
This package provides classes that let you read data from local files, URLs and resources, using the BinaryFile and BinaryBufferedFile.


Interface Summary
Closable Objects that implement this interface can be registered with BinaryFile to have associated file resources closed when file limits are hit.
InputReader The InputReader is an interface that isolates the data file source type from the BinaryFile.

Class Summary
BinaryBufferedFile This class extends the BinaryFile class, doing buffered reads on the underlying input file.
BinaryFile The BinaryFile is the standard object used to access data files.
ByteArrayInputReader An InputReader working on a byte array
CSVFile The CSVFile holds on to the contents of a CSV file.
FileInputReader This class wraps a to allow us to choose the byte-order of the underlying file.
InputStreamSplitter The InputStreamSplitter is a FilterInputStream that reads and returns data from an input stream, while also sending the data to an output stream.
JarInputReader An InputReader to handle entries in a Jar file.
StreamInputReader An Abstract InputReader to handle reading data from streams, where seeking to a place in the file in front of the current pointer involves closing the stream, and re-seeking from the beginning.
URLInputReader An InputReader to handle files at a URL.

Exception Summary
FormatException This class is used for exceptions that result from some format errors of the data when using the BinaryFile.
InvalidCharException An invalid character occurred on in input stream.

Package Description

This package provides classes that let you read data from local files, URLs and resources, using the BinaryFile and BinaryBufferedFile.

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