Uses of Class

Packages that use ESRIBoundingBox
com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape This package provides read and write access to ESRI shape files, including the .shp, .dbf and .shx files. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape Provides an OpenMap layer for dealing with shape files. 

Uses of ESRIBoundingBox in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape that return ESRIBoundingBox
static ESRIBoundingBox ShapeUtils.readBox(byte[] b, int off)
          Reads a bounding box record.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape with parameters of type ESRIBoundingBox
static int ShapeUtils.writeBox(byte[] b, int off, ESRIBoundingBox box)
          Writes the given bounding box to the given buffer at the given location.

Uses of ESRIBoundingBox in com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape declared as ESRIBoundingBox
protected  ESRIBoundingBox NumAndBox.bbox
protected  ESRIBoundingBox SpatialIndex.bounds
          The bounds of all the shapes in the shape file.
 ESRIBoundingBox ESRIPolygonRecord.bounds
          The bounding box.
protected  ESRIBoundingBox ShapeFile.fileBounds
          Holds the bounds of the file (four doubles).

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape that return ESRIBoundingBox
 ESRIBoundingBox ShapeFile.getBoundingBox()
          Returns the bounding box of this shape file.
 ESRIBoundingBox NumAndBox.getBoundingBox()
abstract  ESRIBoundingBox ESRIRecord.getBoundingBox()
          Gets this record's bounding box.
 ESRIBoundingBox ESRIPolygonRecord.getBoundingBox()
          Gets this record's bounding box.
 ESRIBoundingBox ESRIPointRecord.getBoundingBox()
          Gets this record's bounding box.
 ESRIBoundingBox ESRIMultiPointRecord.getBoundingBox()
          Gets this record's bounding box.
 ESRIBoundingBox SpatialIndex.getBounds()
          Get the box boundary containing all the shapes.
 ESRIBoundingBox SpatialIndex.getBounds(GeoCoordTransformation coordTransform)
          Returns the bounds of the shape file.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape with parameters of type ESRIBoundingBox
 void ESRIBoundingBox.addBounds(ESRIBoundingBox bb)
          Increase the extents of this bounding box to enclose the given bounding box.
 void SpatialIndex.Entry.addToBounds(ESRIBoundingBox bounds)
protected  java.util.List<SpatialIndex.Entry> SpatialIndex.readIndexFile(ESRIBoundingBox bounds)
protected  java.util.List<SpatialIndex.Entry> SpatialIndex.readIndexFile(ESRIBoundingBox bounds, GeoCoordTransformation dataTransform)
 void NumAndBox.setBoundingBox(ESRIBoundingBox box)

Constructors in com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape with parameters of type ESRIBoundingBox
NumAndBox(int recordNumber, ESRIBoundingBox box)

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