2)
          do the segments v1-v2 and p1-p2 come within radius (radians) of each other?
static boolean Intersection.isOnSegment(Geo a, Geo b, Geo i)
          Point i is on the great circle defined by the points a and b.
static boolean Intersection.isOnSegment(Geo a, Geo b, Geo i, double withinRad)
          Returns true if i is on the great circle between a and b and between them, false otherwise.
static boolean Intersection.isPointInPolygon(Geo x, double[] poly, boolean polyInDegrees)
          Ask if a Geo point is in a polygon.
static boolean Intersection.isPointInPolygon(Geo x, float[] poly, boolean polyInDegrees)
          Ask if a Geo point is in a polygon.
static boolean Intersection.isPointInPolygon(Geo x, GeoArray poly)
          Determines whether x is inside poly.
static boolean Intersection.isPointInPolygon(Geo x, GeoArray poly, Geo internal)
 boolean OMGeo.Polygon.isPointInside(Geo point)
 boolean GeoRegion.isPointInside(Geo point)
          Is the Geo inside the region?
 boolean GeoRegion.Impl.isPointInside(Geo p)
static boolean Intersection.isPointNearPoly(Geo s, GeoArray r, double near)
          Does the point s come within 'near' radians of the boarder of the region defined by the polygon in r[*]?
static Geo Intersection.isSegmentNearPoly(Geo s1, Geo s2, GeoArray r, double near)
          Is a segment, represented by endpoints 's1' and 's2', withing a range 'near' of region 'r'?
static boolean Intersection.isSegmentNearPolyRegion(Geo s1, Geo s2, GeoArray r, double near)
          Does the segment s1-s2 come within near radians of the region defined by the polygon in r[*]? Catches segments within poly region and returns after first hit, which is why it returns boolean.
static boolean Intersection.isSegmentNearRadialRegion(Geo s1, Geo s2, Geo rCenter, double rRadius, double near)
          Does the segment come within near radians of the region defined by rCenter at rRadius?
static boolean Intersection.isSegmentNearRadialRegion(GeoSegment segment, Geo rCenter, double rRadius, double near)
          Does the segment come within near radians of the region defined by rCenter at rRadius?
static Geo Geo.makeGeo(Geo p)
 Geo Geo.midPoint(Geo g2)
          Find the midpoint Geo between this one and another on a Great Circle line between the two.
 Geo Geo.midPoint(Geo g2, Geo ret)
          Find the midpoint Geo between this one and another on a Great Circle line between the two.
 Geo Geo.normalize(Geo ret)
          Returns a unit length vector parallel to this.
 Geo Geo.offset(double distance, double azimuth, Geo ret)
          Returns a Geo that is distance (radians), and azimuth (radians) away from this.
static Geo Geo.offset(Geo origin, double distance, double azimuth)
static Geo Geo.offset(Geo origin, double distance, double azimuth, Geo ret)
static double Intersection.pointCircleDistance(Geo p1, Geo p2, Geo center)
          Calculates the great circle distance from the point (center) to the great circle containing the points (p1) and (p2).
static double Intersection.pointCircleDistanceNM(Geo p1, Geo p2, Geo center)
          Calculates the great circle distance from the point (lat, lon) to the great circle containing the points (lat1, lon1) and (lat2, lon2).
static double Intersection.pointSegDistance(Geo a, Geo b, Geo c)
          Returns the distance in radians between the point c and the point of intersection of the great circle passing through c and perpendicular to great circle segment between a and b.
static Geo[] Geo.removeDups(Geo[] ga)
          Return a Geo array with the duplicates removed.
 Geo Rotation.rotate(Geo v)
static Geo Rotation.rotate(Geo v1, double angle, Geo v2, Geo ret)
          Static method that does what creating a Rotation object can calling rotate() on it does.
 Geo Geo.scale(double s, Geo ret)
          Multiply this by s.
static Geo Intersection.segIntersection(Geo a, Geo b, Geo c)
static boolean Intersection.segIntersects(Geo p1, Geo p2, Geo p3, Geo p4)
          Test if [p1-p2] and [p3-p4] intersect
static java.util.List<Geo> Intersection.segmentNearPoly(Geo s1, Geo s2, GeoArray r, double near)
          Where is a segment, represented by endpoints 's1' and 's2', withing a range 'near' of region 'r'?
static Geo Intersection.segmentsIntersect(Geo a1, Geo a2, Geo b1, Geo b2)
static Geo Intersection.segmentsIntersectOrNear(Geo a1, Geo a2, Geo b1, Geo b2, double r)
static Geo Intersection.segmentsIntersectOrNear(Geo a1, Geo a2, Geo b1, Geo b2, double r, Geo ret)
 void GeoArray.Mutable.set(int i, Geo g)
          Set the values for the provided index to the values represented by g.
 void GeoArray.Float.set(int i, Geo g)
 void GeoArray.Double.set(int i, Geo g)
protected  void GeoPath.Impl.setPoints(Geo[] points)
          Method for subclasses to set pts and length of Geos.
 double Geo.strictAzimuth(Geo v2)
          Azimuth in radians from v2 to this.
 Geo Geo.subtract(Geo b)
          Returns this - b.
 Geo Geo.subtract(Geo b, Geo ret)
          Returns this - b.

Method parameters in com.bbn.openmap.geo with type arguments of type Geo
static double Geo.area(java.util.Enumeration<Geo> vs)
          Computes the area of a polygon on the surface of a unit sphere given an enumeration of its point.

Constructors in com.bbn.openmap.geo with parameters of type Geo
BoundaryCrossing(Geo p, GeoRegion r, boolean goinin)
          Creates the BoundaryCrossing.
BoundingCircle.Impl(Geo[] gs)
BoundingCircle.Impl(Geo center, double radius)
ConvexHull.PivotAngleComparator(Geo pivot)
Geo(Geo geo)
          Construct a Geo from another Geo.
GeoArray.Double(Geo[] geos)
GeoArray.Float(Geo[] geos)
GeoPath.Impl(Geo[] geos)
          Create a path from Geos.
GeoPoint.Impl(Geo p)
GeoRegion.Impl(Geo[] coords)
GeoSegment.Impl(Geo[] segment)
          Create a GeoSegment.Impl with an array of 2 Geos.
OMGeo.Line(Geo[] gs)
OMGeo.Polygon(Geo[] gs)
OMGeo.Polyline(Geo[] gs)
OMGeo.Pt(Geo g)
RadialRegion(Geo[] region)
RadialRegion(Geo center, double radius)
Ribbon(Geo x, Geo gc, double radius)
          Create a Ribbon at the point x along the great circle who's normal is gc, and radius is the distance apart in radians.
RibbonIterator(Geo v1, Geo v2, double radius)
          Return an iterator that returns Ribbons along the great circle between v1 and v2.
RibbonIterator(Geo v1, Geo v2, double radius, double rotationIntervalDist)
          Return an iterator that returns Ribbons along the great circle between v1 and v2.
Rotation(Geo g, double angle)

Uses of Geo in com.bbn.openmap.layer.test

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.test that return Geo
 Geo[] GeoIntersectionLayer.OMLineSegment.getSeg()

Uses of Geo in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics with parameters of type Geo
 OMText OMDistance.createLabel(Geo g1, Geo g2, double dist, double cumulativeDist, Length distanceUnits)
          Get an OMText label for a segments between the given lat/lon points whose given distance and cumulative distance is specified.
 double OMDistance.getDist(Geo g1, Geo g2)
          Return the distance between that lat/lons defined in radians.

Uses of Geo in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.util

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.util that return Geo
protected  Geo RibbonMaker.getPolyIntersection(OMPoly poly1, OMPoly poly2)
          Just return the point where the two polygons cross.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.util with parameters of type Geo
protected  void RibbonMaker.addShortLegPolyForIntersection(Geo g1, Geo g2, Geo g3, int ribbonSide, double dist, OMAreaList ret)
          Called when it's known that one of the legs between the corner is smaller than the buffer depth.
protected  int RibbonMaker.bends(Geo g1, Geo g2, Geo g3)
          Method that determines which way the angle between the three points bends.
 OMGraphic RibbonMaker.getArc(Geo gc, OMPoly poly1, OMPoly poly2)
          Given two polylines, with the end point of poly1 being the same distance from a point as the starting point of poly2, create an arc that connects them.
protected  void RibbonMaker.handlePointsForOuterRing(Geo g1, Geo g2, Geo g3, double dist, OMAreaList ret)
          Takes a corner represented by the three geos, and adds OMGraphics to the OMAreaList depending on which way the corner bends - for right turns, it'll add an OMLine, OMArc and OMLine.
protected  boolean RibbonMaker.tooClose(Geo pnt, double distance)
          Checks to see if a point is too close to any side of the original polygon.

Method parameters in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.util with type arguments of type Geo
protected  OMPoly RibbonMaker.getOMPolyFromGeos(java.util.List<Geo> geos)
          Converts Vector of Geos to an OMPoly with linetype great_circle.

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