Uses of Interface

Packages that use LinkGraphicConstants Provide classes to handle the link protocol: a layer that displays link data, classes to assist in writing a link server, and methods that read and write in the link protocol format. 

Uses of LinkGraphicConstants in

Classes in that implement LinkGraphicConstants
 class LinkArc
          Reading and writing a Link protocol version of a circle.
 class LinkBitmap
          Reading and writing the Link protocol version of a bitmap..
 class LinkCircle
          Reading and writing a Link protocol version of a circle.
 class LinkEllipse
          Reading and writing a Link protocol version of a circle.
 class LinkGraphicList
          The LinkGraphicList is an object that describes a list of graphics.
 class LinkGrid
          Reading and writing the Link protocol version of a grid object.
 class LinkLine
          Read and write a Link protocol version of a line.
 class LinkPoint
          Read and write the Link protocol for points.
 class LinkPoly
          Read and write a Link protocol polyline/polygon.
 class LinkProperties
          A LinkProperties object is a set of key-value strings that are going to be sent over the link.
 class LinkRaster
          Read and write a Link protocol versions of a raster.
 class LinkRectangle
          Read and write the Link protocol for rectangles.
 class LinkText

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