Uses of Interface

Packages that use MatchCollector
com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape This package provides read and write access to ESRI shape files, including the .shp, .dbf and .shx files. 
com.bbn.openmap.geo Package that contains classes to do calculations in lat/lon space. 

Uses of MatchCollector in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape with parameters of type MatchCollector
 java.util.Iterator ShapeGeoIndex.getIntersections(GeoExtent extent, MatchFilter filter, MatchCollector collector)
          Get an iterator with all of the objects in this ShapeGeoIndex that intersect with the given extent.

Uses of MatchCollector in com.bbn.openmap.geo

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.geo that implement MatchCollector
static class BoundaryCrossing.Collector
          A Collector is an object that organizes boundary crossings, as discovered by CrossingIntersection class.
static class MatchCollector.CollectionMatchCollector
static class MatchCollector.PairArrayMatchCollector
          A MatchCollector that collects a list of pairs of the matching objects
static class MatchCollector.SetMatchCollector

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.geo declared as MatchCollector
protected  MatchCollector Intersection.collector

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.geo that return MatchCollector
 MatchCollector Intersection.getCollector()
          Retrieve the MatchCollector that contains the results from the Intersection query.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.geo with parameters of type MatchCollector
static Intersection Intersection.intersector(MatchFilter filter, MatchCollector collector)
          Create an Intersection class that will use the provided MatchFilter class and the provided MatchCollector.

Constructors in com.bbn.openmap.geo with parameters of type MatchCollector
Intersection(MatchFilter filter, MatchCollector collector)
          Create an Intersection class that will use the provided MatchFilter and MatchCollector.

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