Interface LabeledOMGraphic

All Known Implementing Classes:
LabeledOMPoly, LabeledOMSpline

public interface LabeledOMGraphic

The LabeledOMGraphic is a simple extension to the OMGraphic where a text string can be set for the graphic on the map. It provides basic functionality. If you need more control, try the Location object or use a OMText object for your label.

Method Summary
 java.awt.Point getCenter()
          Get the calculated center where the label string is drawn.
 java.awt.Font getFont()
          Get the Font for the label.
 int getIndex()
          Get the index of the OMGraphic where the String will be rendered.
 int getJustify()
          Get the justification setting for the label.
 java.awt.Point getOffset()
          Get the x, y pixel offsets set for the rendering of the point.
 double getRotationAngle()
          Get the current rotation of the text.
 java.lang.String getText()
          Get the String for the label.
 boolean isLocateAtCenter()
          Get whether the LabeledOMGraphic is placing the label String in the center of the OMGraphic.
 void setFont(java.awt.Font f)
          Set the Font for the label.
 void setIndex(int index)
          Set the index of the OMGraphic coordinates where the drawing point of the label should be attached.
 void setJustify(int just)
          Set the justification setting for the label.
 void setLocateAtCenter(boolean set)
          Tell the LabeledOMGraphic to calculate the location of the String that would put it in the middle of the OMGraphic.
 void setOffset(java.awt.Point p)
          Set the x, y pixel offsets where the String should be rendered, from the location determined from the index point, or from the calculated center point.
 void setRotationAngle(double angle)
          Set the angle by which the text is to rotated.
 void setText(java.lang.String label)
          Set the String for the label.

Method Detail


void setText(java.lang.String label)
Set the String for the label.


java.lang.String getText()
Get the String for the label.


void setFont(java.awt.Font f)
Set the Font for the label.


java.awt.Font getFont()
Get the Font for the label.


void setJustify(int just)
Set the justification setting for the label.

See Also:


int getJustify()
Get the justification setting for the label.

See Also:


void setLocateAtCenter(boolean set)
Tell the LabeledOMGraphic to calculate the location of the String that would put it in the middle of the OMGraphic.


boolean isLocateAtCenter()
Get whether the LabeledOMGraphic is placing the label String in the center of the OMGraphic.


java.awt.Point getCenter()
Get the calculated center where the label string is drawn.


void setIndex(int index)
Set the index of the OMGraphic coordinates where the drawing point of the label should be attached. The meaning of the point differs between OMGraphic types.


int getIndex()
Get the index of the OMGraphic where the String will be rendered. The meaning of the index differs from OMGraphic type to OMGraphic type.


void setOffset(java.awt.Point p)
Set the x, y pixel offsets where the String should be rendered, from the location determined from the index point, or from the calculated center point. Point.x is the horizontal offset, Point.y is the vertical offset.


java.awt.Point getOffset()
Get the x, y pixel offsets set for the rendering of the point.


void setRotationAngle(double angle)
Set the angle by which the text is to rotated.

angle - the number of radians the text is to be rotated. Measured clockwise from horizontal. Positive numbers move the positive x axis toward the positive y axis.


double getRotationAngle()
Get the current rotation of the text.

the text rotation.

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