Uses of Interface

Packages that use OMGraphic
com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape This package provides read and write access to ESRI shape files, including the .shp, .dbf and .shx files. 
com.bbn.openmap.geo Package that contains classes to do calculations in lat/lon space. 
com.bbn.openmap.graphicLoader The GraphicLoader package is designed to provide support for components that need to drive changes in OMGraphics over a map. 
com.bbn.openmap.graphicLoader.netmap The netmap plugin package provides the capability to receive output from a NetMap server. 
com.bbn.openmap.gui This package contains the main OpenMap Swing GUI components. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer Contains OpenMap layers that read and display a variety of data formats, and a few that create their own data for display. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.beanbox Provides a sample openmap application that uses the openmap beanbox. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.daynight Provides an OpenMap layer that displays day/night shading. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.dted Provides a layer that displays DTED (Digital Terrain Elevation Data) data. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.e00 This package contains a Layer that displays e00 data. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.editor This package provides the infrastructure to create layers that provide a Tool interface that controls their content. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.learn Provide classes to handle the link protocol: a layer that displays link data, classes to assist in writing a link server, and methods that read and write in the link protocol format. This package contains a Layer that can use the drawing tool to create certain OMGraphic shapes, which in turn are sent to a LinkServer. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.location Provides a layer that can display location data - data that represents a location with a graphic and a name. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.mif This package contains a Layer that displays MapInfo data (.mif files). 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.plotLayer Provide a demo layer for displaying non-geographic data over a map. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf Provides a layer that displays RPF (Raster Product Format) data. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape Provides an OpenMap layer for dealing with shape files. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.areas Provides an extension to the ShapeLayer that deals with attributes files for shapefiles. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.test Provides a test layer for OpenMap. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf This package contains code for dealing with NIMA data distributed in Vector Product Format. 
com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics Provides geographically based graphics classes. 
com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.event Provides classes for event notification of OMGraphic changes. 
com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.grid Provides a number of generator classes for OMGrid data. 
com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.labeled Provides a simple extension to the OMGraphics, where a text string can be attached to a graphic object. 
com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.util This package contains simple utility classes used specifically for OMGraphics. 
com.bbn.openmap.plugin Provides support for writing OpenMap PlugIns. 
com.bbn.openmap.plugin.esri A PlugIn package that handles ESRI shape files. 
com.bbn.openmap.plugin.graphicLoader The GraphicLoader PlugIn package is designed to provide support for GraphicLoaders, which in turn are objects that need to drive changes in OMGraphics over a map. Provides classes to implement a drawing tool. Provides classes to determine routes given a set of roads and intersections. 

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.dted

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.dted that implement OMGraphic
 class OMDTEDGrid
          The OMDTEDGrid is an extended OMGrid with information about the lat/lons of the corners of the grids, so the generators can use OMScalingRasters for precise alignment.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.dted that return OMGraphic
 OMGraphic DTEDSlopeGenerator.generate(OMGrid grid, Projection proj)
          Called from the OMGrid.generate() method to tell the generator to create something to represent the grid contents.
 OMGraphic DTEDFrameCacheHandler.get(double lat, double lon, int level)
          Return an OMGraphic for the Dted Frame, given A lat, lon and dted level.
 OMGraphic DTEDFrame.getImage(Projection proj)
          If you just want to get an image for the DTEDFrame, then call this.
 OMGraphic DTEDFrameCacheHandler.getNextImage()
          Returns the next OMGraphic image.

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.image

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.image that implement OMGraphic
 class ErrImageTile
          An ErrImageTile is an ImageTile that can't be displayed due to projection incompatibilities or some other problem.
 class ImageTile
          This is an extension to OMRaster that automatically scales itself to match the current projection.

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.mapTile

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.mapTile that return OMGraphic
protected  OMGraphic MapTileMakerComponent.create(EditableOMGraphic omg)
          Launch the drawing tool to create a new EditableOMGraphic, which is undefined at this point.
protected  OMGraphic StandardMapTileFactory.createOMGraphicFromBufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bi, int x, int y, int zoomLevel, Projection proj)
          Creates an OMRaster appropriate for projection and other parameters from a buffered image.
protected  OMGraphic StandardMapTileFactory.getTileMatchingProjectionType(java.awt.image.BufferedImage image, int x, int y, int zoomLevel)
          Create an OMScalingRaster that matches the basic projection of the current map.
protected  OMGraphic StandardMapTileFactory.getTileNotMatchingProjectionType(java.awt.image.BufferedImage image, int x, int y, int zoomLevel)
          Create an OMWarpingImage that knows how to re-project itself for different projections.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.mapTile with parameters of type OMGraphic
 void MapTileMakerComponent.drawingComplete(OMGraphic omg, OMAction action)
          Called by the drawing tool when editing is complete.
 void MapTileMakerComponent.edit(OMGraphic omg, java.awt.event.MouseEvent mevent)
          Called when the OMGraphic should be edited by the drawing tool.
 void ZoomLevelMakerFace.handleBoundary(OMGraphic omg, OMAction action)
          Called from MapTileMakerComponent if this is the active ZLIF when the drawing tool completes, assigning the boundary to this ZLIF (or whatever action is provided).

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape that implement OMGraphic
 class EsriGraphicList
          EsriGraphicList ensures that only supported geometry types are added to its list.
 class EsriIconPoint
          An extension to OMPoint that typecasts a specific Esri graphic type.
 class EsriPoint
          An extension to OMPoint that typecasts a specific Esri graphic type.
 class EsriPointList
          An EsriGraphicList ensures that only EsriPoints are added to its list.
 class EsriPolygon
          An extension to OMPoly for polygons that typecasts a specific Esri graphic type.
 class EsriPolygonList
          An EsriGraphicList ensures that only EsriPolygons are added to its list.
 class EsriPolygonM
          An extension to OMPoly for polygons that typecasts a specific Esri graphic type.
 class EsriPolygonMList
          An EsriGraphicList ensures that only EsriPolygonMs are added to its list.
 class EsriPolygonZ
          An extension to OMPoly for polygons that typecasts a specific Esri graphic type.
 class EsriPolygonZList
          An EsriGraphicList ensures that only EsriPolygons are added to its list.
 class EsriPolyline
          An extension to OMPoly for polylines that typecasts a specific Esri graphic type.
 class EsriPolylineList
          An EsriGraphicList ensures that only EsriPolygons are added to its list.
 class EsriPolylineM
          An extension to OMPoly for polylines that typecasts a specific Esri graphic type.
 class EsriPolylineMList
          An EsriGraphicList ensures that only EsriPolygonMs are added to its list.
 class EsriPolylineZ
          An extension to OMPoly for polylines that typecasts a specific Esri graphic type.
 class EsriPolylineZList
          An EsriGraphicList ensures that only EsriPolygons are added to its list.
 class EsriTextPoint
          An extension to OMPoint that typecasts a specific Esri graphic type.

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape with type parameters of type OMGraphic
protected  java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,OMGraphic> ShapeGeoIndex.omgraphics

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape that return OMGraphic
 OMGraphic ShapeGeoIndex.getForID(java.lang.Object id)
          After you test for intersections with some GeoExtent, you get an iterator of GeoExtents.
protected  OMGraphic EsriGraphicFactory.makeEsriGraphic(BinaryFile shpFile, DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes, java.lang.Object pointRepresentation, EsriGraphicFactory.ReadByteTracker byteTracker)
          Creates a OMGraphic from the shape file data.
protected  OMGraphic EsriGraphicFactory.makeEsriGraphic(LittleEndianInputStream iStream, DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes, java.lang.Object pointRepresentation, EsriGraphicFactory.ReadByteTracker byteTracker)
          Create OMGraphic from next record
 OMGraphic EsriGraphicFactory.makeEsriGraphicFromRecord(int byteOffset, BinaryFile shp, DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes, java.lang.Object pointRepresentation, EsriGraphicFactory.ReadByteTracker byteTracker)
 OMGraphic EsriGraphicFactory.makeEsriGraphicFromRecord(int byteOffset, LittleEndianInputStream iStream, DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes, java.lang.Object pointRepresentation, EsriGraphicFactory.ReadByteTracker byteTracker)

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape with parameters of type OMGraphic
 boolean EsriPolylineList.add(OMGraphic shape)
          Over-ride the add( ) method to trap for inconsistent shape geometry.
 boolean EsriPolygonList.add(OMGraphic shape)
          Over-ride the add( ) method to trap for inconsistent shape geometry.
 boolean EsriPointList.add(OMGraphic shape)
          Over-ride the add( ) method to trap for inconsistent shape geometry.
 boolean EsriGraphicList.add(OMGraphic shape)
          Over-ride the add( ) method to trap for inconsistent shape geometry.
protected  void EsriShapeExport.addGraphic(EsriGraphicList egl, OMGraphic graphic, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> record)
          Add a graphic to the list, and add the record to the list's DbfTableModel if both exist.
protected  void EsriShapeExport.addLine(OMGraphic graphic, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> record)
          Scoping method to call addGraphic with the right list.
 boolean EsriGraphicList.addOMGraphic(OMGraphic g)
          Add an OMGraphic to the GraphicList.
protected  void EsriShapeExport.addPoint(OMGraphic graphic, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> record)
          Scoping method to call addGraphic with the right list.
protected  void EsriShapeExport.addPolygon(OMGraphic graphic, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> record)
          Scoping method to call addGraphic with the right list.
protected  void DrawingAttributesUtility.configureForRecord(OMGraphic graphic, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> record)
 void DbfTableModel.doAction(OMGraphicList list, OMGraphic graphic, OMAction action, DbfTableModelFactory dbfFactory)
 java.util.List DbfHandler.getRecordDataForOMGraphic(OMGraphic omg)
protected  void EsriGraphicFactory.projGraphicAndAdd(OMGraphic eg, OMGraphicList list, Projection mapProj)
protected  void DrawingAttributesUtility.setDrawingAttributes(OMGraphic graphic, int index)
          Sets the drawing attributes on the record index provided.
 boolean EsriPolylineList.typeMatches(OMGraphic omg)
 boolean EsriPolygonList.typeMatches(OMGraphic omg)
 boolean EsriPointList.typeMatches(OMGraphic omg)

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.geo

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.geo that implement OMGraphic
 class OMGeo
          This is a class (or set of classes) that map GeoExtents to OMGraphics.
static class OMGeo.Line
static class OMGeo.Polygon
static class OMGeo.Polyline
static class OMGeo.Pt

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.graphicLoader

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.graphicLoader that implement OMGraphic
 class GLPoint
          A GLPoint is a location on the map.
 class PathGLPoint
          The PathGLPoint is a GLPoint that follows a certain path, as opposed to just wandering around randomly.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.graphicLoader with parameters of type OMGraphic
 void LOSGraphicLoader.drawingComplete(OMGraphic omg, OMAction action)
          The method where a graphic, and an action to take on the graphic, arrives.

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.graphicLoader.netmap

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.graphicLoader.netmap that implement OMGraphic
 class Line
          Object that represents a NetMap link on the map.
 class Node
          Object that represents a NetMap node on the map.

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.gui

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.gui with type parameters of type OMGraphic
protected  java.util.Hashtable<OMGraphic,SelectionEvent> OMGraphicDeleteTool.deleteList

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.gui.time

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.gui.time that implement OMGraphic
static class TimelineLayer.CurrentTimeMarker
 class TimelineLayer.EventMarkerLine
static class TimelineLayer.PlayFilter
static class TimelineLayer.SelectionArea
static class TimelineLayer.SelectionArea.PlayFilterSection
static class TimelineLayer.SelectionArea.PostTime
static class TimelineLayer.SelectionArea.PreTime
static class TimelineLayer.SelectionArea.RatingArea
static class TimelineLayer.TimeHashMarks
static class TimelineLayer.TimeHashMarks.Days
static class TimelineLayer.TimeHashMarks.Hours
static class TimelineLayer.TimeHashMarks.Minutes
static class TimelineLayer.TimeHashMarks.Seconds
static class TimelineLayer.TimeHashMarks.Years
static class TimeSliderLayer.TimeDrape

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.gui.time that return OMGraphic
protected  OMGraphic TimelineLayer.getCurrentTimeMarker(Projection proj)

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.gui.time with parameters of type OMGraphic
 void TimelineLayer.drawingComplete(OMGraphic omg, OMAction action)
 boolean TimelineLayer.isSelectable(OMGraphic omg)

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.layer

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.layer declared as OMGraphic
protected  OMGraphic OverviewMapAreaLayer.poly

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer with parameters of type OMGraphic
 boolean OMGraphicHandlerLayer.doAction(OMGraphic graphic, OMAction action)
          Perform the OMAction on the OMGraphic, within the OMGraphicList contained in the layer.
 void DrawingToolLayer.drawingComplete(OMGraphic omg, OMAction action)
          DrawingToolRequestor method.
 void DemoLayer.drawingComplete(OMGraphic omg, OMAction action)
          Called when the DrawingTool is complete, providing the layer with the modified OMGraphic.
 void DrawingToolLayer.edit(OMGraphic omg)
 java.lang.String OMGraphicHandlerLayer.getInfoText(OMGraphic omg)
          If applicable, should return a short, informational string about the OMGraphic to be displayed in the InformationDelegator.
 java.lang.String DrawingToolLayer.getInfoText(OMGraphic omg)
          Query for what text should be placed over the information bar when the mouse is over a particular OMGraphic.
 java.lang.String DemoLayer.getInfoText(OMGraphic omg)
          Query for what text should be placed over the information bar when the mouse is over a particular OMGraphic.
 java.util.List<java.awt.Component> OMGraphicHandlerLayer.getItemsForOMGraphicMenu(OMGraphic omg)
          Return a java.util.List containing input for a JMenu with contents applicable to a pop-up menu for a location over an OMGraphic.
 java.util.List<java.awt.Component> DemoLayer.getItemsForOMGraphicMenu(OMGraphic omg)
 java.lang.String OMGraphicHandlerLayer.getToolTipTextFor(OMGraphic omg)
          If applicable, should return a tool tip for the OMGraphic.
 java.lang.String DrawingToolLayer.getToolTipTextFor(OMGraphic omgr)
          Query for what tooltip to display for an OMGraphic when the mouse is over it.
 java.lang.String DemoLayer.getToolTipTextFor(OMGraphic omg)
          Query for what tooltip to display for an OMGraphic when the mouse is over it.
 java.lang.String AOILayer.getToolTipTextFor(OMGraphic omg)
 void OMGraphicHandlerLayer.highlight(OMGraphic omg)
          Fleeting change of appearance for mouse movements over an OMGraphic.
 boolean OMGraphicHandlerLayer.isHighlightable(OMGraphic omg)
          Query asking if OMGraphic is highlight-able, which means that something in the GUI should change when the mouse is moved or dragged over the given OMGraphic.
 boolean DrawingToolLayer.isHighlightable(OMGraphic omg)
          Query that an OMGraphic can be highlighted when the mouse moves over it.
 boolean DemoLayer.isHighlightable(OMGraphic omg)
          Query that an OMGraphic can be highlighted when the mouse moves over it.
 boolean OMGraphicHandlerLayer.isSelectable(OMGraphic omg)
          Query asking if an OMGraphic is select-able, or able to be moved, deleted or otherwise modified.
 boolean DrawingToolLayer.isSelectable(OMGraphic omg)
          Query that an OMGraphic is selectable.
 boolean DemoLayer.isSelectable(OMGraphic omg)
          Query that an OMGraphic is selectable.
 boolean DrawingToolLayer.shouldEdit(OMGraphic omgr)
          A method called from within different MapMouseListener methods to check whether an OMGraphic *should* be edited if the OMDrawingTool is able to edit it.
 void OMGraphicHandlerLayer.unhighlight(OMGraphic omg)
          Notification to set OMGraphic to normal appearance.

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.layer.beanbox

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.layer.beanbox that implement OMGraphic
 class ContainerGraphic
          A custom graphic class for representing objects of type SimpleBeanContaineras a rectangular box.
 class CustomGraphic
          A custom graphic class for representing SimpleBeanObject beans on the map.

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.layer.beanbox declared as OMGraphic
protected  OMGraphic CustomGraphic.graphic

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.beanbox that return OMGraphic
abstract  OMGraphic CustomGraphic.createGraphic(SimpleBeanObject object)
          Override this method to create and return the object's graphic representation.
 OMGraphic ContainerGraphic.createGraphic(SimpleBeanObject object)
          Returns an OMRect object with dimensions equal to the width and height of the SimpleBeanContainer and position equal to the center lat/lon position of the SimpleBeanContainer object.
 OMGraphic SimpleBeanLayer.getGraphic(long id)
 OMGraphic SimpleBeanLayer.getGraphic(java.lang.Long id)
          return the OMGraphic object associated with the SimpleBeanObject with the specified id.

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.layer.daynight

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.daynight that return OMGraphic
protected  OMGraphic DayNightLayer.createImage(Projection projection)
          Create the OMGraphic that acts as an overlay showing the day/night terminator.

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.layer.dted

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.layer.dted that implement OMGraphic
 class DTEDCoverageManager
          A DTEDCoverageManager knows how to look at DTED data and figure out what coverage is available.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.dted that return OMGraphic
 OMGraphic DTEDSubframedFrame.getImage(DTEDFrameSubframeInfo dfsi, DTEDFrameColorTable colortable, Projection proj)
          If you just want to get an image for the DTEDFrame, then call this.
 OMGraphic DTEDSubframedFrame.getImage(Projection proj)
          If you just want to get an image for the DTEDFrame, then call this.
 OMGraphic DTEDFrameSubframe.getImage(Projection proj)
protected abstract  OMGraphic DTEDFrameSubframe.ImageCreator.getImage(Projection proj)
          Get the proper OMGraphic given the projection type.
protected  OMGraphic DTEDFrameSubframe.Pixels.getImage(Projection proj)
protected  OMGraphic DTEDFrameSubframe.BitsAndColors.getImage(Projection proj)
 OMGraphic DTEDFrameSubframe.getImageIfCurrent(Projection proj, DTEDFrameSubframeInfo dfsi)
 OMGraphic DTEDCacheHandler.getNextImage(Projection proj)
          Returns the next OMRaster image.
 OMGraphic DTEDSubframedFrame.getSubframeImage(DTEDFrameSubframeInfo dfsi, DTEDFrameColorTable colortable, Projection proj)
          Return the subframe image as described in the DTEDFrameSubframeInfo.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.dted with parameters of type OMGraphic
 boolean DTEDLayer.isHighlightable(OMGraphic omg)
          Don't need DTEDFrames highlighting themselves.
 boolean DTEDFrameCacheLayer.isHighlightable(OMGraphic omg)
          Don't need DTEDFrames highlighting themselves.

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.layer.e00

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.layer.e00 that implement OMGraphic
 class TX7
          Description of the Class that displays a String along a polygon or a polyline defined by lat lon points.

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.layer.e00 declared as OMGraphic
protected  OMGraphic E00Parser.LabMarker
protected  OMGraphic E00Layer.LabMarker

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.e00 that return OMGraphic
 OMGraphic E00Parser.getLabMarker()
          Gets the LabMarker attribute of the E00Parser object

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.e00 with parameters of type OMGraphic
 java.lang.String E00Layer.getInfoText(OMGraphic omg)
 void E00Parser.setLabMarker(OMGraphic marker)
          Sets the LabMarker attribute of the E00Parser object

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.layer.editor

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.editor with parameters of type OMGraphic
protected  void EditorLayer.creatingOMGraphic(OMGraphic newOMG)
          A hook to get a handle on a new OMGraphic that is being created for editing.
 void EditorTool.drawingComplete(OMGraphic omg, OMAction action)
          Method where the EditorLayer lets the tool know that the editing function has come full circle, so the user interface can be adjusted.
 void EditorLayer.drawingComplete(OMGraphic omg, OMAction action)
          DrawingToolRequestor method.
 void DrawingEditorTool.drawingComplete(OMGraphic omg, OMAction action)
          When a graphic is complete, the drawing tool gets ready to make another.
 void AbstractEditorTool.drawingComplete(OMGraphic omg, OMAction action)
          Method where the EditorLayer lets the tool know that the editing function has come full circle, so the user interface can be adjusted.

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.layer.imageTile

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.imageTile with parameters of type OMGraphic
 java.lang.String MapTileLayer.getToolTipTextFor(OMGraphic omg)

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.layer.learn

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.learn with parameters of type OMGraphic
 java.lang.String InteractionLayer.getInfoText(OMGraphic omg)
          Query for what text should be placed over the information bar when the mouse is over a particular OMGraphic.
 java.util.List<java.awt.Component> InteractionLayer.getItemsForOMGraphicMenu(OMGraphic omg)
          This method is called when a right mouse click is detected over an OMGraphic.
 java.lang.String InteractionLayer.getToolTipTextFor(OMGraphic omg)
          Query for what tooltip to display for an OMGraphic when the mouse is over it.
 boolean InteractionLayer.isHighlightable(OMGraphic omg)
          Query that an OMGraphic can be highlighted when the mouse moves over it.
 boolean InteractionLayer.isSelectable(OMGraphic omg)
          Query that an OMGraphic is selectable.

Uses of OMGraphic in

Classes in that implement OMGraphic
 class LinkOMGraphicList
          This class extends the OMGraphicList by allowing searches on the AppObject contained by the OMGraphics on the list.

Fields in declared as OMGraphic
 OMGraphic GraphicUpdate.graphic
          The graphic, for updates.

Methods in that return OMGraphic
 OMGraphic LinkOMGraphicList.getOMGraphicWithId(java.lang.String gid)
          Get the graphic with the graphic ID.

Methods in with parameters of type OMGraphic
 boolean LinkOMGraphicList.add(OMGraphic g)
          Add an OMGraphic to the GraphicList.
 void LinkLayer.drawingComplete(OMGraphic omg, OMAction action)
protected  boolean LinkLayer.graphicGestureReaction(OMGraphic graphic, int descriptor, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
          Given a graphic and the type of gesture caught, react to it based on the properties object located in the Graphic.
static LinkProperties LinkProperties.loadPropertiesIntoOMGraphic( dis, OMGraphic omg, LinkProperties propertiesBuffer)
          New, static method for more efficient property handling and loading the properties into the OMGraphic.
 void LinkOMGraphicList.setOMGraphicAt(OMGraphic graphic, int index)
          Set the graphic at the specified location.
 void LinkProperties.setProperties(OMGraphic omg)
          Method to call on the LinkProperties object to set the DrawingAttributes properties on an OMGraphic.
 void LinkActionList.updateGraphic(OMGraphic omGraphic, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write an OMGraphic to the response.
static void LinkGraphic.write(OMGraphic omGraphic, Link link)
static void LinkGraphic.write(OMGraphic omGraphic, Link link, LinkProperties props)

Constructors in with parameters of type OMGraphic
GraphicUpdate(int graphicAction, OMGraphic omg)
          Constructor for update-type actions.

Uses of OMGraphic in

Methods in with parameters of type OMGraphic
 void AmpLinkLayer.drawingComplete(OMGraphic omg, OMAction action)

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.layer.location

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.layer.location that implement OMGraphic
 class BasicLocation
          A BasicLocation the standard Location - dot for the marker, text to the right of the dot.
 class ByteRasterLocation
          A Location that takes a byte array and creates a Raster for a Location marker.
 class Link
          A Link is a relationship between Locations, represented as a line between them.
 class Location
          A Location is a place.
 class URLRasterLocation
          A Location that takes an URL for an image and creates a Raster for a Location marker.

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.layer.location declared as OMGraphic
protected  OMGraphic Location.location
          The simple location marker of the object.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.location that return OMGraphic
 OMGraphic Location.getLocationMarker()
          Get the location marker for this location.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.location with parameters of type OMGraphic
 java.util.List<java.awt.Component> LocationLayer.getItemsForOMGraphicMenu(OMGraphic omg)
 java.lang.String LocationLayer.getToolTipTextFor(OMGraphic omg)
 void Location.setLocationMarker(OMGraphic graphic)
          Set the graphic for the location.

Constructors in com.bbn.openmap.layer.location with parameters of type OMGraphic
BasicLocation(double latitude, double longitude, int xOffset, int yOffset, java.lang.String name, OMGraphic locationMarker)
          Create a location at a pixel offset from a latitude/longitude.
BasicLocation(double latitude, double longitude, java.lang.String name, OMGraphic locationMarker)
          Create a location at a latitude/longitude.
BasicLocation(int x, int y, java.lang.String name, OMGraphic locationMarker)
          Create a location at a map location.
Location(double latitude, double longitude, int xOffset, int yOffset, java.lang.String name, OMGraphic locationMarker)
          Create a location at a pixel offset from a latitude/longitude.
Location(double latitude, double longitude, java.lang.String name, OMGraphic locationMarker)
          Create a location at a latitude/longitude.
Location(int x, int y, java.lang.String name, OMGraphic locationMarker)
          Create a location at a map location.

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.layer.mif

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.layer.mif that implement OMGraphic
 class MIFPoint
          Extension of OMPoint to provide basic support to ensure that the screen will not become cluttered This extension of OMPoint defines a property visibleScale.
 class MIFText
          Extension of OMText to provide basic support to ensure that the screen will not become cluttered This extension of OMText defines a property visibleScale.
 class OMSubtraction
          Defines a Region of a MIF file where when one region encloses another the enclosed region is subtracted from the enclosing region in order to create a hole Computationally this can be expensive to do on a complex layout like a streetmap of city

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.layer.mysql

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.mysql that return OMGraphic
protected  OMGraphic MysqlGeometryLayer.createGraphic(MysqlGeometry mg)
          Method chooses what type of geometry to render.
protected  OMGraphic MysqlGeometryLayer.createLine(MysqlLine myLine)
          Method createLine.
protected  OMGraphic MysqlGeometryLayer.createPoint(MysqlPoint myPoint)
          Method createPoint.
protected  OMGraphic MysqlGeometryLayer.createPolygon(MysqlPolygon myPoly)
          Method createPolygon.

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.layer.plotLayer

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.plotLayer that return OMGraphic
 OMGraphic GLOBESite.getGraphic()
 OMGraphic ScatterGraph.selectPoint(int x, int y, float range)

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf that implement OMGraphic
 class RpfCoverage
          This is a tool that provides coverage information on the Rpf data.
static class RpfCoverage.RpfCoverageControl

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf that return OMGraphic
 OMGraphic RpfSubframe.getImage(Projection proj)
protected abstract  OMGraphic RpfSubframe.ImageCreator.getImage(Projection proj)
          Get the proper OMGraphic given the projection type.
protected  OMGraphic RpfSubframe.Pixels.getImage(Projection proj)
protected  OMGraphic RpfSubframe.BitsAndColors.getImage(Projection proj)

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf with parameters of type OMGraphic
 boolean RpfCoverage.RpfCoverageControl.add(OMGraphic omg)
 java.lang.String RpfLayer.getToolTipTextFor(OMGraphic omg)
 void RpfLayer.highlight(OMGraphic omg)
          Overridden to do nothing because we want nothing to happen.
 boolean RpfLayer.isHighlightable(OMGraphic omg)
 void RpfLayer.unhighlight(OMGraphic omg)
          Overridden to do nothing because we want nothing to happen.

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape that return OMGraphic
 OMGraphic SpatialIndex.evaluate(OMGraphic omg, OMGraphicList labels, Projection mapProj)
          Evaluates the OMGraphic against the DbfHandler rules.
 OMGraphic SpatialIndex.getOMGraphicAtOffset(int byteOffset, DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes)
          Skips the BinaryFile for the shp data to the offset and reads the record data there, creating an OMGraphic from that data.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape with parameters of type OMGraphic
 OMGraphic SpatialIndex.evaluate(OMGraphic omg, OMGraphicList labels, Projection mapProj)
          Evaluates the OMGraphic against the DbfHandler rules.
 java.lang.String ShapeLayer.getInfoText(OMGraphic omg)
 java.lang.String ShapeLayer.getToolTipTextFor(OMGraphic omg)
          If applicable, should return a tool tip for the OMGraphic.

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.areas

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.areas with parameters of type OMGraphic
 void PoliticalArea.addGraphic(OMGraphic g)
          Add a new omgraphic to the list of graphics in this area
 boolean AreaShapeLayer.isHighlightable(OMGraphic omg)

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.layer.test

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.test that return OMGraphic
protected  OMGraphic GeoTestLayer.getGeo(double[] polyCoords)
 OMGraphic GeoIntersectionLayer.getPointIntersectionImage(OMGraphic omg)

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.test with parameters of type OMGraphic
 void GeoIntersectionLayer.drawingComplete(OMGraphic omg, OMAction action)
 void GeoCrossDemoLayer.drawingComplete(OMGraphic omg, OMAction action)
 void BoundsTestLayer.drawingComplete(OMGraphic omg, OMAction action)
protected  GeoPath GeoIntersectionLayer.getPathFromOMGraphic(OMGraphic omg)
 OMGraphic GeoIntersectionLayer.getPointIntersectionImage(OMGraphic omg)
 java.lang.String GeoIntersectionLayer.getToolTipTextFor(OMGraphic omg)
 void GeoIntersectionLayer.highlight(OMGraphic omg)
 boolean GeoIntersectionLayer.isHighlightable(OMGraphic omg)
 boolean GeoIntersectionLayer.isSelectable(OMGraphic omg)
 boolean BoundsTestLayer.isSelectable(OMGraphic omg)
 void GeoIntersectionLayer.unhighlight(OMGraphic omg)

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf that implement OMGraphic
 class FeatureCacheGraphicList
          The FeatureCacheGraphicList is an extended OMGraphicList that knows what types of VPF features it holds.
static class FeatureCacheGraphicList.AREA
static class FeatureCacheGraphicList.DEFAULT
static class FeatureCacheGraphicList.EDGE
static class FeatureCacheGraphicList.POINT
static class FeatureCacheGraphicList.TEXT

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf that return OMGraphic
 OMGraphic VPFCachedFeatureGraphicWarehouse.createArea(CoverageTable covtable, AreaTable areatable, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> facevec, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, double dpplat, double dpplon, java.lang.String featureType)
 OMGraphic VPFFeatureWarehouse.createArea(CoverageTable covtable, AreaTable areatable, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> facevec, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, double dpplat, double dpplon, java.lang.String featureType, int primID)
 OMGraphic VPFFeatureGraphicWarehouse.createArea(CoverageTable covtable, AreaTable areatable, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> facevec, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, double dpplat, double dpplon, java.lang.String featureType, int primID)
 OMGraphic VPFAutoFeatureGraphicWarehouse.createArea(CoverageTable covtable, AreaTable areatable, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> facevec, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, double dpplat, double dpplon, java.lang.String featureType, int primID)
          Create an OMPoly for an area described by the facevec.
 OMGraphic VPFCachedFeatureGraphicWarehouse.createEdge(CoverageTable c, EdgeTable edgetable, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> edgevec, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, double dpplat, double dpplon, CoordFloatString coords, java.lang.String featureType)
 OMGraphic VPFFeatureWarehouse.createEdge(CoverageTable c, EdgeTable edgetable, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> edgevec, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, double dpplat, double dpplon, CoordFloatString coords, java.lang.String featureType, int primID)
 OMGraphic VPFFeatureGraphicWarehouse.createEdge(CoverageTable c, EdgeTable edgetable, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> edgevec, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, double dpplat, double dpplon, CoordFloatString coords, java.lang.String featureType, int primID)
 OMGraphic VPFAutoFeatureGraphicWarehouse.createEdge(CoverageTable c, EdgeTable edgetable, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> edgevec, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, double dpplat, double dpplon, CoordFloatString coords, java.lang.String featureType, int primID)
 OMGraphic VPFCachedFeatureGraphicWarehouse.createNode(CoverageTable c, NodeTable t, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> nodeprim, double latitude, double longitude, boolean isEntityNode, java.lang.String featureType)
          Method called by the VPF reader code to construct a node feature.
 OMGraphic VPFFeatureWarehouse.createNode(CoverageTable c, NodeTable t, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> nodeprim, double latitude, double longitude, boolean isEntityNode, java.lang.String featureType, int primID)
          Method called by the VPF reader code to construct a node feature.
 OMGraphic VPFFeatureGraphicWarehouse.createNode(CoverageTable c, NodeTable t, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> nodeprim, double latitude, double longitude, boolean isEntityNode, java.lang.String featureType, int primID)
          Method called by the VPF reader code to construct a node feature.
 OMGraphic VPFAutoFeatureGraphicWarehouse.createNode(CoverageTable c, NodeTable t, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> nodeprim, double latitude, double longitude, boolean isEntityNode, java.lang.String featureType, int primID)
          Method called by the VPF reader code to construct a node feature.
 OMGraphic VPFCachedFeatureGraphicWarehouse.createText(CoverageTable c, TextTable texttable, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> textvec, double latitude, double longitude, java.lang.String text, java.lang.String featureType)
 OMGraphic VPFFeatureWarehouse.createText(CoverageTable c, TextTable texttable, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> textvec, double latitude, double longitude, java.lang.String text, java.lang.String featureType, int primID)
 OMGraphic VPFFeatureGraphicWarehouse.createText(CoverageTable c, TextTable texttable, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> textvec, double latitude, double longitude, java.lang.String text, java.lang.String featureType, int primID)
 OMGraphic VPFAutoFeatureGraphicWarehouse.createText(CoverageTable c, TextTable texttable, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> textvec, double latitude, double longitude, java.lang.String text, java.lang.String featureType, int primID)
 OMGraphic TextTable.drawFeature(VPFFeatureWarehouse warehouse, double dpplat, double dpplon, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> text, java.lang.String featureType, int primID)
          Use the warehouse to create a graphic from a feature in the TextTable.
abstract  OMGraphic PrimitiveTable.drawFeature(VPFFeatureWarehouse warehouse, double dpplat, double dpplon, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> area, java.lang.String featureType, int primID)
          Use the warehouse to create a graphic from a feature in the AreaTable.
 OMGraphic NodeTable.drawFeature(VPFFeatureWarehouse warehouse, double dpplat, double dpplon, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> node, java.lang.String featureType, int primID)
          Use the warehouse to create a graphic from a feature in a NodeTable.
 OMGraphic EdgeTable.drawFeature(VPFFeatureWarehouse warehouse, double dpplat, double dpplon, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> edge, java.lang.String featureType, int primID)
          Use the warehouse to create a graphic from the edge feature, if you already have the line from the edgetable.
 OMGraphic AreaTable.drawFeature(VPFFeatureWarehouse warehouse, double dpplat, double dpplon, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> area, java.lang.String featureType, int primID)
          Use the warehouse to create a graphic from a feature in the AreaTable.
protected  OMGraphic CoverageTable.getOMGraphicForFeature()

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf with parameters of type OMGraphic
protected abstract  void VPFAutoFeatureGraphicWarehouse.FeaturePriorityHolder.add(OMGraphic omg)
 void VPFAutoFeatureGraphicWarehouse.FeaturePriorityHolder.Basic.add(OMGraphic omg)
 void VPFAutoFeatureGraphicWarehouse.FeaturePriorityHolder.Compound.add(OMGraphic omg)
protected  void LayerGraphicWarehouseSupport.addArea(OMGraphic area)
protected  void LayerGraphicWarehouseSupport.addEdge(OMGraphic edge)
protected  void LayerGraphicWarehouseSupport.addPoint(OMGraphic point)
protected  void LayerGraphicWarehouseSupport.addText(OMGraphic text)
protected  void VPFCachedFeatureGraphicWarehouse.addToCachedList(OMGraphic omg, java.lang.String featureType, PrimitiveTable pt, java.lang.String type)
          Calls addToCachedList on the feature cache if it's available.
protected  void VPFFeatureCache.addToCachedList(java.lang.String libraryName, OMGraphic omg, java.lang.String featureType, PrimitiveTable pt, java.lang.String type)
          Adds an OMGraphic to a list, signified by the feature type and the table.
 java.lang.String VPFLayer.getInfoText(OMGraphic omg)
 java.lang.String VPFFeatureLayer.getInfoText(OMGraphic omg)
 java.lang.String VPFLayer.getToolTipTextFor(OMGraphic omg)
 java.lang.String VPFFeatureLayer.getToolTipTextFor(OMGraphic omg)
 void VPFAutoFeatureGraphicWarehouse.handleInformationForOMGraphic(OMGraphic omg, FeatureClassInfo fci, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> fcirow)
          Given an OMGraphic that is going to be added to the map, use the FeatureClassInfo to gather attribute information from the fcirow contents.
 void VPFFeatureLayer.highlight(OMGraphic omg)
          Fleeting change of appearance for mouse movements over an OMGraphic.
 boolean VPFFeatureLayer.isHighlightable(OMGraphic omg)
 boolean VPFFeatureInfoHandler.isHighlightable(OMGraphic omg)
          Check to see if the omg should react to mouse movement events.
 boolean TTFeatureInfoHandler.isHighlightable(OMGraphic omg)
protected  void VPFFeatureGraphicWarehouse.setAttributesForFeature(OMGraphic omg, CoverageTable c, java.lang.String featureType, int id)
 void FeatureDrawingAttributes.setTo(OMGraphic omg, int id)
          Set the attributes chosen in the GUI on the OMGraphic.
 boolean VPFFeatureInfoHandler.shouldPaintHighlight(OMGraphic omg)
          Check to see if the OMGraphic should be specially painted in a mouse over.
 boolean TTFeatureInfoHandler.shouldPaintHighlight(OMGraphic omg)
 void VPFFeatureLayer.unhighlight(OMGraphic omg)
          Notification to set OMGraphic to normal appearance.
 void VPFFeatureInfoHandler.updateInfoForOMGraphic(OMGraphic omg, FeatureClassInfo fci, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> fcirow)
 void TTFeatureInfoHandler.updateInfoForOMGraphic(OMGraphic omg, FeatureClassInfo fci, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> fcirow)

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics that implement OMGraphic
 class GrabPoint
          A GrabPoint is used by editable graphics to show a location that can be adjusted.
 class HorizontalGrabPoint
          A GrabPoint that can only move in the horizontal direction.
 class OffsetGrabPoint
          An OffsetGrabPoint is one that manages other grab points.
 class OMAbstractLine
          The abstract base class of OMPoly and OMLine.
 class OMArc
          Graphic object that represents an arc.
 class OMAreaList
          This class encapsulates a list of OMGeometries that are connected to form one area.
 class OMBitmap
          The OMBitmap lets you create a two color image.
 class OMCircle
          Graphic object that represents a circle or an ellipse.
 class OMDecoratedSpline
          A decorated splined OMPoly.
 class OMDistance
          OMGraphic object that represents a polyline, labeled with distances.
 class OMEllipse
          The OMEllipse is a lat/lon ellipse, made up of a center lat/lon point, and some length described for the x and y axis.
 class OMGeometryList
          This class encapsulates a List of OMGeometries.
 class OMGraphicAdapter
          Used to be the base class of OpenMap graphics, but now inherits from BasicGeometry, which now contains all the information about the geometry of the OMGraphic.
 class OMGraphicHash
          This is an OMGraphicsList sub-class with a Map interface.
 class OMGraphicList
          This class encapsulates a List of OMGraphics.
 class OMGrid
          An OMGrid object is a two-dimensional container object for data.
 class OMLine
          Graphic object that represents a simple line.
 class OMList<T extends OMGeometry>
          This class encapsulates a List of OMGraphics.
 class OMPoint
          A OMPoint is used to mark a specific point.
static class OMPoint.Image
 class OMPoly
          Graphic object that represents a polygon or polyline (multi-line-segment-object).
 class OMRangeRings
          An object that manages a series of range circles.
 class OMRaster
          The OMRaster object lets you create multi-colored images.
 class OMRasterObject
          The OMRasterObject is the parent class for OMRaster and OMBitmap objects.
 class OMRect
          Graphic type that lets you draw four-sided polygons that have corners that share coordinates or window points.
 class OMScalingIcon
          This is an extension to OMScalingRaster that scales an icon.
 class OMScalingRaster
          This is an extension to OMRaster that automatically scales itelf to match the current projection.
 class OMShape
          The OMShape object is an OMGraphic intended to be used with non-GeoProj projections, defining projected map object to be modified for different views.
static class OMShape.PROJECTED
          This is a subclass that uses the provided shape as the generated shape.
 class OMSpline
          A splined OMPoly.
 class OMText
          The OMText graphic type lets you put text on the screen.
 class OMTextLabeler
          A default implementation of OMLabeler that extends from OMText.
 class OMWarpingImage
          An OMGraphic that wraps an ImageWarp object to display the resulting OMRaster, in any projection.
 class SinkGraphic
          This graphic is a Sink.
 class VerticalGrabPoint
          A GrabPoint that can only move in the vertical direction.

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics declared as OMGraphic
protected  OMGraphic EditableOMGraphic.OMGraphicUndoEvent.stateHolder

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics that return OMGraphic
 OMGraphic EditableOMSpline.createGraphic(int renderType, int lineType)
          Extendable method to create specific subclasses of OMPolys.
 OMGraphic EditableOMPoly.createGraphic(int renderType, int lineType)
          Extendable method to create specific subclasses of OMPolys.
 OMGraphic EditableOMDistance.createGraphic(int renderType, int lineType)
          Extendable method to create specific subclasses of OMDistances.
 OMGraphic EditableOMDecoratedSpline.createGraphic(int renderType, int lineType)
          Extendable method to create specific subclasses of OMPolys.
 OMGraphic OMGrid.generateGridObjects(Projection proj)
          Called from generate() if there isn't a OMGridGenerator.
 OMGraphic OMGraphicList.get(int location)
          Get the geometry at the location number on the list.
 OMGraphic OMGraphicHash.get(java.lang.Object obj)
          Returns the value to which this map maps the specified key.
 OMGraphic EditableOMText.getGraphic()
          Get the OMGraphic being created/modified by the EditableOMText.
 OMGraphic EditableOMScalingRaster.getGraphic()
          Get the OMGraphic being created/modified by the EditableOMScalingRaster.
 OMGraphic EditableOMRect.getGraphic()
          Get the OMGraphic being created/modified by the EditableOMRect.
 OMGraphic EditableOMPoly.getGraphic()
          Get the OMGraphic being created/modified by the EditableOMPoly.
 OMGraphic EditableOMPoint.getGraphic()
          Get the OMGraphic being created/modified by the EditableOMPoint.
 OMGraphic EditableOMLine.getGraphic()
          Get the OMGraphic being created/modified by the EditableOMLine.
 OMGraphic EditableOMGraphicList.getGraphic()
          Get the OMGraphic being created/modified by the EditableOMGraphicList.
abstract  OMGraphic EditableOMGraphic.getGraphic()
          Get the OMGraphic that is being created/modified by the EditableOMGraphic.
 OMGraphic EditableOMCircle.getGraphic()
          Get the OMGraphic being created/modified by the EditableOMCircle.
 OMGraphic OMGraphicList.getOMGraphicAt(int index)
 OMGraphic EditableOMGraphic.OMGraphicUndoEvent.getStateHolder()
protected  OMGraphic OMList.objectToOMGraphic(java.lang.Object obj)
          Convenience method to cast an object to an OMGraphic if it is one.
protected  OMGraphic OMGraphicList.objectToOMGraphic(java.lang.Object obj)
          Convenience method to cast an object to an OMGraphic if it is one.
 OMGraphic OMGraphicList.remove(int location)
          Remove the geometry at the location number.
 OMGraphic OMGraphicHash.remove(int location)
          Remove the graphic at the location number.
 OMGraphic OMGraphicList.set(int index, OMGraphic element)

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics that return types with arguments of type OMGraphic
 OMList<OMGraphic> OMGraphicList.create()
protected  OMList.OMDist<OMGraphic> OMGraphicList.createDist()
 java.util.Set<java.util.Map.Entry<java.lang.Object,OMGraphic>> OMGraphicHash.entrySet()
          Returns a set view of the mappings contained in this map.
 java.util.List<OMGraphic> OMGraphicList.getTargets()
          Get a reference to the graphics vector.
 java.util.Iterator<OMGraphic> OMGraphicList.iteratorCopy()
          Returns a iterator of a shallow copy of the current list, to avoid concurrent modification exceptions if the list is being generated or rendered while the list is being reviewed for other reasons.
 java.util.ListIterator<OMGraphic> OMGraphicList.listIteratorCopy()
          Returns a iterator of a shallow copy of the current list, to avoid concurrent modification exceptions if the list is being generated or rendered while the list is being reviewed for other reasons.
 java.util.ListIterator<OMGraphic> OMGraphicList.listIteratorCopy(int size)
          Returns a iterator of a shallow copy of the current list, to avoid concurrent modification exceptions if the list is being generated or rendered while the list is being reviewed for other reasons.
 java.util.Collection<OMGraphic> OMGraphicHash.values()
          Returns a collection view of the values contained in this map.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics with parameters of type OMGraphic
 void OMGraphicList.add(int index, OMGraphic element)
 boolean OMGraphicList.add(OMGraphic g)
          Add an OMGraphic to the list.
 boolean OMGraphicHash.add(OMGraphic g)
          Add an OMGraphic to the list.
 EditableOMGraphic EditableOMGraphicList.add(OMGraphic omg, OMDrawingTool drawingTool)
          Create an EditableOMGraphic and add it to the list.
 boolean OMGeometryList.addOMGraphic(OMGraphic omg)
          For backward compatibility.
 boolean OMList.contains(OMGraphic g)
          Checks if an OMGraphic is on this list.
 boolean OMGraphicHash.containsValue(OMGraphic obj)
          Returns true if this map maps one or more keys to the specified value.
 boolean OMGraphicHandler.doAction(OMGraphic graphic, OMAction action)
          Allows the OMGraphicHandler to receive graphics or take some action on one.
 boolean FilterSupport.doAction(OMGraphic graphic, OMAction action)
          Allows the OMGraphicHandler to receive graphics or take some action on one.
protected  void FilterSupport.failedFilter(OMGraphic omg)
          Method called when FilterSupport finds an OMGraphic that fails the filter test.
protected  void FilterSupport.passedFilter(OMGraphic omg)
          Method called when FilterSupport finds an OMGraphic that passes the filter test.
 java.lang.Object OMGraphicHash.put(java.lang.Object key, OMGraphic graphic)
          Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map (optional operation).
 boolean OMGraphicHash.remove(OMGraphic graphic)
          Remove the graphic.
 void EditableOMGraphicList.remove(OMGraphic omg)
          Remove an OMGraphic from being moved.
 void OMAbstractLine.restore(OMGraphic source)
 OMGraphic OMGraphicList.set(int index, OMGraphic element)
 void GraphicAttributes.setFrom(OMGraphic graphic)
          Set the GraphicAttributes parameters based on the current settings of an OMGraphic.
 void DrawingAttributes.setFrom(OMGraphic graphic)
          Set the DrawingAttributes parameters based on the current settings of an OMGraphic.
 DrawingAttributes.Builder DrawingAttributes.Builder.setFrom(OMGraphic omg)
 void GraphicAttributes.setFrom(OMGraphic graphic, boolean resetGUI)
          Set the GraphicAttributes parameters based on the current settings of an OMGraphic.
 void DrawingAttributes.setFrom(OMGraphic graphic, boolean resetGUI)
          Set the DrawingAttributes parameters based on the current settings of an OMGraphic, and reset the GUI of the DrawingAttributes object if desired.
 void EditableOMText.setGrabPoints(OMGraphic graphic)
          Set the grab points for the graphic provided, setting them on the extents of the graphic.
 void EditableOMScalingRaster.setGrabPoints(OMGraphic graphic)
          Set the grab points for the graphic provided, setting them on the extents of the graphic.
 void EditableOMRect.setGrabPoints(OMGraphic graphic)
          Set the grab points for the graphic provided, setting them on the extents of the graphic.
 void EditableOMPoly.setGrabPoints(OMGraphic graphic)
          Set the grab points for the graphic provided, setting them on the extents of the graphic.
 void EditableOMPoint.setGrabPoints(OMGraphic graphic)
          Set the grab points for the graphic provided, setting them on the extents of the graphic.
 void EditableOMLine.setGrabPoints(OMGraphic graphic)
          Set the grab points for the graphic provided, setting them on the extents of the graphic.
 void EditableOMCircle.setGrabPoints(OMGraphic graphic)
          Set the grab points for the graphic provided, setting them on the extents of the graphic.
 void EditableOMText.setGraphic(OMGraphic graphic)
          Set the graphic within the state machine.
 void EditableOMScalingRaster.setGraphic(OMGraphic graphic)
          Set the graphic within the state machine.
 void EditableOMRect.setGraphic(OMGraphic graphic)
          Set the graphic within the state machine.
 void EditableOMPoly.setGraphic(OMGraphic graphic)
          Set the graphic within the state machine.
 void EditableOMPoint.setGraphic(OMGraphic graphic)
          Set the graphic within the state machine.
 void EditableOMLine.setGraphic(OMGraphic graphic)
          Set the graphic within the state machine.
 void EditableOMGraphicList.setGraphic(OMGraphic graphic)
          Set the graphic within the state machine.
abstract  void EditableOMGraphic.setGraphic(OMGraphic graphic)
          Set the OMGraphic that is being modified by the EditableOMGraphic.
 void EditableOMCircle.setGraphic(OMGraphic graphic)
          Set the graphic within the state machine.
 void OMGraphicList.setOMGraphicAt(OMGraphic graphic, int index)
          Set the graphic at the specified location.
 void DrawingAttributes.setOMGraphicAttributesForScale(OMGraphic graphic, float scale)
          Set all the attributes for the graphic that are contained within this DrawingAttributes class.
 void DrawingAttributes.setOMGraphicEdgeAttributes(OMGraphic graphic)
          Set the graphic attributes that only pertain to boundaries.
 void DrawingAttributes.setOMGraphicEdgeAttributesForScale(OMGraphic graphic, float scale)
          Set the graphic attributes that only pertain to boundaries.
 void EditableOMGraphic.OMGraphicUndoEvent.setStateHolder(OMGraphic stateHolder)
 void GraphicAttributes.setTo(OMGraphic graphic)
          Set all the attributes for the graphic that are contained within this GraphicAttributes class.
 void DrawingAttributes.setTo(OMGraphic graphic)
          Set all the attributes for the graphic that are contained within this DrawingAttributes class.
 void GraphicAttributes.setTo(OMGraphic graphic, boolean resetGUI)
          Set all the attributes for the graphic that are contained within this GraphicAttributes class.
 void DrawingAttributes.setTo(OMGraphic graphic, boolean resetGUI)
          Set all the attributes for the graphic that are contained within this DrawingAttributes class.
static void DrawingAttributes.sTransfer(OMGraphic from, OMGraphic to)
          Simple push of OMGraphic attributes from one to another.
 void DrawingAttributes.transfer(OMGraphic from, OMGraphic to)
          Simple push of OMGraphic attributes from one to another.

Method parameters in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics with type arguments of type OMGraphic
 boolean OMGraphicList.addAll(java.util.Collection<? extends OMGraphic> c)
 boolean OMGraphicList.addAll(int index, java.util.Collection<? extends OMGraphic> c)
 void OMGraphicHash.putAll(java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,OMGraphic> map)
          Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this map (optional operation).
 void OMGraphicList.setTargets(java.util.List<OMGraphic> list)
          Set the List used to hold the OMGraphics.

Constructor parameters in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics with type arguments of type OMGraphic
OMGraphicList(java.util.Collection<OMGraphic> c)
          Construct an OMGraphicList to include a Collection of OMGraphics.

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.event

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.event declared as OMGraphic
protected  OMGraphic SelectionEvent.graphic

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.event that return OMGraphic
 OMGraphic StandardMapMouseInterpreter.GeometryOfInterest.getGeometry()
          Return the OMGraphic of interest.
 OMGraphic StandardMapMouseInterpreter.getGeometryUnder(java.awt.event.MouseEvent me)
          Return the OMGraphic object that is under a mouse event occurrence on the map, null if nothing applies.
 OMGraphic SelectionEvent.getOMGraphic()

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.event with parameters of type OMGraphic
 boolean StandardMapMouseInterpreter.GeometryOfInterest.appliesTo(OMGraphic geom)
          A check to see if an OMGraphic is the same as the one of interest.
 boolean StandardMapMouseInterpreter.GeometryOfInterest.appliesTo(OMGraphic geom, java.awt.event.MouseEvent me)
          A check to see if a mouse event that is occurring over an OMGraphic is infact occurring over the one of interest, and with the same mouse button.
 void StandardMapMouseInterpreter.deselect(OMGraphic omg)
          Notify the GRP that the OMGraphic has been deselected.
 void SelectionSupport.fireSelection(OMGraphic omg, DrawingToolRequestor dtr, boolean isSelected)
          Send a selection event to all registered listeners.
 java.lang.String TestResponsePolicy.getInfoText(OMGraphic omg)
 java.lang.String GestureResponsePolicy.getInfoText(OMGraphic omg)
          A request for a string to be provided to use in the information line of the InformationDelegator, for instance.
 java.util.List<java.awt.Component> TestResponsePolicy.getItemsForOMGraphicMenu(OMGraphic omg)
 java.util.List<java.awt.Component> GestureResponsePolicy.getItemsForOMGraphicMenu(OMGraphic omg)
          Return a java.util.List containing input for a JMenu with contents applicable to a popup menu for a location over an OMGraphic.
 java.lang.String TestResponsePolicy.getToolTipTextFor(OMGraphic omg)
 java.lang.String GestureResponsePolicy.getToolTipTextFor(OMGraphic omg)
          A request for a string to be provided to use as a tool tip for an OMGraphic.
 void TestResponsePolicy.highlight(OMGraphic omg)
          Fleeting change of appearance.
 void GestureResponsePolicy.highlight(OMGraphic omg)
          A notification that the OMGraphic should be highlighted in some way if the layer wants, to give the impression that something would happen to the OMGraphic if it were clicked upon or that a tooltip or information line information applies to this specific OMGraphic.
 boolean TestResponsePolicy.isHighlightable(OMGraphic omg)
 boolean GestureResponsePolicy.isHighlightable(OMGraphic omgr)
          A query from the MapMouseInterpreter wondering if it should ask any questions about the given OMGraphic concerning mouse movement and mouse dragged gestures.
 boolean TestResponsePolicy.isSelectable(OMGraphic omg)
 boolean GestureResponsePolicy.isSelectable(OMGraphic omgr)
          A query from the MapMouseInterpreter wondering if the OMGraphic is selectable.
 boolean StandardMapMouseInterpreter.leftClick(OMGraphic omg, java.awt.event.MouseEvent me)
          Handle a left-click on an OMGraphic.
 boolean MapMouseInterpreter.leftClick(OMGraphic omg, java.awt.event.MouseEvent me)
          Notification that a particular OMGraphic was left-clicked upon.
 boolean DBLClickSelectMapMouseInterpreter.leftClick(OMGraphic omg, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
          Handle a left-click on an OMGraphic.
 boolean StandardMapMouseInterpreter.leftClickOff(OMGraphic omg, java.awt.event.MouseEvent me)
          Notification that the user clicked on something else other than the provided OMGraphic that was previously left-clicked on.
 boolean MapMouseInterpreter.leftClickOff(OMGraphic omg, java.awt.event.MouseEvent me)
          Notification that a particular OMGraphic, previously left-clicked upon, has been un-clicked.
 boolean StandardMapMouseInterpreter.mouseNotOver(OMGraphic omg)
          Notification that the mouse has moved off of an OMGraphic.
 boolean MapMouseInterpreter.mouseNotOver(OMGraphic omg)
          Notification that the mouse has moved off of an OMGraphic it was previously over.
 boolean StandardMapMouseInterpreter.mouseOver(OMGraphic omg, java.awt.event.MouseEvent me)
          Notification that the mouse is over an OMGraphic.
 boolean MapMouseInterpreter.mouseOver(OMGraphic omg, java.awt.event.MouseEvent me)
          Notification that the mouse is over a particluar OMGraphic.
 boolean StandardMapMouseInterpreter.rightClick(OMGraphic omg, java.awt.event.MouseEvent me)
          Notification that an OMGraphic was right-clicked on.
 boolean MapMouseInterpreter.rightClick(OMGraphic omg, java.awt.event.MouseEvent me)
          Notification that a particular OMGraphic was right-clicked upon.
 boolean StandardMapMouseInterpreter.rightClickOff(OMGraphic omg, java.awt.event.MouseEvent me)
          Notification that the user clicked on something else other than the provided OMGraphic that was previously right-clicked on.
 boolean MapMouseInterpreter.rightClickOff(OMGraphic omg, java.awt.event.MouseEvent me)
          Notification that a particular OMGraphic, previously right-clicked upon, has been un-clicked.
 void omg)
          Notify the GRP that the OMGraphic has been selected.
 void TestResponsePolicy.unhighlight(OMGraphic omg)
 void GestureResponsePolicy.unhighlight(OMGraphic omg)
          A notification that the OMGraphic is no longer needed to be highlighted and that its appearance can go back to normal.

Constructors in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.event with parameters of type OMGraphic
SelectionEvent(java.lang.Object source, OMGraphic omg, DrawingToolRequestor dtr, boolean selectionStatus)
StandardMapMouseInterpreter.GeometryOfInterest(OMGraphic geom, java.awt.event.MouseEvent me)
          Create a Geometry of Interest with the OMGraphic and the first mouse event.

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.grid

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.grid that return OMGraphic
 OMGraphic OMGridObjects.generate(int id, Projection proj)
 OMGraphic SlopeGenerator.generate(OMGrid grid, Projection proj)
          Called from the OMGrid.generate() method to tell the generator to create something to represent the grid contents.
 OMGraphic SinkGenerator.generate(OMGrid grid, Projection proj)
 OMGraphic SimpleColorGenerator.generate(OMGrid grid, Projection proj)
          Going to return an OMRaster, sized to the current projection, and colored according to the colortable.
 OMGraphic OMGridGenerator.generate(OMGrid grid, Projection proj)

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.labeled

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.labeled that implement OMGraphic
 class LabeledOMPoly
          This is an OMPoly that has been extended to manage a text label.
 class LabeledOMSpline
          LabeledOMSpline Copied from LabeledOMPoly, because both OMSpline and LabeledOMPoly inherits from OMPoly

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.labeled that return OMGraphic
 OMGraphic EditableLabeledOMSpline.createGraphic(int renderType, int lineType)
          Extendable method to create specific subclasses of OMSplines.
 OMGraphic EditableLabeledOMPoly.createGraphic(int renderType, int lineType)
          Extendable method to create specific subclasses of OMPolys.

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.meteo

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.meteo that implement OMGraphic
 class OMColdSurfaceFront
 class OMHotSurfaceFront
          OMHotSurfaceFront Just need to init the decorations.
 class OMOcclusion
          OMOcclusion Just need to init the decorations.

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.rule

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.rule that return OMGraphic
 OMGraphic IndexRule.evaluate(java.util.List<?> record, OMGraphic omg, Projection proj)
          Evaluate the record against this rule.
 OMGraphic RuleHandler.evaluate(OMGraphic omg, OMGraphicList labelList, Projection proj)
          This is the main call that a layer would use to modify/update an OMGraphic based on dbf file contents.
 OMGraphic Rule.evaluate(T record, OMGraphic omg, Projection proj)
          Evaluate the record against this rule.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.rule with parameters of type OMGraphic
 OMGraphic IndexRule.evaluate(java.util.List<?> record, OMGraphic omg, Projection proj)
          Evaluate the record against this rule.
 OMGraphic RuleHandler.evaluate(OMGraphic omg, OMGraphicList labelList, Projection proj)
          This is the main call that a layer would use to modify/update an OMGraphic based on dbf file contents.
 OMGraphic Rule.evaluate(T record, OMGraphic omg, Projection proj)
          Evaluate the record against this rule.
abstract  T RuleHandler.getRecordDataForOMGraphic(OMGraphic omg)
          Return a record Map for a particular OMGraphic, like a properties table.

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.time

Subinterfaces of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.time
 interface TemporalOMGraphic
          A TemporalOMGraphic object represents an OMGraphic that changes over time.

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.time that implement OMGraphic
 class TemporalOMGraphicList
          A TemporalOMGeometryList object contains OMGeometries that change over time.
 class TemporalOMPoint
          A ScenarioPoint is a ScenarioGraphic representing an object on the map.
 class TemporalOMScalingIcon

Constructor parameters in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.time with type arguments of type OMGraphic
TemporalOMGraphicList(java.util.List<OMGraphic> list)
          Construct an TemporalOMGraphicList around a List of OMGraphics.

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.util

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.util that return OMGraphic
 OMGraphic RibbonMaker.getArc(Geo gc, OMPoly poly1, OMPoly poly2)
          Given two polylines, with the end point of poly1 being the same distance from a point as the starting point of poly2, create an arc that connects them.
protected  OMGraphic RibbonMaker.getPushbackPoly(OMPoly omp, double dist)
          Takes a poly that's going to be added to the buffer and removes any points that may be too close to the original poly.

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.plugin

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.plugin with parameters of type OMGraphic
 boolean OMGraphicHandlerPlugIn.doAction(OMGraphic graphic, OMAction action)

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.plugin.esri

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.plugin.esri with parameters of type OMGraphic
 void EsriPlugIn.addRecord(OMGraphic graphic, java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Object> record)
          Handles adding records to the geometry list and the DbfTableModel.
 void EsriLayer.addRecord(OMGraphic graphic, java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Object> record)
          Handles adding records to the geometry list and the DbfTableModel
 void EsriPlugIn.selectEntry(OMGraphic graphic)
          Given a graphic, highlight its entry in the table.
 void EsriPlugIn.selectGraphic(OMGraphic graphic)
          Mark the graphic as selected, and generate if necessary.
 void EsriPlugIn.setDrawingAttributes(OMGraphic omg)
          Sets the drawing attributes to those of a particular OMGraphic.

Uses of OMGraphic in com.bbn.openmap.plugin.graphicLoader

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.plugin.graphicLoader with parameters of type OMGraphic
 boolean GraphicLoaderPlugIn.doAction(OMGraphic graphic, OMAction action)
          OMGraphicHandler method.

Uses of OMGraphic in

Methods in that return OMGraphic
 OMGraphic OMDrawingTool.create(java.lang.String classname, DrawingToolRequestor requestor)
          Create a new OMGraphic, encased in a new EditableOMGraphic that can modify it.
 OMGraphic DrawingTool.create(java.lang.String classname, DrawingToolRequestor requestor)
          Given a classname, provide an OMGraphic for that classname.
 OMGraphic OMDrawingTool.create(java.lang.String classname, GraphicAttributes ga, DrawingToolRequestor requestor)
          Create a new OMGraphic, encased in a new EditableOMGraphic that can modify it.
 OMGraphic DrawingTool.create(java.lang.String classname, GraphicAttributes ga, DrawingToolRequestor requestor)
          Given a classname, provide an OMGraphic for that classname.
 OMGraphic OMDrawingTool.create(java.lang.String classname, GraphicAttributes ga, DrawingToolRequestor requestor, boolean showGUI)
          Create a new OMGraphic, encased in a new EditableOMGraphic that can modify it.
 OMGraphic DrawingTool.create(java.lang.String classname, GraphicAttributes ga, DrawingToolRequestor requestor, boolean showGUI)
          Same as create(String, GraphicAttributes, DrawingToolRequestor), except that you have to option of suppressing the GUI that could be available from the EditableOMGraphic.
 OMGraphic OMDrawingTool.edit(EditableOMGraphic eomg, DrawingToolRequestor requestor)
          Given an EditableOMGraphic, use it to make modifications, and then call requestor.drawingComplete().
 OMGraphic DrawingTool.edit(EditableOMGraphic eomg, DrawingToolRequestor requestor)
          Given an EditableOMGraphic, direct events to the EditableOMGraphic so that it can modify its OMGraphic.
 OMGraphic OMDrawingTool.edit(EditableOMGraphic eomg, DrawingToolRequestor requestor, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
          A slightly different edit method, where the EditableOMGraphic is put directly into edit mode, and the mouse events immediately start making modifications to the OMGraphic.
 OMGraphic DrawingTool.edit(EditableOMGraphic eomg, DrawingToolRequestor requestor, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
          A slightly different edit method, where the EditableOMGraphic is put directly into edit mode, and the mouse events immediately start making modifications to the OMGraphic.
 OMGraphic OMDrawingTool.edit(OMGraphic g, DrawingToolRequestor requestor)
          Given an OMGraphic, wrap it in the applicable EditableOMGraphic, allow the user to make modifications, and then call requestor.drawingComplete().
 OMGraphic DrawingTool.edit(OMGraphic g, DrawingToolRequestor requestor)
          Given an OMGraphic, set things up so that the OMGraphic will be edited.
 OMGraphic OMDrawingTool.edit(OMGraphic g, DrawingToolRequestor requestor, boolean showGUI)
          Given an OMGraphic, wrap it in the applicable EditableOMGraphic, allow the user to make modifications, and then call requestor.drawingComplete().
 OMGraphic DrawingTool.edit(OMGraphic g, DrawingToolRequestor requestor, boolean showGUI)
          Same as edit(omGraphic, DrawingToolRequestor), except that you have to option of suppressing the GUI that could be available from the EditableOMGraphic.
 OMGraphic OMDrawingTool.edit(OMGraphic g, DrawingToolRequestor requestor, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
          A slightly different edit method, where the EditableOMGraphic is put directly into edit mode, and the mouse events immediately start making modifications to the OMGraphic.
 OMGraphic DrawingTool.edit(OMGraphic g, DrawingToolRequestor requestor, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
          A slightly different edit method, where the EditableOMGraphic is put directly into edit mode, and the mouse events immediately start making modifications to the OMGraphic.

Methods in with parameters of type OMGraphic
 void DrawingToolRequestorList.add(OMGraphic omg, DrawingToolRequestor dtr)
 void OMDrawingTool.deselect(OMGraphic omg)
 void DrawingToolRequestorList.drawingComplete(OMGraphic omg, OMAction action)
          The method where a graphic, and an action to take on the graphic, arrives.
 void DrawingToolRequestor.drawingComplete(OMGraphic omg, OMAction action)
          The method where a graphic, and an action to take on the graphic, arrives.
 OMGraphic OMDrawingTool.edit(OMGraphic g, DrawingToolRequestor requestor)
          Given an OMGraphic, wrap it in the applicable EditableOMGraphic, allow the user to make modifications, and then call requestor.drawingComplete().
 OMGraphic DrawingTool.edit(OMGraphic g, DrawingToolRequestor requestor)
          Given an OMGraphic, set things up so that the OMGraphic will be edited.
 OMGraphic OMDrawingTool.edit(OMGraphic g, DrawingToolRequestor requestor, boolean showGUI)
          Given an OMGraphic, wrap it in the applicable EditableOMGraphic, allow the user to make modifications, and then call requestor.drawingComplete().
 OMGraphic DrawingTool.edit(OMGraphic g, DrawingToolRequestor requestor, boolean showGUI)
          Same as edit(omGraphic, DrawingToolRequestor), except that you have to option of suppressing the GUI that could be available from the EditableOMGraphic.
 OMGraphic OMDrawingTool.edit(OMGraphic g, DrawingToolRequestor requestor, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
          A slightly different edit method, where the EditableOMGraphic is put directly into edit mode, and the mouse events immediately start making modifications to the OMGraphic.
 OMGraphic DrawingTool.edit(OMGraphic g, DrawingToolRequestor requestor, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
          A slightly different edit method, where the EditableOMGraphic is put directly into edit mode, and the mouse events immediately start making modifications to the OMGraphic.
protected  void OMDrawingTool.generateOMGraphic(OMGraphic g)
          If the projection is not null, generate the OMGraphic.
 EditableOMGraphic OMTextLoader.getEditableGraphic(OMGraphic graphic)
          Give an OMGraphic to the EditToolLoader, which will create an EditableOMGraphic for it.
 EditableOMGraphic OMSplineLoader.getEditableGraphic(OMGraphic graphic)
          Give an OMGraphic to the EditToolLoader, which will create an EditableOMGraphic for it.
 EditableOMGraphic OMScalingRasterLoader.getEditableGraphic(OMGraphic graphic)
          Give an OMGraphic to the EditToolLoader, which will create an EditableOMGraphic for it.
 EditableOMGraphic OMRectLoader.getEditableGraphic(OMGraphic graphic)
          Give an OMGraphic to the EditToolLoader, which will create an EditableOMGraphic for it.
 EditableOMGraphic OMPolyLoader.getEditableGraphic(OMGraphic graphic)
          Give an OMGraphic to the EditToolLoader, which will create an EditableOMGraphic for it.
 EditableOMGraphic OMPointLoader.getEditableGraphic(OMGraphic graphic)
          Give an OMGraphic to the EditToolLoader, which will create an EditableOMGraphic for it.
 EditableOMGraphic OMLineLoader.getEditableGraphic(OMGraphic graphic)
          Give an OMGraphic to the EditToolLoader, which will create an EditableOMGraphic for it.
 EditableOMGraphic OMDrawingTool.getEditableGraphic(OMGraphic g)
          Given an OMGraphic, check the EditToolLoaders and wrap it in an EditableOMGraphic.
 EditableOMGraphic OMDistanceLoader.getEditableGraphic(OMGraphic graphic)
          Give an OMGraphic to the EditToolLoader, which will create an EditableOMGraphic for it.
 EditableOMGraphic OMDecoratedSplineLoader.getEditableGraphic(OMGraphic graphic)
          Give an OMGraphic to the EditToolLoader, which will create an EditableOMGraphic for it.
 EditableOMGraphic OMCircleLoader.getEditableGraphic(OMGraphic graphic)
          Give an OMGraphic to the EditToolLoader, which will create an EditableOMGraphic for it.
 EditableOMGraphic EditToolLoader.getEditableGraphic(OMGraphic graphic)
          Give an OMGraphic to the EditToolLoader, which will create an EditableOMGraphic for it.
abstract  EditableOMGraphic AbstractToolLoader.getEditableGraphic(OMGraphic graphic)
          Give an OMGraphic to the EditToolLoader, which will create an EditableOMGraphic for it.
 boolean OMDrawingTool.isEditing(OMGraphic omg)
          Returns true of the OMGraphic is being edited, or is on an EditableOMGraphicList being manipulated.
 void OMDrawingTool.notifyListener(OMGraphic graphic, OMAction action)
          Notify the listener of an action to a graphic.
 void DrawingToolRequestorList.remove(OMGraphic omg)
 boolean omg, DrawingToolRequestor req, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)

Uses of OMGraphic in

Classes in that implement OMGraphic
 class Intersection.Graphic
          Inner class for the visual representation of an Intersection.
protected  class RoadFinder.BlueLine
          a blue line to indicate the found route
protected  class RoadFinder.RedPoint
          a red point for displaying when we can't find a route between two points
protected  class RoadFinder.YellowLine
          a yellow line for display routes between intersections
protected  class RoadFinder.YellowPoint
          a yellow point for displaying intersections
 class RoadLine.Graphic
 class RoadPoint.Graphic
 class Waypoint.Graphic

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