Uses of Interface

Packages that use LinkPropertiesConstants Provide classes to handle the link protocol: a layer that displays link data, classes to assist in writing a link server, and methods that read and write in the link protocol format. This package contains a Layer that can use the drawing tool to create certain OMGraphic shapes, which in turn are sent to a LinkServer. A link server that reads ESRI shape file data. 

Uses of LinkPropertiesConstants in

Classes in that implement LinkPropertiesConstants
 class BufferedLinkLayer
          The BufferedLinkLayer is a Swing component, and an OpenMap layer, that communicates with a server via the Link protocol.
 class GraphicUpdate
          A simple object used by the GestureLinkResponse to associate an action with a particular graphic, either with the graphic's ID for MODIFY-type actions, or with the graphic for UPDATE-type actions.
 class LinkActionList
          The LinkActionList carries information about actions that the client should perform in response to a gesture query.
 class LinkActionRequest
          Class used to send a gesture to a server.
 class LinkArc
          Reading and writing a Link protocol version of a circle.
 class LinkBitmap
          Reading and writing the Link protocol version of a bitmap..
 class LinkCircle
          Reading and writing a Link protocol version of a circle.
 class LinkEllipse
          Reading and writing a Link protocol version of a circle.
 class LinkGraphic
 class LinkLayer
          The LinkLayer is a Swing component, and an OpenMap layer, that communicates with a server via the Link protocol.
 class LinkLine
          Read and write a Link protocol version of a line.
 class LinkListener
          The Link Listener is the object listening from input from the link server, asynchronously.
 class LinkOMGraphicList
          This class extends the OMGraphicList by allowing searches on the AppObject contained by the OMGraphics on the list.
 class LinkPoint
          Read and write the Link protocol for points.
 class LinkPoly
          Read and write a Link protocol polyline/polygon.
 class LinkProperties
          A LinkProperties object is a set of key-value strings that are going to be sent over the link.
 class LinkRaster
          Read and write a Link protocol versions of a raster.
 class LinkRectangle
          Read and write the Link protocol for rectangles.
 class LinkServer
          The Link Server is the object communicating with the LinkLayer.
 class LinkText
 class TestLinkServer
          The TestLinkServer is my test implementation of a customized LinkServer.

Uses of LinkPropertiesConstants in

Classes in that implement LinkPropertiesConstants
 class AmpLinkLayer
          The AmpLinkLayer is an extension to the LinkLayer.

Uses of LinkPropertiesConstants in

Classes in that implement LinkPropertiesConstants
 class DrawLinkLayer
          The DrawLinkLayer is an extension to the LinkLayer.

Uses of LinkPropertiesConstants in

Classes in that implement LinkPropertiesConstants
 class ShapeLinkServer
          This LinkServer provides graphics from ShapeFiles.

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