Package com.bbn.openmap.util.propertyEditor

Provide PropertyEditors for different property types of OpenMap components.


Class Summary
ColorPropertyEditor A PropertyEditor that brings up a JFileChooser panel to select a file.
ComboBoxPropertyEditor The ComboBoxPropertyEditor provides a set of options within a JComboBox.
DirectoryPropertyEditor A PropertyEditor that brings up a JFileChooser panel to select a directory.
FDUPropertyEditor FDUPropertyEditor - File, Directory and URL PropertyEditor.
FilePropertyEditor A PropertyEditor that brings up a JFileChooser panel to select a file.
FUPropertyEditor FUPropertyEditor - File and URL PropertyEditor.
Inspector Class to inspect a PropertyConsumer.
MultiDirectoryPropertyEditor A PropertyEditor that brings up a JFileChooser panel that allows the user to choose one or more directories.
MultiDirFilePropertyEditor A PropertyEditor that brings up a JFileChooser panel to several files and directories.
NonEditablePropertyEditor A PropertyEditor that doesn't let you edit the property.
OnOffPropertyEditor A PropertyEditor that displays a On/Off option.
OptionPropertyEditor The base class for property editors that support a list of options being presented in the GUI.
PropertyConsumerPropertyEditor The base class for property editors that can use properties to provide a more complex interface, and need more flexibility to contribute different parameters.
TextPropertyEditor A PropertyEditor that displays a TextField to edit a String.
TrueFalsePropertyEditor A PropertyEditor that displays an either/or option.
YesNoPropertyEditor A PropertyEditor that displays a Yes/No option.

Package com.bbn.openmap.util.propertyEditor Description

Provide PropertyEditors for different property types of OpenMap components.

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