Uses of Class

Packages that use QuadTreeLeaf
com.bbn.openmap.util.quadtree Provide a quad-tree for latitude/longitude based data. 

Uses of QuadTreeLeaf in com.bbn.openmap.util.quadtree

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.util.quadtree with type parameters of type QuadTreeLeaf
protected  java.util.Collection<QuadTreeLeaf<T>> QuadTreeNode.items

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.util.quadtree with parameters of type QuadTreeLeaf
 boolean QuadTreeNode.put(QuadTreeLeaf<T> leaf)
          Add a QuadTreeLeaf into the tree at a location.
 T QuadTreeNode.remove(QuadTreeLeaf<T> leaf)
          Remove a QuadTreeLeaf out of the tree at a location.

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