Uses of Class

Packages that use OMPoly
com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape This package provides read and write access to ESRI shape files, including the .shp, .dbf and .shx files. 
com.bbn.openmap.graphicLoader The GraphicLoader package is designed to provide support for components that need to drive changes in OMGraphics over a map. Provide classes to handle the link protocol: a layer that displays link data, classes to assist in writing a link server, and methods that read and write in the link protocol format. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.terrain This package contains the TerrainLayer, which lets you run LOS and path elevation profile queries over the map. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.test Provides a test layer for OpenMap. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf This package contains code for dealing with NIMA data distributed in Vector Product Format. 
com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics Provides geographically based graphics classes. 
com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.labeled Provides a simple extension to the OMGraphics, where a text string can be attached to a graphic object. 
com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.util This package contains simple utility classes used specifically for OMGraphics. 

Uses of OMPoly in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape

Subclasses of OMPoly in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape
 class EsriPolygon
          An extension to OMPoly for polygons that typecasts a specific Esri graphic type.
 class EsriPolygonM
          An extension to OMPoly for polygons that typecasts a specific Esri graphic type.
 class EsriPolygonZ
          An extension to OMPoly for polygons that typecasts a specific Esri graphic type.
 class EsriPolyline
          An extension to OMPoly for polylines that typecasts a specific Esri graphic type.
 class EsriPolylineM
          An extension to OMPoly for polylines that typecasts a specific Esri graphic type.
 class EsriPolylineZ
          An extension to OMPoly for polylines that typecasts a specific Esri graphic type.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape that return OMPoly
static OMPoly EsriPolygonList.convert(OMCircle omCircle, Projection proj)
static OMPoly EsriPolylineList.convert(OMLine omLine)
static OMPoly EsriPolygonList.convert(OMRect omRect)

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape with parameters of type OMPoly
 EsriPolyline EsriPolylineZList.convert(OMPoly ompoly)
static EsriPolyline EsriPolylineZ.convert(OMPoly ompoly)
 EsriPolyline EsriPolylineMList.convert(OMPoly ompoly)
static EsriPolyline EsriPolylineM.convert(OMPoly ompoly)
 EsriPolyline EsriPolylineList.convert(OMPoly ompoly)
static EsriPolyline EsriPolyline.convert(OMPoly ompoly)
 EsriPolygon EsriPolygonZList.convert(OMPoly ompoly)
static EsriPolygon EsriPolygonZ.convert(OMPoly ompoly)
 EsriPolygon EsriPolygonMList.convert(OMPoly ompoly)
static EsriPolygon EsriPolygonM.convert(OMPoly ompoly)
 EsriPolygon EsriPolygonList.convert(OMPoly ompoly)
static EsriPolygon EsriPolygon.convert(OMPoly ompoly)
static boolean EsriShapeExport.isPolygon(OMPoly omPoly)
          Takes an OMPoly as the parameter and checks whether or not it is a polygon or polyline.

Uses of OMPoly in com.bbn.openmap.graphicLoader

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.graphicLoader that return OMPoly
 OMPoly PathGLPoint.getPoly()

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.graphicLoader with parameters of type OMPoly
 void PathGLPoint.setPoly(OMPoly p)

Constructors in com.bbn.openmap.graphicLoader with parameters of type OMPoly
PathGLPoint(OMPoly path, int radius, boolean isOval)

Uses of OMPoly in

Methods in that return OMPoly
static OMPoly dis)
          Read the DataInputStream to create a OMPoly.
static OMPoly dis, LinkProperties propertiesBuffer)
          Read the DataInputStream to create a OMPoly.

Methods in with parameters of type OMPoly
static void LinkPoly.write(OMPoly poly, Link link, LinkProperties props)
          Write a poly to the link.

Uses of OMPoly in com.bbn.openmap.layer.terrain

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.layer.terrain declared as OMPoly
 OMPoly ProfileGenerator.profileLine
          The line drawn on the screen representing the profile line path.

Uses of OMPoly in com.bbn.openmap.layer.test

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.layer.test declared as OMPoly
protected  OMPoly TestLayer.ompoly
 OMPoly GeoIntersectionLayer.OMPolyRegion.poly

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.test with parameters of type OMPoly
protected  void GeoIntersectionLayer.addToRegionIndex(OMPoly p, ExtentIndex regionIndex)
protected  GeoPath GeoIntersectionLayer.getPath(OMPoly omp)

Constructors in com.bbn.openmap.layer.test with parameters of type OMPoly
GeoIntersectionLayer.OMPolyRegion(OMPoly omp)

Uses of OMPoly in com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf that return OMPoly
static OMPoly LayerGraphicWarehouseSupport.createAreaOMPoly(java.util.List<CoordFloatString> ipts, int totalSize, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, double dpplat, double dpplon, boolean doAntarcticaWorkaround)
          create a filled polygon
static OMPoly LayerGraphicWarehouseSupport.createEdgeOMPoly(CoordFloatString coords, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, double dpplat, double dpplon)
          Create an OMPoly corresponding to a VPF edge feature

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf with parameters of type OMPoly
protected  boolean VMAP2Shape.maybeThrowAwayPoly(OMPoly poly)
          return true if we should throw away the poly

Uses of OMPoly in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics

Subclasses of OMPoly in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics
 class OMDecoratedSpline
          A decorated splined OMPoly.
 class OMDistance
          OMGraphic object that represents a polyline, labeled with distances.
 class OMSpline
          A splined OMPoly.

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics declared as OMPoly
protected  OMPoly EditableOMPoly.poly

Constructors in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics with parameters of type OMPoly
EditableOMPoly(OMPoly omp)
          Create the EditableOMPoly with an OMPoly already defined, ready for editing.

Uses of OMPoly in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.labeled

Subclasses of OMPoly in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.labeled
 class LabeledOMPoly
          This is an OMPoly that has been extended to manage a text label.
 class LabeledOMSpline
          LabeledOMSpline Copied from LabeledOMPoly, because both OMSpline and LabeledOMPoly inherits from OMPoly

Uses of OMPoly in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.meteo

Subclasses of OMPoly in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.meteo
 class OMColdSurfaceFront
 class OMHotSurfaceFront
          OMHotSurfaceFront Just need to init the decorations.
 class OMOcclusion
          OMOcclusion Just need to init the decorations.

Uses of OMPoly in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.util

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.util that return OMPoly
protected  OMPoly RibbonMaker.getHalfPoly(RibbonIterator rIterator, int side, boolean first)
          Given a RibbonIterator created from two Geos, create a poly from half of that buffer path.
protected  OMPoly RibbonMaker.getOMPolyFromGeos(java.util.List<Geo> geos)
          Converts Vector of Geos to an OMPoly with linetype great_circle.
protected  OMPoly RibbonMaker.getPoly(RibbonIterator rIterator, int side)
          Given a RibbonIterator created from two Geos, create a poly from that buffer path.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.util with parameters of type OMPoly
protected  void RibbonMaker.addPolyForIntersection(OMPoly poly1, OMPoly poly2, double dist, OMAreaList ret)
          Called to handle BENDS_LEFT, concave corners.
 OMGraphic RibbonMaker.getArc(Geo gc, OMPoly poly1, OMPoly poly2)
          Given two polylines, with the end point of poly1 being the same distance from a point as the starting point of poly2, create an arc that connects them.
protected  Geo RibbonMaker.getPolyIntersection(OMPoly poly1, OMPoly poly2)
          Just return the point where the two polygons cross.
protected  OMGraphic RibbonMaker.getPushbackPoly(OMPoly omp, double dist)
          Takes a poly that's going to be added to the buffer and removes any points that may be too close to the original poly.

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