
The beanbox package contains classes that implement a BeanPanel component.


Interface Summary
BeanBoxHandler The BeanBoxHandler interface should be implemented by an openmap layer that needs to interact with the BeanBoxDnDCatchervia the BeanBoxinstance associated with the layer.
BeanContainer The BeanBoxtreats all bean objects that implement this interface as container beans.
DoOnBean An action to perform on instantiated beans.
GenericPropertyEditorInterface An interface implemented by property editors requiring access to the bean whose properties they are editing.

Class Summary
BeanBox The BeanBox class manages a set of java beans that are delivered to it from the BeanPanelvia the BeanBoxDnDCatcher.
BeanBoxDnDCatcher The BeanBoxDnDCatcher class manages all Java Drag-and-Drop events associated with openmap layers that implement the BeanBoxHandlerinterface.
BeanLayoutEditor Custom property editor for the BeanLayoutManagerproperty.
BeanLayoutManager A BeanLayoutManager is a bean that manages the layout of a BeanContainer.
BeanLayoutManagerBeanInfo BeanInfo for a BeanLayoutManager.
BeanPanel The BeanPanel class is an openmap component that loads a set of java bean classes upon startup and organizes them into one or more tabbed panes.
CustomizerDialog Utility class that takes a generic component editor and wraps it in a Dialog box.
FileExtension File filter utility class.
GenericPropertySheet Displays the properties associated with a bean for editing.
JarInfo Utility class for representing a loaded Jar file.
MessageHeader An RFC 844 or MIME message header.
PropertyBeanEditor Custom property editor for a bean property that is itself a bean.
PropertyCanvas Provides support to the GenericPropertySheet for displaying a custom PropertyEditor.
PropertySelector A class that provides support for a PropertyEditor that uses tags.
PropertyText A class that provides support for a PropertyEditor that displays a text property.

Package Description

The beanbox package contains classes that implement a BeanPanel component. A BeanPanel is an openmap component that loads a set of java beans upon startup and organizes them into one or more tabbed panes. The structure of the tabs is specified in the openmap properties file. For details see BeanPanel. The BeanPanel component uses Java Drag-And-Drop and is registered as a DragSource for Drag-And-Drop events. A user can drag and drop a bean from one of the tabs in the BeanPanel onto the map where the BeanBoxDnDCatcher catches the bean.

This package also contains classes to catch the bean dragged from the BeanPanel and dropped on the layer. The BeanBoxDnDCatcher class defined in this package catches drag-n-drop events generated from the BeanPanel and delivers them to a target beanbox. A beanbox is a user-defined class that implements the abstract BeanBox class contained in this package. Each BeanBox implementation is expected to be associated with an openmap layer. The BeanBox class manages a set of java beans that are delivered to it from the BeanPanel via the BeanBoxDnDCatcher. The abstract BeanBox base class performs functions such as adding and removing beans from its associated layer and provides support for moving beans on the layer and cut/copy/paste functionality.

The classes in this package have dependencies on the classes in the package.

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