Uses of Interface

Packages that use Projection
com.bbn.openmap The com.bbn.openmap package contains the core OpenMap classes. 
com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape This package provides read and write access to ESRI shape files, including the .shp, .dbf and .shx files. 
com.bbn.openmap.event Provides the various event object and listener interfaces for using the MapBean. 
com.bbn.openmap.geo Package that contains classes to do calculations in lat/lon space. 
com.bbn.openmap.graphicLoader The GraphicLoader package is designed to provide support for components that need to drive changes in OMGraphics over a map. 
com.bbn.openmap.gui This package contains the main OpenMap Swing GUI components. This package contains OpenMap Swing GUI components that can be used in menus. 
com.bbn.openmap.image This package has classes that provide image creation and manipulation capabilities. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer Contains OpenMap layers that read and display a variety of data formats, and a few that create their own data for display. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.beanbox Provides a sample openmap application that uses the openmap beanbox. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.daynight Provides an OpenMap layer that displays day/night shading. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.dted Provides a layer that displays DTED (Digital Terrain Elevation Data) data. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.e00 This package contains a Layer that displays e00 data. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.learn Provide classes to handle the link protocol: a layer that displays link data, classes to assist in writing a link server, and methods that read and write in the link protocol format. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.location Provides a layer that can display location data - data that represents a location with a graphic and a name. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.mif This package contains a Layer that displays MapInfo data (.mif files). 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.policy Contains policy objects that affect the behavior of OMGraphicHandlerLayers. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf Provides a layer that displays RPF (Raster Product Format) data. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape Provides an OpenMap layer for dealing with shape files. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.areas Provides an extension to the ShapeLayer that deals with attributes files for shapefiles. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.terrain This package contains the TerrainLayer, which lets you run LOS and path elevation profile queries over the map. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf This package contains code for dealing with NIMA data distributed in Vector Product Format. 
com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics Provides geographically based graphics classes. 
com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.geom This package contains the basic foundation classes for OMGraphics, classes that describe the geometry of OMGraphics without any reference to rendering attributes. 
com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.grid Provides a number of generator classes for OMGrid data. 
com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.labeled Provides a simple extension to the OMGraphics, where a text string can be attached to a graphic object. 
com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.util This package contains simple utility classes used specifically for OMGraphics. 
com.bbn.openmap.plugin Provides support for writing OpenMap PlugIns. 
com.bbn.openmap.plugin.earthImage This package contains a plugin that can read in an image, assumed to be in the Mercator projection and covering the entire Earth, and warp it to any OpenMap projection. 
com.bbn.openmap.plugin.esri A PlugIn package that handles ESRI shape files. 
com.bbn.openmap.plugin.graphicLoader The GraphicLoader PlugIn package is designed to provide support for GraphicLoaders, which in turn are objects that need to drive changes in OMGraphics over a map. 
com.bbn.openmap.plugin.shis This package contains a plugin that can fetch images from a com.bbn.openmap.image.SimpleHttpImageServer. 
com.bbn.openmap.plugin.wms This package contains a plugin that can contact, retrieve and display the image received from an OpenGIS Web Map Server (WMS). 
com.bbn.openmap.proj Provides projection classes. This package contains classes to support Java Drag and Drop functionality on the map. Provides classes to implement a drawing tool. Provides classes to determine routes given a set of roads and intersections. 

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap

Methods in com.bbn.openmap that return Projection
 Projection MapBean.getProjection()
          Get the projection property, reflects the projection with no rotation.
 Projection MapBean.RotationHelper.getProjection()
 Projection Layer.getProjection()
          Get the latest projection.
 Projection MapBean.getRotatedProjection()
 Projection Layer.setProjection(ProjectionEvent projEvent)
          This method lets you take the ProjectionEvent received from the MapBean, and lets you know if you should do something with it.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap with parameters of type Projection
 boolean Layer.isProjectionOK(Projection proj)
          Method that responds whether the Layer should render on the map, given a particular projection.
 void ProjectionPainter.renderDataForProjection(Projection proj, java.awt.Graphics g)
          Given a projection and Graphics, paint graphic objects inside the Graphics.
 void Layer.renderDataForProjection(Projection proj, java.awt.Graphics g)
          This method is here to provide a default action for Layers as they act as a ProjectionPainter.
protected  java.awt.image.BufferedImage BufferedMapBean.resetDrawingBuffer(java.awt.image.BufferedImage currentImageBuffer, Projection proj)
          Provide a drawing buffer for the layers based on the projection parameters.
 void MapBean.setProjection(Projection aProjection)
          Set the projection.
 void Layer.setProjection(Projection proj)
          Set the projection the layer should use for calculations.
protected  boolean MapBean.RotationHelper.updateForBufferDimensions(Projection proj)
          We're going to try to do buffering with a image that will cover all of the corners when the map is rotated.

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.asrp

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.asrp with parameters of type Projection
 OMGraphicList ASRPDirectory.checkProjAndGetTiledImages(Projection proj)
          Get an OMGraphicList of files that cover the projection.
 OMGraphicList ASRPDirectoryHandler.getCoverageBounds(Projection proj, DrawingAttributes da)
 OMGraphicList ASRPDirectory.getTiledImages(Projection proj)
          Assumes that the projection checks have occurred, have passed, and just fetches the image tiles.
protected  OMGraphicList ASRPDirectory.getTiledImages(java.awt.Rectangle rect, Projection proj)
          Provide an OMGraphicList containing the tile blocks described by the rectangle.
 boolean ASRPDirectory.isOnMap(Projection proj)
          Return true of current bounds covers the projection area.
 boolean ASRPDirectory.validScale(Projection proj)

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.dted

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.dted with parameters of type Projection
 OMGraphic DTEDSlopeGenerator.generate(OMGrid grid, Projection proj)
          Called from the OMGrid.generate() method to tell the generator to create something to represent the grid contents.
 OMGraphic DTEDFrame.getImage(Projection proj)
          If you just want to get an image for the DTEDFrame, then call this.
 OMGraphicList DTEDFrameCacheHandler.getRectangle(Projection proj)
          The call to the cache that lets you choose what kind of information is returned.
 void DTEDFrameCacheHandler.setProjection(Projection proj)
          The method to call to let the cache handler know what the projection looks like so it can figure out which frames (and subframes) will be needed.
 void DTEDFrameCacheHandler.setProjection(Projection proj, double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2)
          The method to call to let the cache handler know what the projection looks like so it can figure out which frames (and subframes) will be needed.

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.image

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.image with parameters of type Projection
 boolean ErrImageTile.generate(Projection proj)
 boolean ImageTile.regenerate(Projection p)
protected  boolean ImageTile.shouldFetchForProjection(Projection proj)
          Checking to see of the image needs to be updated for the projection parameters, namely scale.
protected  boolean ImageTile.updateImageForProjection(Projection proj)
          Called from within generate.

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.mapTile

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.mapTile declared as Projection
protected  Projection StandardMapTileFactory.lastProj
protected  Projection MapTileMakerComponent.proj

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.mapTile with parameters of type Projection
protected  OMGraphic StandardMapTileFactory.createOMGraphicFromBufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bi, int x, int y, int zoomLevel, Projection proj)
          Creates an OMRaster appropriate for projection and other parameters from a buffered image.
protected  boolean ZoomLevelMakerFace.generate(Projection proj)
          Called from the MapTileMakerComponent, so this ZLIF is ready to paint its boundaries if it is activated.
 java.lang.Object StandardMapTileFactory.get(java.lang.Object key, int x, int y, int zoomLevel, Projection proj)
          The main call to retrieve something from the cache, modified to allow load method to do some projection calculations to initialize tile parameters.
 CacheObject StandardMapTileFactory.getEmptyTile(java.lang.Object key, int x, int y, int zoomLevel, Projection proj)
          Call to make when you want the tile factory to create some empty tile representation for the given location.
 java.awt.image.BufferedImage WholeWorldTileHandler.getImageForEmptyTile(java.lang.String imagePath, int x, int y, int zoomLevel, MapTileCoordinateTransform mtcTransform, Projection proj)
 java.awt.image.BufferedImage SimpleEmptyTileHandler.getImageForEmptyTile(java.lang.String imagePath, int x, int y, int zoomLevel, MapTileCoordinateTransform mtcTransform, Projection proj)
 java.awt.image.BufferedImage ShpFileEmptyTileHandler.getImageForEmptyTile(java.lang.String imagePath, int x, int y, int zoomLevel, MapTileCoordinateTransform mtcTransform, Projection proj)
 java.awt.image.BufferedImage MapTileMaker.getImageForEmptyTile(java.lang.String imagePath, int x, int y, int zoomLevel, MapTileCoordinateTransform mtcTransform, Projection proj)
          EmptyTileHandler method, called when a MapTileFactory needs to create and return a missing tile.
 java.awt.image.BufferedImage EmptyTileHandler.getImageForEmptyTile(java.lang.String imagePath, int x, int y, int zoomLevel, MapTileCoordinateTransform mtcTransform, Projection proj)
          The main call from the MapTileFactory to return something for the given missing tile.
 float MapTileCoordinateTransform.getScaleForZoomAndProjection(Projection proj, int zoom)
          Get the scale value for a Projection and discrete zoom level.
 float AbstractMapTileCoordinateTransform.getScaleForZoomAndProjection(Projection proj, int zoom)
          Get the scale value for a Projection and discrete zoom level.
 float[] MapTileCoordinateTransform.getScalesForZoomLevels(Projection proj, int highZoomLevel)
          Creates an array of scale values for different zoom levels.
 float[] AbstractMapTileCoordinateTransform.getScalesForZoomLevels(Projection proj, int highZoomLevel)
          Creates an array of scale values for different zoom levels.
protected  void StandardMapTileFactory.getTiles(int uvleft, int uvright, int uvup, int uvbottom, ZoomLevelInfo zoomLevelInfo, Projection proj, OMGraphicList list)
 OMGraphicList StandardMapTileFactory.getTiles(Projection proj)
          Returns projected tiles for the given projection.
 OMGraphicList MapTileFactory.getTiles(Projection proj)
          Create an OMGraphicList with a set of tiles on it.
 OMGraphicList StandardMapTileFactory.getTiles(Projection proj, int zoomLevel)
          Returns projected tiles for given projection at specified zoom level.
 OMGraphicList MapTileFactory.getTiles(Projection proj, int zoomLevel)
          Create an OMGraphicList that covers the projection with tiles that suit the specified zoom level.
 OMGraphicList StandardMapTileFactory.getTiles(Projection proj, int zoomLevel, OMGraphicList list)
          Returns projected tiles for given projection at specified zoom level.
 OMGraphicList MapTileFactory.getTiles(Projection proj, int zoomLevel, OMGraphicList list)
          Add tiles to OMGraphicList provided that suit the given projection.
 int MapTileCoordinateTransform.getZoomLevelForProj(Projection proj)
          Given a projection, figure out the appropriate zoom level for it.
 int AbstractMapTileCoordinateTransform.getZoomLevelForProj(Projection proj)
          Given a projection, figure out the appropriate zoom level for it.
 int MapTileCoordinateTransform.getZoomLevelForProj(Projection proj, int zoomLevelTileSize)
          Given a projection, figure out the appropriate zoom level for it.
 int AbstractMapTileCoordinateTransform.getZoomLevelForProj(Projection proj, int zoomLevelTileSize)
          Given a projection, figure out the appropriate zoom level for it.
 CacheObject TileMillMapTileFactory.load(java.lang.Object key, int x, int y, int zoomLevel, Projection proj)
          Fetches a new tile from the database.
 CacheObject StandardMapTileFactory.load(java.lang.Object key, int x, int y, int zoomLevel, Projection proj)
          Called to load cache object from data source, when not found in cache.
 CacheObject ServerMapTileFactory.load(java.lang.Object key, int x, int y, int zoomLevel, Projection proj)
          Checks the local directory first for a locally cached version of the tile before going off to the server.
 CacheObject DebugMapTileFactory.load(java.lang.Object key, int x, int y, int zoomLevel, Projection proj)

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape declared as Projection
protected  Projection EsriShapeExport.projection
          The projection needed to convert other OMGraphicTypes to polygons.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape that return Projection
 Projection EsriShapeExport.getProjection()

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape with parameters of type Projection
static OMPoly EsriPolygonList.convert(OMCircle omCircle, Projection proj)
static OMGraphicList EsriPolygonList.convert(OMRangeRings omRR, Projection proj)
 OMGraphicList EsriGraphicFactory.getEsriGraphics(BinaryFile shp, DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes, java.lang.Object pointRepresentation, Projection mapProj, OMGraphicList list)
          Create an OMGraphicList containing OMGraphics representing shape file contents.
 OMGraphicList EsriGraphicFactory.getEsriGraphics(LittleEndianInputStream iStream, DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes, java.lang.Object pointRepresentation, Projection mapProj, OMGraphicList list)
          Create OMGraphics from input stream from shp file.
protected  void EsriGraphicFactory.projGraphicAndAdd(OMGraphic eg, OMGraphicList list, Projection mapProj)
 void EsriShapeExport.setProjection(Projection proj)

Constructors in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape with parameters of type Projection
EsriShapeExport(OMGraphicList list, Projection proj, java.lang.String pathToFile)
          Create an EsriShapeExport object.

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.event

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.event declared as Projection
protected  Projection ProjectionEvent.projection

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.event that return Projection
 Projection ProjectionEvent.getProjection()
          Get the Projection.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.event with parameters of type Projection
 void ProjectionSupport.fireProjectionChanged(Projection proj)
          Send a center event to all registered listeners.
 void OverviewMapStatusListener.setSourceMapProjection(Projection proj)

Constructors in com.bbn.openmap.event with parameters of type Projection
ProjectionEvent(java.lang.Object source, Projection aProj)
          Construct a ProjectionEvent.

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.geo

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.geo with parameters of type Projection
 boolean OMGeo.Pt.generate(Projection proj)
 boolean OMGeo.Line.generate(Projection proj)
 boolean OMGeo.Polyline.generate(Projection proj)

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.graphicLoader

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.graphicLoader declared as Projection
protected  Projection AbstractGraphicLoader.proj

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.graphicLoader that return Projection
 Projection AbstractGraphicLoader.getProjection()

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.graphicLoader with parameters of type Projection
 boolean PathGLPoint.generate(Projection p)
 void GraphicLoader.setProjection(Projection p)
          Let the GraphicLoader know what the projection is.
 void AbstractGraphicLoader.setProjection(Projection p)
          Calls manageGraphics() if projection is different().

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.gui

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.gui declared as Projection
protected  Projection ScaleTextPanel.projection
          The last projection received from the MapBean, so it can be used to compare it to any more that come in.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.gui that return Projection
 Projection MapWindow.getProjection()

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.gui with parameters of type Projection
protected  void EmbeddedNavPanel.changeSliderValue(Projection projection)
static MapBean BasicMapPanel.createMapBean(Projection proj, javax.swing.border.Border border)
          A static method that creates a MapBean and sets its projection and border to the values given.
protected  int EmbeddedScaleDisplayPanel.getPtAtDistanceFromLatLon(LatLonPoint loc2, double unitDist, Projection projection, Length uom)
 void ScaleTextPanel.setProjection(Projection aProjection)
          Called to set the scale setting on the scale text object.
 void MapWindow.setProjection(Projection proj)

Uses of Projection in

Fields in declared as Projection
protected  Projection ProjectionMenu.projection

Methods in with parameters of type Projection
 void ProjectionMenu.fireProjectionChanged(Projection p)
          Fire the changed projection from the support.
protected  void ProjectionMenu.setProjection(Projection aProjection)
          Set the projection.

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.gui.time

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.gui.time with parameters of type Projection
protected  OMGraphicList TimelineLayer.constructTimeLines(Projection projection)
 boolean TimeSliderLayer.TimeDrape.generate(Projection proj)
 boolean TimelineLayer.EventMarkerLine.generate(Projection proj)
 boolean TimelineLayer.SelectionArea.generate(Projection proj)
 boolean TimelineLayer.SelectionArea.PreTime.generate(Projection proj)
 boolean TimelineLayer.SelectionArea.PostTime.generate(Projection proj)
 boolean TimelineLayer.CurrentTimeMarker.generate(Projection proj)
 boolean TimelineLayer.TimeHashMarks.generate(Projection proj, boolean realTimeMode, double timeSpanMinutes, long gameStartTimeMillis)
 OMGraphicList TimeSliderLayer.getControlWidgetList(Projection proj)
          All we want to do here is reset the current position of all of the widgets, and generate them with the projection for the new position.
protected  OMGraphic TimelineLayer.getCurrentTimeMarker(Projection proj)
protected  OMGraphicList TimelineLayer.getEventList(java.util.Iterator<OMEvent> it, Projection projection)
protected  OMGraphicList TimelineLayer.getEventList(Projection projection)
 OMGraphicList TimelineLayer.TimeHashFactory.getHashMarks(Projection proj, boolean realTimeMode, long gameStartTimeMillis)
 TimelineLayer.SelectionArea TimelineLayer.getSelectionRectangle(Projection proj)
protected  void TimelineLayer.SelectionArea.updateY(Projection proj)
protected  void TimelineLayer.SelectionArea.PlayFilterSection.updateY(Projection proj)

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.image

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.image declared as Projection
protected  Projection MapRequestHandler.defaultProjection
          The default projection that provides projection parameters that are missing from the request.
protected  Projection MagicPlanetImageComponent.proj

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.image that return Projection
 Projection MapRequestHandler.getDefaultProjection()
          Get the Projection being used for parameters in case some parameters are missing from request strings.
 Projection MagicPlanetImageComponent.getProj()
          Get the image projection.
protected  Projection MapRequestHandler.initProjection(java.util.Properties props)
          Set up the default projection, which parts are used if any parts of a projection are missing on an image request.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.image with parameters of type Projection
 byte[] ImageServer.createImage(Projection proj)
          Use the ProjectionPainter interface of the layers to create an image.
 byte[] ImageServer.createImage(Projection proj, int scaledWidth, int scaledHeight)
          Use the ProjectionPainter interface of the layers to create an image.
 byte[] ImageServer.createImage(Projection proj, int scaledWidth, int scaledHeight, int includedLayerMask)
          Use the ProjectionPainter interface of the layers to create an image.
 byte[] ImageServer.createImage(Projection proj, int scaledWidth, int scaledHeight, int includedLayerMask, java.awt.Paint background)
          Use the ProjectionPainter interface of the layers to create an image.
 byte[] ImageServer.createImage(Projection proj, int scaledWidth, int scaledHeight, java.util.List<java.lang.String> showLayers)
          Use the ProjectionPainter interface of the layers to create an image.
 byte[] ImageServer.createImage(Projection proj, int scaledWidth, int scaledHeight, java.util.List<java.lang.String> showLayers, java.awt.Paint background)
          Use the ProjectionPainter interface of the layers to create an image.
static java.lang.String ImageServer.createImageFile(java.lang.String prefix, java.util.Properties props, Projection proj, java.lang.String outputPath)
          For convenience, to create an image file based on the contents of a properties file (like an file).
 byte[] ImageServer.createImageFromLayers(Projection proj, int scaledWidth, int scaledHeight, java.util.List<Layer> showLayers)
          Use the ProjectionPainter interface of the layers to create an image.
 byte[] ImageServer.createImageFromLayers(Projection proj, int scaledWidth, int scaledHeight, java.util.List<Layer> layers, java.awt.Paint background)
          Create an image from a set of layers.
static Proj ImageServerUtils.createOMProjection(java.util.Properties props, Projection defaultProj)
          Create an OpenMap projection from the values stored in a Properties object.
 void MapRequestHandler.setDefaultProjection(Projection proj)
          Set the default projection to grab parameters from in case some projection terms are missing from the request string.
 void MagicPlanetImageComponent.setProj(Projection proj)
          Set the image projection.

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.layer

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.layer declared as Projection
protected  Projection OverviewMapAreaLayer.sourceMapProjection

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer that return Projection
 Projection BufferedLayer.BLMapBean.getRotatedProjection()

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer with parameters of type Projection
 void ScaleFilterLayer.renderDataForProjection(Projection proj, java.awt.Graphics g)
          Implementing the ProjectionPainter interface.
 void OMGraphicHandlerLayer.renderDataForProjection(Projection proj, java.awt.Graphics g)
          This method is here to provide a default action for Layers as they act as a ProjectionPainter.
 void GraticuleLayer.renderDataForProjection(Projection proj, java.awt.Graphics g)
          Implementing the ProjectionPainter interface.
 void BufferedLayer.renderDataForProjection(Projection proj, java.awt.Graphics g)
          Part of the ProjectionPainter interface.
 void DrawingToolLayer.saveOMGraphics(Projection proj)
          Get the current OMGraphicList and save it out to the file named in this class.
 void OverviewMapAreaLayer.setSourceMapProjection(Projection proj)
          Set with the projection of the source MapBean, before changing the projection of the overview MapBean.

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.layer.beanbox

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.layer.beanbox declared as Projection
protected  Projection SimpleBeanLayer.projection

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.beanbox that return Projection
 Projection SimpleBeanLayer.getProjection()
          Gets the current projection

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.layer.daynight

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.daynight with parameters of type Projection
protected  OMGraphic DayNightLayer.createImage(Projection projection)
          Create the OMGraphic that acts as an overlay showing the day/night terminator.

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.layer.dted

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.dted with parameters of type Projection
 float[] DTEDCoverageManager.getCoverage(Projection proj)
          Get a percentage value of how much of the map is covered for a projection.
 OMGraphicList DTEDCoverageManager.getCoverageRects(int startx, int starty, int endx, int endy, int lineType, Projection proj)
          Method looks at the coverage arrays, and returns the applicable rectangles representing the frame coverages.
 OMGraphicList DTEDCoverageManager.getCoverageRects(Projection proj)
          Method organizes the query based on the projection, and returns the applicable rectangles representing the frame coverage.
 OMGraphic DTEDSubframedFrame.getImage(DTEDFrameSubframeInfo dfsi, DTEDFrameColorTable colortable, Projection proj)
          If you just want to get an image for the DTEDFrame, then call this.
 OMGraphic DTEDSubframedFrame.getImage(Projection proj)
          If you just want to get an image for the DTEDFrame, then call this.
 OMGraphic DTEDFrameSubframe.getImage(Projection proj)
protected abstract  OMGraphic DTEDFrameSubframe.ImageCreator.getImage(Projection proj)
          Get the proper OMGraphic given the projection type.
protected  OMGraphic DTEDFrameSubframe.Pixels.getImage(Projection proj)
protected  OMGraphic DTEDFrameSubframe.BitsAndColors.getImage(Projection proj)
 OMGraphic DTEDFrameSubframe.getImageIfCurrent(Projection proj, DTEDFrameSubframeInfo dfsi)
 OMGraphic DTEDCacheHandler.getNextImage(Projection proj)
          Returns the next OMRaster image.
 OMGraphicList DTEDCacheManager.getRectangle(Projection proj)
          The call to the cache that lets you choose what kind of information is returned.
 OMGraphic DTEDSubframedFrame.getSubframeImage(DTEDFrameSubframeInfo dfsi, DTEDFrameColorTable colortable, Projection proj)
          Return the subframe image as described in the DTEDFrameSubframeInfo.
 void DTEDCacheHandler.setProjection(Projection proj, double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2)
          The method to call to let the cache handler know what the projection looks like so it can figure out which frames (and subframes) will be needed.

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.layer.e00

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.e00 with parameters of type Projection
 boolean TX7.generate(Projection proj)
          generate with a new projection

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.layer.learn

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.learn with parameters of type Projection
protected  void ProjectionResponseLayer.getPoints(DataBounds dataBounds, OMGraphicList retList, Projection proj)
          Using this method to look at data source and create OMGraphics based on DataBounds, and render them differently depending on where they are.
protected  void SimpleAnimationLayer.ManageGraphicsTask.moveRandomly(OMPoint point, double factor, Projection proj)
          Simple method to move an OMPoint around randomly.
protected  void SimpleAnimationLayer.ManageGraphicsTask.moveRandomly(OMScalingIcon point, double factor, Projection proj)
          Simple method to move an OMPoint around randomly.

Uses of Projection in

Fields in declared as Projection
protected  Projection LinkOMGraphicList.currentProjection

Methods in that return Projection
 Projection LinkOMGraphicList.getProjection()

Methods in with parameters of type Projection
protected  LinkOMGraphicList BufferedLinkLayer.getAllGraphics(ClientLink link, Projection proj)
          Creates the LinkMapRequest, and gets the results.
 boolean LinkOMGraphicList.getNeedToRegenerate(Projection proj)
          Check whether the list needs to be regenerated, considering the projection that the OMGraphics were projected with when the list was read.
 void Link.readAndParse(Projection proj, OMGridGenerator generator)
          Called to begin reading the information coming off the link.
 void Link.readAndParse(Projection proj, OMGridGenerator generator, Layer layer)
          Called to begin reading the information coming off the link.
protected  java.lang.String LinkActionList.readGestureResponses(Layer layer, Projection proj, OMGridGenerator generator)
          If a ACTIONS_HEADER has been encountered coming off the link, then this method should be called to read the string of gesture that follows.
protected  GraphicUpdate LinkActionList.readGraphic(int graphicAction, LinkProperties graphicProperties, Projection proj, OMGridGenerator generator)
          Read a graphic's particulars, for upates and additions.
protected  java.lang.String LinkGraphicList.readGraphics(LinkOMGraphicList graphics, Projection proj, OMGridGenerator generator)
          If a GRAPHICS_RESPONSE_HEADER has been encountered coming off the link, then this method should be called to read the string of graphics that follows.
protected  void LinkLayer.sendMapRequest(ClientLink link, Projection proj)
          Creates the LinkMapRequest.
 void LinkOMGraphicList.setProjection(Projection proj)

Constructors in with parameters of type Projection
LinkActionList(Link link, Layer layer, Projection proj, OMGridGenerator generator)
          Read the gesture section off the link, from the client.
LinkGraphicList(Link link, LinkOMGraphicList graphicList, Projection proj, OMGridGenerator generator)
          Read the graphics section off the link, if you want the graphics to be projected as they come off the link.

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.layer.location

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.location with parameters of type Projection
protected  void Location.declutterLabel(DeclutterMatrix declutter, Projection proj)
          Given the label is this location has a height and width, find a clean place on the map for it.
protected  void ByteRasterLocation.declutterLabel(DeclutterMatrix declutter, Projection proj)
          Given the label is this location has a height and width, find a clean place on the map for it.
 boolean Location.generate(Projection proj)
          Prepare the graphic for rendering.
 boolean Location.generate(Projection proj, DeclutterMatrix declutterMatrix)
          Generate the location, and use the declutter matrix to place the label is a spot so that it doesn't interset with other labels.
 void Location.setLocation(int x, int y, Projection proj)
          Convenience method that lets you provide a screen x, y and a projection to the location, and let the location hash out how to place itself based on it's rendertype.

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.layer.mif

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.mif with parameters of type Projection
 boolean OMSubtraction.generate(Projection proj)
 boolean MIFText.generate(Projection proj)
          Overriden from OMText so that we can handle a flag renderText to signal to the render method if the scale is appropriate to render the text or not.
 boolean MIFPoint.generate(Projection proj)
          Overriden from OMPoint so that we can handle a flag renderPoint to signal to the render method if the scale is appropriate to render the point or not.

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.layer.policy

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.policy with parameters of type Projection
protected  void BufferedImageRenderPolicy.ImageBuffer.generate(Projection proj)
 boolean BufferedImageRenderPolicy.ImageBuffer.paint(java.awt.Graphics2D g, Projection proj)
          Return true if something was rendered.
 void StandardRenderPolicy.prePrepare(Projection newProj)
          The StandardRenderPolicy doesn't need to do anything before prepare() returns.
 void RenderPolicy.prePrepare(Projection newProjection)
          Be very careful with doing things in this method.
 void BufferedImageRenderPolicy.prePrepare(Projection newProj)
          Called from the OMGraphicHandlerLayer's projectionChanged() method.
protected  void BufferedImageRenderPolicy.ImageBuffer.update(OMGraphicList list, Projection proj)
          Get the updated BufferedImage, with current OMGraphics rendered into it.
protected  OMScalingRaster BufferedImageRenderPolicy.ImageBuffer.updateRaster(java.awt.image.BufferedImage imageBuffer, Projection proj)

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf with parameters of type Projection
 java.util.List<RpfTocEntry> RpfTocHandler.getBestCoverageEntry(double ullat, double ullon, double lrlat, double lrlon, Projection proj, RpfViewAttributes viewAtts)
          Given a coordinate box and a scale, find the entry in the table of contents file with the right data.
 float RpfFrameProvider.getCalculatedCoverage(double ullat, double ullon, double lrlat, double lrlon, Projection p, java.lang.String chartSeries)
          Given an area and a two-letter chart series code, find the percentage of coverage on the map that that chart series can offer.
 float RpfFrameCacheHandler.getCalculatedCoverage(double ullat, double ullon, double lrlat, double lrlon, Projection p, java.lang.String chartSeries)
          Given an area and a two-letter chart series code, find the percentage of coverage on the map that that chart series can offer.
 java.util.List<RpfCoverageBox> RpfFrameProvider.getCatalogCoverage(double ullat, double ullon, double lrlat, double lrlon, Projection p, java.lang.String chartSeries)
          Given a projection that describes a map or geographical area, return RpfCoverageBoxes that let you know what bounding boxes of data are available.
 java.util.Vector<RpfCoverageBox> RpfFrameCacheHandler.getCatalogCoverage(double ullat, double ullon, double lrlat, double lrlon, Projection proj, java.lang.String chartSeries)
          RpfFrameProvider interface method.
protected  void RpfCoverageManager.getCatalogCoverage(double ullat, double ullon, double lrlat, double lrlon, Projection proj, java.lang.String chartSeries, java.util.Map<RpfProductInfo,RpfCoverage.RpfCoverageControl> coverages)
          Get the map coverage
 void RpfTocHandler.getCatalogCoverage(double ullat, double ullon, double lrlat, double lrlon, Projection proj, java.lang.String chartSeriesCode, java.util.Vector<RpfCoverageBox> coverages)
          Given a coordinate box and a scale, return the entries that have coverage over the given area.
 java.util.List<RpfCoverageBox> RpfFrameProvider.getCoverage(double ullat, double ullon, double lrlat, double lrlon, Projection p)
          Given a projection that describes a map or geographical area, return RpfCoverageBoxes that let you know how to locate and ask for RpfSubframes.
 java.util.Vector<RpfCoverageBox> RpfFrameCacheHandler.getCoverage(double ullat, double ullon, double lrlat, double lrlon, Projection proj)
          Given a projection which describes the map (or area of interest), return the best RpfTocEntry, from all the A.TOC, that covers the area.
 OMGraphic RpfSubframe.getImage(Projection proj)
protected abstract  OMGraphic RpfSubframe.ImageCreator.getImage(Projection proj)
          Get the proper OMGraphic given the projection type.
protected  OMGraphic RpfSubframe.Pixels.getImage(Projection proj)
protected  OMGraphic RpfSubframe.BitsAndColors.getImage(Projection proj)
 OMGraphicList RpfCacheManager.getRectangle(Projection proj)
          The call to the cache that lets you choose what kind of information is returned.
protected  OMGraphicList RpfCacheHandler.getSubframes(float ullat, float ullon, float lrlat, float lrlon, Projection proj, OMGraphicList omGraphics)
 void RpfCoverage.prepare(Projection projection, java.lang.String chartSeries)
          Prepares the graphics for the layer.
static float RpfFrameCacheHandler.scaleDifference(Projection proj, RpfCoverageBox box)
 void RpfCacheHandler.setCache(float ullat, float ullon, float lrlat, float lrlon, Projection proj)
          Called to prepare the cache for subframes that will fit into the next request.

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape with parameters of type Projection
protected  void SpatialIndexHandler.checkSpatialIndexEntries(double xmin, double ymin, double xmax, double ymax, OMGraphicList retList, Projection proj)
          Checks the buffered list of OMGraphics from the shp file and figures out of they intersect the provided bounds.
protected  void BufferedShapeLayer.checkSpatialIndexEntries(double xmin, double ymin, double xmax, double ymax, OMGraphicList retList, Projection proj)
 OMGraphic SpatialIndex.evaluate(OMGraphic omg, OMGraphicList labels, Projection mapProj)
          Evaluates the OMGraphic against the DbfHandler rules.
 OMGraphicList SpatialIndex.evaluateDbf(OMGraphicList retList, Projection mapProj)
          Takes the contents of the list and evaluates them against the information contained in the DbfHandler set in this SpatialIndex class.
 OMGraphicList SpatialIndex.getAllOMGraphics(OMGraphicList retList, DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes, Projection mapProj, GeoCoordTransformation dataProj)
          Retrieves all OMGraphics in the shape file.
 OMGraphicList SpatialIndexHandler.getGraphics(double xmin, double ymin, double xmax, double ymax, OMGraphicList list, Projection proj)
          Given a bounding box, create OMGraphics from the ESRI records in the shape file.
 OMGraphicList SpatialIndex.getOMGraphics(double xmin, double ymin, double xmax, double ymax, OMGraphicList list, DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes, Projection mapProj, GeoCoordTransformation dataProj)
          Locates OMGraphics in the shape file that intersect with the given rectangle.

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.areas

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.areas with parameters of type Projection
 OMGraphicList AreaHandler.getGraphics(double ulLat, double ulLon, double lrLat, double lrLon, Projection proj)
          Get the graphics for a particular lat/lon area.

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.layer.terrain

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.terrain with parameters of type Projection
 void TerrainTool.setScreenParameters(Projection p)
          Let the tool know what the screen looks like.
 void ProfileGenerator.setScreenParameters(Projection p)
 void LOSGenerator.setScreenParameters(Projection p)
          Called on every getRectangle, in order to let the cache get sized right, and to reset the graphics if the scale changed (since they won't make sense.

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf with parameters of type Projection
 OMGraphicList VPFAutoFeatureGraphicWarehouse.getFeatures(LibrarySelectionTable lst, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, Projection proj, OMGraphicList omgList)
          This is where the magic happens.

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics declared as Projection
protected  Projection OMWarpingImage.lastProjection
protected  Projection OMScalingRaster.lastProjection
          This lastProjection is used to keep track of the last projection used to warp or scale the image, an used during the rendering process to check if we should rework the image to be displayed.
protected  Projection EditableOMGraphic.projection
          The projection of the map.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics that return Projection
 Projection EditableOMGraphic.getProjection()
          Get the current projection.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics with parameters of type Projection
 void OMText.evaluateRotationAngle(Projection proj)
          Set the renderRotationAngle based on the projection angle and OMText settings.
protected  void OMRaster.evaluateRotationAngle(Projection proj)
          Set the renderRotationAngle based on the projection angle and OMRaster settings.
 void OMLabeler.evaluateRotationAngle(Projection proj)
          Evaluate the current projection in case it has information that affects placement, like rotation.
 boolean SinkGraphic.generate(Projection proj)
          This graphic generates nothing, successfully.
 boolean OMWarpingImage.generate(Projection proj)
 boolean OMText.generate(Projection proj)
          Prepares the text for rendering.
 boolean OMSpline.generate(Projection proj)
          Prepare the spline for rendering.
 boolean OMShape.generate(Projection proj)
 boolean OMShape.PROJECTED.generate(Projection proj)
 boolean OMScalingRaster.generate(Projection proj)
          Prepare the graphics for rendering.
 boolean OMRect.generate(Projection proj)
          Prepare the rectangle for rendering.
 boolean OMRaster.generate(Projection proj)
          Prepare the graphics for rendering.
 boolean OMRangeRings.generate(Projection proj)
          Prepare the circles for rendering.
 boolean OMPoly.generate(Projection proj)
          Prepare the poly for rendering.
 boolean OMPoint.generate(Projection proj)
          Prepare the point for rendering.
 boolean OMPoint.Image.generate(Projection proj)
          Prepare the point image for rendering.
 boolean OMList.generate(Projection p)
          Prepare the graphics for rendering.
 boolean OMLine.generate(Projection proj)
          Prepare the line for rendering.
 boolean OMGrid.generate(Projection proj)
          Generate OMGraphics based on the data array.
abstract  boolean OMGraphicAdapter.generate(Projection proj)
          Prepare the graphic for rendering.
 boolean OMGeometry.generate(Projection proj)
          Prepare the geometry for rendering.
 boolean OMEllipse.generate(Projection proj)
 boolean OMDistance.generate(Projection proj)
          Prepare the poly for rendering.
 boolean OMBitmap.generate(Projection proj)
          Create the rendered image from the pixel values.
 boolean OMArc.generate(Projection proj)
          Prepare the arc for rendering.
 boolean EditableOMText.generate(Projection proj)
          Use the current projection to place the graphics on the screen.
 boolean EditableOMScalingRaster.generate(Projection proj)
          Use the current projection to place the graphics on the screen.
 boolean EditableOMRect.generate(Projection proj)
          Use the current projection to place the graphics on the screen.
 boolean EditableOMPoly.generate(Projection proj)
          Use the current projection to place the graphics on the screen.
 boolean EditableOMPoint.generate(Projection proj)
          Use the current projection to place the graphics on the screen.
 boolean EditableOMLine.generate(Projection proj)
          Use the current projection to place the graphics on the screen.
 boolean EditableOMGraphicList.generate(Projection proj)
          Use the current projection to place the graphics on the screen.
abstract  boolean EditableOMGraphic.generate(Projection proj)
          Use the current projection to place the graphics on the screen.
 boolean EditableOMCircle.generate(Projection proj)
          Use the current projection to place the graphics on the screen.
 boolean OMList.generate(Projection p, boolean forceProjectAll)
          Prepare the graphics for rendering.
 boolean OMGeometryList.generate(Projection p, boolean forceProjectAll)
          Prepare the geometries for rendering.
 boolean OMAreaList.generate(Projection p, boolean forceProjectAll)
          Create the GeneralPath used for the internal Shape objects held by the OMGeometries added.
protected  void EditableOMPoly.generateGrabPoints(Projection proj)
          Generate the grab points, checking the OMGraphic to see if it contains information about what the grab points should look like.
 OMGraphic OMGrid.generateGridObjects(Projection proj)
          Called from generate() if there isn't a OMGridGenerator.
 int OMGrid.interpValueAt(double lat, double lon, Projection proj)
          Interpolated value at a given lat/lon - should be more precise than valueAt(), but that depends on the resolution of the data.
 boolean OMScalingRaster.isOnMap(Projection proj)
          Test to see if projected image is on map.
 boolean OMScalingIcon.isOnMap(Projection proj)
protected  boolean OMScalingRaster.position(Projection proj)
          Since the image doesn't necessarily need to be regenerated when it is merely moved, raster objects have this function, called from generate() and when a placement attribute is changed.
protected  boolean OMScalingIcon.position(Projection proj)
          Since the image doesn't necessarily need to be regenerated when it is merely moved, raster objects have this function, called from generate() and when a placement attribute is changed.
protected  boolean OMRasterObject.position(Projection proj)
          Since the image doesn't necessarily need to be regenerated when it is merely moved, raster objects have this function, called from generate() and when a placement attribute is changed.
 void OMList.project(Projection p)
          Projects any graphics needing projection.
 void OMList.project(Projection p, boolean forceProjectAll)
          Projects the OMGraphics on the list.
 boolean OMRasterObject.regenerate(Projection proj)
          Overrides OMGraphicAdapter version to handle OMRasterObject getNeedToReposition.
 boolean OMGraphicAdapter.regenerate(Projection proj)
          Invoke this to regenerate a "dirty" graphic.
 boolean OMGraphic.regenerate(Projection proj)
          Invoke this to regenerate a "dirty" graphic.
 boolean OMGeometry.regenerate(Projection proj)
          Invoke this to regenerate a "dirty" graphic.
 void EditableOMText.regenerate(Projection proj)
          Given a new projection, the grab points may need to be repositioned off the current position of the graphic.
 void EditableOMScalingRaster.regenerate(Projection proj)
          Given a new projection, the grab points may need to be repositioned off the current position of the graphic.
 void EditableOMRect.regenerate(Projection proj)
          Given a new projection, the grab points may need to be repositioned off the current position of the graphic.
 void EditableOMPoly.regenerate(Projection proj)
          Given a new projection, the grab points may need to be repositioned off the current position of the graphic.
 void EditableOMPoint.regenerate(Projection proj)
          Given a new projection, the grab points may need to be repositioned off the current position of the graphic.
 void EditableOMLine.regenerate(Projection proj)
          Given a new projection, the grab points may need to be repositioned off the current position of the graphic.
 void EditableOMGraphicList.regenerate(Projection proj)
          Given a new projection, the grab points may need to be repositioned off the current position of the graphic.
abstract  void EditableOMGraphic.regenerate(Projection proj)
          Given a new projection, the grab points may need to be repositioned off the current position of the graphic.
 void EditableOMCircle.regenerate(Projection proj)
          Given a new projection, the grab points may need to be repositioned off the current position of the graphic.
protected  void OMScalingRaster.scaleTo(Projection thisProj)
          Take the current projection and the sourceImage, and make the image that gets displayed fit the projection.
protected  void OMScalingIcon.scaleTo(Projection thisProj)
          Over-riding this so we don't clip rotated icons near the edge of the map.
 void OMGraphicList.setGridGenerator(OMGridGenerator generator, Projection proj)
          Goes through the list, finds the OMGrid objects, and sets the generator for all of them.
 void OMGraphicAdapter.setLabelLocation(float[] xpoints, float[] ypoints, Projection proj)
protected  void OMGraphicAdapter.setLabelLocation(java.awt.geom.GeneralPath gp, Projection proj)
          Checks the attributes for a label and moves the label accordingly.
protected  void OMGraphicAdapter.setLabelLocation(int[] xpoints, int[] ypoints, Projection proj)
          Checks the attributes for a label and moves the label accordingly.
protected  void OMGraphicAdapter.setLabelLocation(java.awt.geom.Point2D p, Projection proj)
          Checks the attributes for a label and moves the label accordingly.
 void EditableOMGraphicList.setProjection(Projection proj)
          Set the current projection.
 void EditableOMGraphic.setProjection(Projection proj)
          Set the current projection.
protected  boolean OMWarpingImage.updateImageForProjection(Projection proj)
          Called from within generate.
protected  boolean OMScalingRaster.updateImageForProjection(Projection proj)
          Called from within generate.
protected  java.awt.geom.GeneralPath OMGeometryList.updateShape(java.awt.geom.GeneralPath currentShape, OMGeometry geometry, Projection p, boolean forceProject)
          Given an OMGeometry, check its visibility and if visible, generate it if required and add the result to the provided current shape.
protected  void OMGeometryList.updateShape(OMGeometry geometry, Projection p, boolean forceProject)
          Deprecated. use the new paradigm from the other updateShape
protected  void OMAreaList.updateShape(OMGeometry geometry, Projection p, boolean forceProject)
          Given a OMGeometry, it calls generate/regenerate on it, and then adds the GeneralPath shape within it to the OMGeometryList shape object.
 java.lang.Object OMGrid.valueAt(double lat, double lon, Projection proj)
          The value at the closest SW post to the given lat/lon.

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.geom

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.geom with parameters of type Projection
 boolean PolygonGeometry.LL.generate(Projection proj)
 boolean PolygonGeometry.XY.generate(Projection proj)
 boolean PolygonGeometry.Offset.generate(Projection proj)
abstract  boolean BasicGeometry.generate(Projection proj)
          Prepare the geometry for rendering.
 boolean BasicGeometry.regenerate(Projection proj)
          Invoke this to regenerate a "dirty" graphic.

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.grid

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.grid with parameters of type Projection
 OMGraphic OMGridObjects.generate(int id, Projection proj)
 OMGraphic SlopeGenerator.generate(OMGrid grid, Projection proj)
          Called from the OMGrid.generate() method to tell the generator to create something to represent the grid contents.
 OMGraphic SinkGenerator.generate(OMGrid grid, Projection proj)
 OMGraphic SimpleColorGenerator.generate(OMGrid grid, Projection proj)
          Going to return an OMRaster, sized to the current projection, and colored according to the colortable.
 OMGraphic OMGridGenerator.generate(OMGrid grid, Projection proj)
 OMRaster SlopeGenerator.generateRasterForProjection(OMGrid grid, Projection proj)
          A more defining API method to get what this SlopeGenerator can create.

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.labeled

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.labeled with parameters of type Projection
 boolean LabeledOMSpline.generate(Projection proj)
 boolean LabeledOMPoly.generate(Projection proj)
protected  java.awt.Point LabeledOMSpline.getTextPoint(Projection proj)
protected  java.awt.Point LabeledOMPoly.getTextPoint(Projection proj)
          Calculate where the text point ought to go.

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.rule

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.rule with parameters of type Projection
 OMGraphic IndexRule.evaluate(java.util.List<?> record, OMGraphic omg, Projection proj)
          Evaluate the record against this rule.
 OMGraphic RuleHandler.evaluate(OMGraphic omg, OMGraphicList labelList, Projection proj)
          This is the main call that a layer would use to modify/update an OMGraphic based on dbf file contents.
 OMGraphic Rule.evaluate(T record, OMGraphic omg, Projection proj)
          Evaluate the record against this rule.

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.time

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.time with parameters of type Projection
 void TemporalOMScalingIcon.generate(Projection p, long time)
          Prepare the ScenarioPoint to be rendered in its position at a certain time.
 void TemporalOMPoint.generate(Projection p, long time)
          Prepare the ScenarioPoint to be rendered in its position at a certain time.
 void TemporalOMGraphicList.generate(Projection proj, long time)
          Calls generate(proj, time) on temporal geometries, regular generate(proj) on non-temporal OMGeometries.
 void TemporalOMGraphic.generate(Projection proj, long time)

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.util

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.util with parameters of type Projection
 DataBounds ImageWarp.calculateProjectedImageBounds(Projection p)
          Returns the image bounds of the image as it would be warped to the provided projection.
 void ArcCalc.generate(Projection proj)
 int[] ImageWarp.getImagePixels(Projection p)
          Given a projection, return the pixels for an image that will cover the projection area.
 OMRaster ImageWarp.getOMRaster(Projection p)
          Return an OMRaster that covers the given projection, with the image warped for the projection.

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.plugin

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.plugin declared as Projection
protected  Projection WebImagePlugIn.currentProjection
          The last projection object received.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.plugin with parameters of type Projection
abstract  java.lang.String WebImagePlugIn.createQueryString(Projection p)
          Create the query to be sent to the server, based on current settings.
protected  void WebImagePlugIn.fetchImageAndAddToList(Projection p, OMGraphicList list)
          Image fetching code, where the query is created based on the provided projection.
 OMGraphicList WebImagePlugIn.getRectangle(Projection p)
          The getRectangle call is the main call into the PlugIn module.
 OMGraphicList UTMGridPlugIn.getRectangle(Projection p)
          The getRectangle call is the main call into the PlugIn module.
 OMGraphicList PlugIn.getRectangle(Projection p)
          The getRectangle call is the main call into the PlugIn module.
 OMGraphicList OMGraphicHandlerPlugIn.getRectangle(Projection p)
          The getRectangle call is the main call into the PlugIn module.
 OMGraphicList CSVTiledImagePlugIn.getRectangle(Projection p)
          The getRectangle call is the main call into the PlugIn module.
abstract  OMGraphicList AbstractPlugIn.getRectangle(Projection p)
          The getRectangle call is the main call into the PlugIn module.

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.plugin.earthImage

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.plugin.earthImage with parameters of type Projection
 OMRaster EarthImagePlugIn.ImageTranslator.getImage(Projection p)
          Given a projection, create an OMRaster that reflects the image warped to that projection.
 OMGraphicList EarthImagePlugIn.getRectangle(Projection p)

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.plugin.esri

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.plugin.esri declared as Projection
protected  Projection EsriPlugIn.proj
          The last projection.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.plugin.esri with parameters of type Projection
 OMGraphicList EsriPlugIn.getRectangle(Projection p)
          The getRectangle call is the main call into the PlugIn module.

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.plugin.graphicLoader

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.plugin.graphicLoader with parameters of type Projection
 OMGraphicList GraphicLoaderPlugIn.getRectangle(Projection p)
          The getRectangle call is the main call into the PlugIn module.

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.plugin.shis

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.plugin.shis with parameters of type Projection
 java.lang.String SHISPlugIn.createQueryString(Projection p)
          When a projection is received, translate it into a valid request for a SimpleHttpImageServer, and then return the image received back from it.

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.plugin.wms

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.plugin.wms with parameters of type Projection
 java.lang.String WMSPlugIn.createQueryString(Projection p)
          Create the query to be sent to the server, based on current settings.

Uses of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.proj

Subinterfaces of Projection in com.bbn.openmap.proj
 interface EqualArc
          A designator interface to let layers know that a Projection is an Equal Arc projection, meaning that the variations in latitude and longitude are constant.

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.proj that implement Projection
 class AspectRatioProjection
          A Projection that wraps another projection, but stretch the image to another aspect ratio.
 class Azimuth
          Base of all azimuthal projections.
 class CADRG
          Implements the CADRG projection.
 class Cartesian
          The Cartesian projection is a non-wrapping, straight-forward scaling projection drawn in 2D.
 class Cylindrical
          Base of all cylindrical projections.
 class DatumShiftProjection
          This projection wraps another projection and adds datum handling.
 class GeoProj
          GeoProj is the base class of all Projections that deal with coordinates on the world sphere.
 class Gnomonic
          Implements the Gnomonic projection.
 class LambertConformal
          Implements the LambertConformalConic projection.
 class LLXY
          Implements the LLXY projection, which is basically something where the lat/lon and pixel ratios are the same.
 class Mercator
          Implements the Mercator projection.
 class Orthographic
          Implements the Orthographic projection.
 class Proj
          Proj is the base class of all Projections.
 class UTMProjection
          A OpenMap Projection class that uses the UTMPoint to do its calculation.

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.proj with type parameters of type Projection
 java.lang.Class<? extends Projection> ProjectionStack.ProjHolder.projClass
protected  java.lang.Class<? extends Projection> BasicProjectionLoader.projClass

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.proj that return Projection
 Projection ProjectionStack.ProjHolder.create(int width, int height)
 Projection UTMProjectionLoader.create(java.util.Properties props)
 Projection ProjectionLoader.create(java.util.Properties props)
          Create the projection with the given parameters.
 Projection OrthographicLoader.create(java.util.Properties props)
          Create the projection with the given parameters.
 Projection MercatorLoader.create(java.util.Properties props)
          Create the projection with the given parameters.
 Projection LLXYLoader.create(java.util.Properties props)
          Create the projection with the given parameters.
 Projection LambertConformalLoader.create(java.util.Properties props)
          Create the projection with the given parameters.
 Projection GnomonicLoader.create(java.util.Properties props)
          Create the projection with the given parameters.
 Projection CartesianLoader.create(java.util.Properties props)
          Create the projection with the given parameters.
 Projection CADRGLoader.create(java.util.Properties props)
          Create the projection with the given parameters.
abstract  Projection BasicProjectionLoader.create(java.util.Properties props)
          Create the projection with the given parameters.
 Projection ProjectionFactory.getDefaultProjectionFromEnvironment(Environment e)
          Looks at the Environment settings for the default projection and returns a Projection suited for those settings.
 Projection ProjectionFactory.getDefaultProjectionFromEnvironment(Environment environment, int width, int height)
          Looks at the Environment settings for the default projection and returns a Projection suited for those settings.
 Projection Projection.makeClone()
          Clone the projection.
 Projection Proj.makeClone()
          Clone the projection.
 Projection ProjectionFactory.makeProjection(java.lang.Class<? extends Projection> projClass, java.awt.geom.Point2D center, float scale, int width, int height)
          Create a projection.
 Projection ProjectionFactory.makeProjection(ProjectionLoader loader, java.awt.geom.Point2D center, float scale, int width, int height)
          Call the provided ProjectionLoader to create the projection with the given parameters.
 Projection ProjectionFactory.makeProjection(ProjectionLoader loader, java.awt.geom.Point2D center, float scale, int width, int height, java.util.Properties projProps)
          Call the provided ProjectionLoader to create the projection with the given parameters.
 Projection ProjectionFactory.makeProjection(java.lang.String projClassName, java.awt.geom.Point2D center, float scale, int width, int height)
          Create a projection.
 Projection ProjectionFactory.makeProjection(java.lang.String projClassName, Projection p)
          Makes a new projection based on the given projection class name and parameters from the given projection.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.proj that return types with arguments of type Projection
 java.lang.Class<? extends Projection> ProjectionFactory.getProjClassForName(java.lang.String name)
          Return the Projection Class with the given pretty name.
 java.lang.Class<? extends Projection> ProjectionLoader.getProjectionClass()
          Get a class name to use for the projection.
 java.lang.Class<? extends Projection> BasicProjectionLoader.getProjectionClass()
          Get a class name to use for the projection.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.proj with parameters of type Projection
static LLXY LLXY.convertProjection(Projection proj)
static CADRG CADRG.convertProjection(Projection proj)
 boolean ProjectionStack.ProjHolder.equals(Projection proj)
static double[] ProjMath.getProjectionScreenOutlineCoords(Projection sourceMapProjection)
          Walks around the perimeter of the sourceMapProjection and returns the lat/lon coords of the outline.
static java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D ProjMath.getRatioBox(Projection proj, java.awt.geom.Point2D pt1, java.awt.geom.Point2D pt2, boolean zoomOnCenter)
          Given a projection to match against and the starting point of a box (pt1), look at pt2 to see if it represents the ratio of the projection map size.
static java.awt.Point ProjMath.getRatioPoint(Projection proj, java.awt.Point pt1, java.awt.Point pt2)
          Given a projection and the starting point of a box (pt1), look at pt2 to see if it represents the ratio of the projection map size.
protected static float ProjMath.getScale(java.awt.geom.Point2D ll1, java.awt.geom.Point2D ll2, java.awt.geom.Point2D point1, java.awt.geom.Point2D point2, Projection projection)
          Given a couple of points representing a bounding box, find out what the scale should be in order to make those points appear at the corners of the projection.
static float ProjMath.getScale(java.awt.geom.Point2D ll1, java.awt.geom.Point2D ll2, Projection projection)
          Given a couple of points representing a bounding box, find out what the scale should be in order to make those points appear at the corners of the projection.
static float ProjMath.getScale(java.awt.Point point1, java.awt.Point point2, Projection projection)
          Given a couple of points representing a bounding box, find out what the scale should be in order to make those points appear at the corners of the projection.
static float ProjMath.getScaleFromProjected(java.awt.geom.Point2D point1, java.awt.geom.Point2D point2, Projection projection)
          Given a couple of points representing a bounding box of projected coordinates, find out what the scale should be in order to make those points appear at the corners of the projection, with the intention that the bounding box will then fill the projected space.
static boolean ProjMath.isVisible(Projection sourceMapProjection, java.awt.geom.Point2D llp)
          Returns true if the Point is visible on the provided projection.
 Projection ProjectionFactory.makeProjection(java.lang.String projClassName, Projection p)
          Makes a new projection based on the given projection class name and parameters from the given projection.

Method parameters in com.bbn.openmap.proj with type arguments of type Projection
 Projection ProjectionFactory.makeProjection(java.lang.Class<? extends Projection> projClass, java.awt.geom.Point2D center, float scale, int width, int height)
          Create a projection.

Constructors in com.bbn.openmap.proj with parameters of type Projection
ProjectionStack.ProjHolder(Projection proj, ProjectionFactory projectionFactory)

Constructor parameters in com.bbn.openmap.proj with type arguments of type Projection
BasicProjectionLoader(java.lang.Class<? extends Projection> pClass, java.lang.String pName, java.lang.String pDescription)
          Set the basic parameters needed for a ProjectionLoader.

Uses of Projection in

Fields in declared as Projection
protected  Projection DefaultDnDCatcher.proj

Methods in that return Projection
 Projection DefaultDnDCatcher.getProjection()
          Gets current projection.
 Projection DefaultDnDCatcher.setProjection(ProjectionEvent projEvent)
          This method lets you take the ProjectionEvent received from the MapBean, and lets you know if you should do something with it.

Methods in with parameters of type Projection
 void DefaultDnDCatcher.setProjection(Projection projection)
          Sets the current projection.

Uses of Projection in

Fields in declared as Projection
protected  Projection OMDrawingTool.projection
          The current projection.

Methods in that return Projection
 Projection OMDrawingTool.getProjection()
          Get the current projection, if one has been provided.

Methods in with parameters of type Projection
 void OMDrawingTool.setProjection(Projection proj)
          Set the current projection.

Uses of Projection in

Methods in that return Projection
 Projection RoadLayer.getProjection()
 Projection RoadFinder.getProjection()
 Projection LayerView.getProjection()
          Needed to find the height and width of the displayed routes, etc.

Methods in with parameters of type Projection
protected  Segment RoadFinder.getPathSegment(Projection proj, Road road, boolean reverse)
          Converts a road into a path segment - reverse parameter guarantees the ordering of the points is consistent across multiple path segments in the whole route.

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