Uses of Class

Packages that use RpfAttributes
com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf Provides a layer that displays RPF (Raster Product Format) data. 

Uses of RpfAttributes in com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf declared as RpfAttributes
protected  RpfAttributes RpfFrame.attributes

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf that return RpfAttributes
 RpfAttributes RpfFrame.getAttributes()
          Get the attributes for the RpfFrame.
static RpfAttributes RpfAttributes.getAttributes(BinaryFile binFile)
          Get the attributes from within a RPF Frame file, after the header has been read.
static RpfAttributes RpfAttributes.getAttributes(java.lang.String filename)
          Get the attributes from within a RPF Frame file.
 RpfAttributes RpfFileSections.parseAttributes(BinaryFile binFile)
          Read the location and information about the attribute section.

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