Uses of Class

Packages that use RpfSubframe
com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf Provides a layer that displays RPF (Raster Product Format) data. 

Uses of RpfSubframe in com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf that return RpfSubframe
 RpfSubframe RpfFrame.decompressSubframe(int x, int y, RpfSubframe subframe, RpfColortable colortable, RpfViewAttributes viewAttributes)
          Decompress a subframe into a cache entry OMRaster (RpfSubframe).
protected  RpfSubframe RpfCacheHandler.getCached(int cbx, int cby)
          Get a subframe from the cache if possible, otherwise allocate a new cache entry and decompress it.
protected  RpfSubframe RpfCacheHandler.getCached(int cbx, int cby, int subframeCount)
          Get a subframe from the cache if possible, otherwise allocate a new cache entry and decompress it.
protected  RpfSubframe RpfCacheHandler.getSubframeFromOtherTOC(int x, int y)
          Get a subframe from one of the other RpfCoverageBoxes.
protected  RpfSubframe RpfCacheHandler.getSubframeFromOtherTOC(int x, int y, int subframeCount)
          Get a subframe from one of the other RpfCoverageBoxes.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf with parameters of type RpfSubframe
 RpfSubframe RpfFrame.decompressSubframe(int x, int y, RpfSubframe subframe, RpfColortable colortable, RpfViewAttributes viewAttributes)
          Decompress a subframe into a cache entry OMRaster (RpfSubframe).
protected  boolean RpfCacheHandler.loadSubframe(RpfSubframe subframe, RpfCoverageBox coverageBox, int x, int y)
          Contacts the frame provider to put the subframe image in the RpfSubframe.

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