Here are some classes that will let OpenMap display compackted TPK data (exported from ArcGIS). These files are compatible with OpenMap 5.1.13. The omtpk.jar and jackson jar files can be added to a classpath with the openmap.jar file fr om OpenMap 5.1.13. A layer that displays the images from the tpk file can be added to the file: tpkLayer.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.imageTile.MapTileLayer tpkLayer.prettyName=TPK Layer tpkLayer.tileFactory=com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.mapTile.tpk.TpkMapTileFactory tpkLayer.tpk=/data/ImageryTPK.tpk Don't forget to add 'tpkLayer' to the openmap.layers property list of layer keynames. The source code is in the openmap-tpk-src.jar file if you want to incorporate this into your openmap build. It includes the new source files in the com.bbn.openmap.dataAcces.mapTile.tpk package, and the jackson jars as they would be saved in the ext directory (to get the tpk files to compile). These files will be incorporated into the next major OpenMap release (v6.0, currently noted as 5.2b branch).