Uses of Interface

Packages that use DrawingToolRequestor
com.bbn.openmap.graphicLoader The GraphicLoader package is designed to provide support for components that need to drive changes in OMGraphics over a map. 
com.bbn.openmap.gui This package contains the main OpenMap Swing GUI components. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer Contains OpenMap layers that read and display a variety of data formats, and a few that create their own data for display. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.editor This package provides the infrastructure to create layers that provide a Tool interface that controls their content. Provide classes to handle the link protocol: a layer that displays link data, classes to assist in writing a link server, and methods that read and write in the link protocol format. This package contains a Layer that can use the drawing tool to create certain OMGraphic shapes, which in turn are sent to a LinkServer.   
com.bbn.openmap.layer.test Provides a test layer for OpenMap. 
com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.event Provides classes for event notification of OMGraphic changes. Provides classes to implement a drawing tool. 

Uses of DrawingToolRequestor in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.mapTile

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.mapTile that implement DrawingToolRequestor
 class MapTileMakerComponent
          The MapTileMakerComponent is a GUI for creating properties that the MapTileMaker uses to create tiles.

Uses of DrawingToolRequestor in com.bbn.openmap.graphicLoader

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.graphicLoader that implement DrawingToolRequestor
 class LOSGraphicLoader
          A managing object of GLPoints and PathGLPoints.

Uses of DrawingToolRequestor in com.bbn.openmap.gui

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.gui with type parameters of type DrawingToolRequestor
protected  java.util.List<DrawingToolRequestor> OMGraphicDeleteTool.requestors

Uses of DrawingToolRequestor in com.bbn.openmap.gui.time

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.gui.time that implement DrawingToolRequestor
 class TimelineLayer
          Timeline layer Render events and allow for their selection on a variable-scale time line.

Uses of DrawingToolRequestor in com.bbn.openmap.layer

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.layer that implement DrawingToolRequestor
 class DemoLayer
          This layer demonstrates interactive capabilities of OpenMap.
 class DrawingToolLayer
          This layer can receive graphics from the OMDrawingToolLauncher, and also sent it's graphics to the OMDrawingTool for editing.

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.layer declared as DrawingToolRequestor
protected  DrawingToolRequestor DemoLayer.layer
          Used by the internal ActionListeners for a callback, see getGUI().

Uses of DrawingToolRequestor in com.bbn.openmap.layer.editor

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.layer.editor that implement DrawingToolRequestor
 class EditorLayer
          The EditorLayer is a layer that provides a specific set of tools to modify a set of OMGraphics that represent specific types of objects.

Uses of DrawingToolRequestor in

Classes in that implement DrawingToolRequestor
 class BufferedLinkLayer
          The BufferedLinkLayer is a Swing component, and an OpenMap layer, that communicates with a server via the Link protocol.
 class LinkLayer
          The LinkLayer is a Swing component, and an OpenMap layer, that communicates with a server via the Link protocol.

Uses of DrawingToolRequestor in

Classes in that implement DrawingToolRequestor
 class AmpLinkLayer
          The AmpLinkLayer is an extension to the LinkLayer.

Fields in declared as DrawingToolRequestor
protected  DrawingToolRequestor AmpLinkLayer.layer

Uses of DrawingToolRequestor in

Classes in that implement DrawingToolRequestor
 class DrawLinkLayer
          The DrawLinkLayer is an extension to the LinkLayer.

Fields in declared as DrawingToolRequestor
protected  DrawingToolRequestor DrawLinkLayer.layer

Uses of DrawingToolRequestor in com.bbn.openmap.layer.test

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.layer.test that implement DrawingToolRequestor
 class BoundsTestLayer
          A little layer to test out the DataBounds intersections.
 class GeoCrossDemoLayer
          This layer was developed to provide a simple picture of how vector cross products work with Geos to solve intersection problems.
 class GeoIntersectionLayer
          This layer demonstrates the use of the com.bbn.openmap.geo package to do intersection calculations in lat/lon space.

Uses of DrawingToolRequestor in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.event

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.event declared as DrawingToolRequestor
protected  DrawingToolRequestor SelectionEvent.requestor

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.event that return DrawingToolRequestor
 DrawingToolRequestor SelectionEvent.getRequestor()

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.event with parameters of type DrawingToolRequestor
 void SelectionSupport.fireSelection(OMGraphic omg, DrawingToolRequestor dtr, boolean isSelected)
          Send a selection event to all registered listeners.

Constructors in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.event with parameters of type DrawingToolRequestor
SelectionEvent(java.lang.Object source, OMGraphic omg, DrawingToolRequestor dtr, boolean selectionStatus)

Uses of DrawingToolRequestor in

Classes in that implement DrawingToolRequestor
 class DrawingToolRequestorList

Fields in declared as DrawingToolRequestor
protected  DrawingToolRequestor OMDrawingToolLauncher.currentRequestor
protected  DrawingToolRequestor OMDrawingTool.requestor
          The component to notify when the drawing tool is finished.

Fields in with type parameters of type DrawingToolRequestor
protected  java.util.Vector<DrawingToolRequestor> OMDrawingToolLauncher.drawingToolRequestors

Methods in with parameters of type DrawingToolRequestor
 void DrawingToolRequestorList.add(OMGraphic omg, DrawingToolRequestor dtr)
 OMGraphic OMDrawingTool.create(java.lang.String classname, DrawingToolRequestor requestor)
          Create a new OMGraphic, encased in a new EditableOMGraphic that can modify it.
 OMGraphic DrawingTool.create(java.lang.String classname, DrawingToolRequestor requestor)
          Given a classname, provide an OMGraphic for that classname.
 OMGraphic OMDrawingTool.create(java.lang.String classname, GraphicAttributes ga, DrawingToolRequestor requestor)
          Create a new OMGraphic, encased in a new EditableOMGraphic that can modify it.
 OMGraphic DrawingTool.create(java.lang.String classname, GraphicAttributes ga, DrawingToolRequestor requestor)
          Given a classname, provide an OMGraphic for that classname.
 OMGraphic OMDrawingTool.create(java.lang.String classname, GraphicAttributes ga, DrawingToolRequestor requestor, boolean showGUI)
          Create a new OMGraphic, encased in a new EditableOMGraphic that can modify it.
 OMGraphic DrawingTool.create(java.lang.String classname, GraphicAttributes ga, DrawingToolRequestor requestor, boolean showGUI)
          Same as create(String, GraphicAttributes, DrawingToolRequestor), except that you have to option of suppressing the GUI that could be available from the EditableOMGraphic.
 OMGraphic OMDrawingTool.edit(EditableOMGraphic eomg, DrawingToolRequestor requestor)
          Given an EditableOMGraphic, use it to make modifications, and then call requestor.drawingComplete().
 OMGraphic DrawingTool.edit(EditableOMGraphic eomg, DrawingToolRequestor requestor)
          Given an EditableOMGraphic, direct events to the EditableOMGraphic so that it can modify its OMGraphic.
 OMGraphic OMDrawingTool.edit(EditableOMGraphic eomg, DrawingToolRequestor requestor, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
          A slightly different edit method, where the EditableOMGraphic is put directly into edit mode, and the mouse events immediately start making modifications to the OMGraphic.
 OMGraphic DrawingTool.edit(EditableOMGraphic eomg, DrawingToolRequestor requestor, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
          A slightly different edit method, where the EditableOMGraphic is put directly into edit mode, and the mouse events immediately start making modifications to the OMGraphic.
 OMGraphic OMDrawingTool.edit(OMGraphic g, DrawingToolRequestor requestor)
          Given an OMGraphic, wrap it in the applicable EditableOMGraphic, allow the user to make modifications, and then call requestor.drawingComplete().
 OMGraphic DrawingTool.edit(OMGraphic g, DrawingToolRequestor requestor)
          Given an OMGraphic, set things up so that the OMGraphic will be edited.
 OMGraphic OMDrawingTool.edit(OMGraphic g, DrawingToolRequestor requestor, boolean showGUI)
          Given an OMGraphic, wrap it in the applicable EditableOMGraphic, allow the user to make modifications, and then call requestor.drawingComplete().
 OMGraphic DrawingTool.edit(OMGraphic g, DrawingToolRequestor requestor, boolean showGUI)
          Same as edit(omGraphic, DrawingToolRequestor), except that you have to option of suppressing the GUI that could be available from the EditableOMGraphic.
 OMGraphic OMDrawingTool.edit(OMGraphic g, DrawingToolRequestor requestor, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
          A slightly different edit method, where the EditableOMGraphic is put directly into edit mode, and the mouse events immediately start making modifications to the OMGraphic.
 OMGraphic DrawingTool.edit(OMGraphic g, DrawingToolRequestor requestor, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
          A slightly different edit method, where the EditableOMGraphic is put directly into edit mode, and the mouse events immediately start making modifications to the OMGraphic.
 boolean omg, DrawingToolRequestor req, java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)

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