Uses of Class

Packages that use MakeTocException
com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf Provides a layer that displays RPF (Raster Product Format) data. 

Uses of MakeTocException in com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf that throw MakeTocException
protected  boolean MakeToc.addFrameToGroup(MakeToc.Group grp, MakeToc.Frame frm, int index)
          Does the actual checking to see if the frame gets added to the group, by checking the frame's location with the group's current boundaries, and resizing the group boundary if the frame is touching it.
 void MakeToc.create(java.lang.String[] rpfFilePaths, java.lang.String outputFile)
          Create a A.TOC file specificed by the frame file list, at the location specified.
 void MakeToc.create(java.lang.String[] rpfFilePaths, java.lang.String outputFile, boolean dchum)
          Create a A.TOC file specificed by the frame file list, at the location specified.
protected  void MakeToc.groupFrames(java.util.Vector<MakeToc.Frame> frames, java.util.Vector<MakeToc.Group> groups, boolean isDchum)
          Take the Vector of frames, and group them into boundary rectangles, represented by groups.
protected  void MakeToc.writeTOCFile(java.lang.String filename, RpfHeader head, java.util.Vector<MakeToc.Frame> frames, java.util.Vector<MakeToc.Group> groups)
          Create and write out an A.TOC file.

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