Class OMGridData

  extended by com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.grid.OMGridData
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
OMGridData.Boolean, OMGridData.Byte, OMGridData.Char, OMGridData.Double, OMGridData.Float, OMGridData.Int, OMGridData.Short

public abstract class OMGridData
extends java.lang.Object
implements GridData

Nested Class Summary
static class OMGridData.Boolean
          Boolean is a GridData object that contains booleans.
static class OMGridData.Byte
          Byte is a GridData object that contains bytes.
static class OMGridData.Char
          Char is a GridData object that contains chars.
static class OMGridData.Double
          Double is a GridData object that contains doubles.
static class OMGridData.Float
          Float is a GridData object that contains floats.
static class OMGridData.Int
          Int is a GridData object that contains ints.
static class OMGridData.Short
          Short is a GridData object that contains shorts.
Field Summary
protected  boolean major
          Keep track of which dimension different parts of the double array represent.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 boolean getMajor()
 void setMajor(boolean value)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.grid.GridData
deepCopy, get, getNumColumns, getNumRows

Field Detail


protected boolean major
Keep track of which dimension different parts of the double array represent. COLUMN_MAJOR is the default, meaning that the first dimension of the array represents the vertical location in the array, and the second is the horizontal location in the array.

Constructor Detail


public OMGridData()
Method Detail


public void setMajor(boolean value)
Specified by:
setMajor in interface GridData


public boolean getMajor()
Specified by:
getMajor in interface GridData

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