Uses of Class

Packages that use DTEDFrameColorTable
com.bbn.openmap.layer.dted Provides a layer that displays DTED (Digital Terrain Elevation Data) data. 

Uses of DTEDFrameColorTable in com.bbn.openmap.layer.dted

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.layer.dted declared as DTEDFrameColorTable
protected  DTEDFrameColorTable DTEDCacheHandler.colortable
          The colors used by the frames to create the images.
 DTEDFrameColorTable DTEDSubframedFrame.colorTable
          The colortable used to create the images.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.dted that return DTEDFrameColorTable
 DTEDFrameColorTable DTEDCacheHandler.getColortable()
          Get the colortable being used to color the frames.
 DTEDFrameColorTable DTEDSubframedFrame.getColorTable()

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.dted with parameters of type DTEDFrameColorTable
 OMGraphic DTEDSubframedFrame.getImage(DTEDFrameSubframeInfo dfsi, DTEDFrameColorTable colortable, Projection proj)
          If you just want to get an image for the DTEDFrame, then call this.
 OMGraphic DTEDSubframedFrame.getSubframeImage(DTEDFrameSubframeInfo dfsi, DTEDFrameColorTable colortable, Projection proj)
          Return the subframe image as described in the DTEDFrameSubframeInfo.
 void DTEDCacheHandler.setColortable(DTEDFrameColorTable colorT)
          Set the DTEDFrameColorTable used by the handler.
 void DTEDSubframedFrame.setColorTable(DTEDFrameColorTable c_Table)

Constructors in com.bbn.openmap.layer.dted with parameters of type DTEDFrameColorTable
DTEDFrameColorTable(DTEDFrameColorTable cTable)
DTEDSubframedFrame(java.lang.String filePath, DTEDFrameColorTable cTable, DTEDFrameSubframeInfo info)
          Constructor with colortable and presentation information.
DTEDSubframedFrame(java.lang.String filePath, DTEDFrameColorTable cTable, DTEDFrameSubframeInfo info, boolean readWholeFile)
          Constructor with colortable and presentation information.

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