Hi Xavier,
I hate to tell you this, but it works for me, even without the
modification for the BeanContext. 2 VPFLayers in a BufferedLayer, both
display, and both write out their properties when map properties are
- Don
On Jul 26, 2004, at 8:43 AM, xrr_at_altern.org wrote:
> Hello,
> I have an issue trying to use a BufferedLayer with many VPFLayers.
> First I had to change the BufferedLayer and the VPFlayer classes.
> Because the layers handled managed by the bufferedLayer were not aware
> of the bean context. So I overrided setBeanContext in BufferedLayer so
> that it will call setBeanContext in all the layers.
> Now all the VPFLayers are properly set-up but when I save a map, the
> properties are not properly saved.
> here's what I get in the saved properties for one of the layers
> agregated by BufferedLayer :
> vmapRoads1.addToBeanContext=true
> vmapRoads1.autoPalette=false
> vmapRoads1.background=false
> vmapRoads1.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf.VPFLayer
> vmapRoads1.consumeEvents=false
> vmapRoads1.pcp.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.policy.ListResetPCPolicy
> vmapRoads1.prettyName=VMAP L0 SASAUS(Asia)
> vmapRoads1.projectionChangePolicy=pcp
> vmapRoads1.removeable=true
> vmapRoads1.renderPolicy=rp
> vmapRoads1.rp.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.policy.BufferedImageRenderPol
> icy
> here's the full set in the initial openmap.properties file :
> vmapRoads1.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf.VPFLayer
> vmapRoads1.prettyName=VMAP L0 SASAUS(Asia)
> vmapRoads1.libraryBean=VMAPL0SASAUS
> vmapRoads1.coverageType=trans
> vmapRoads1.featureTypes=edge area text
> vmapRoads1.edge=roadl trackl traill
> vmapRoads1.addToBeanContext=true
> vmapRoads1.roadl.lineWidth=1
> vmapRoads1.roadl.lineColor=F0000000
> vmapRoads1.roadl.matted=false
> vmapRoads1.roadl.mattingColor=F0000000
> vmapRoads1.traill.lineWidth=1
> vmapRoads1.traill.lineColor=F0000000
> vmapRoads1.traill.matted=false
> vmapRoads1.trackl.lineWidth=1
> vmapRoads1.trackl.dashPattern=10 10
> vmapRoads1.trackl.lineColor=F0ffb200
> vmapRoads1.trackl.matted=false
> vmapRoads1.trackl.mattingColor=000000
> you can see that a lot are missing...
> Any idea how I can update bufferedLayer so that all the properties of
> the VPFLayer will be properly saved ?
> Actually I have no idea so far about how and where those missing
> properties are handled.
> Thanks in advance,
> Xavier
> --
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Don Dietrick, dietrick_at_bbn.com
BBN Technologies, Cambridge, MA
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Received on Tue Jul 27 2004 - 15:11:29 EDT