Hi Jonathan,
On Aug 9, 2004, at 4:19 PM, Heh, Jonathan wrote:
> Hello,
> I am relatively new to OpenMap and am trying to add VMAP0 data. I am
> trying to use the .libraryBean feature that is discussed and
> recommended in the documentation but it is not working. I keep getting
> the following exceptions: OutofMemoryError and NullPointerException.
> Here is my code:
> vpfLayer = new VPFLayer();
> Properties vpfLayerProps = new Properties();
> vpfLayerProps.put("vpfLib.class",
> "com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf.LibraryBean");
> vpfLayerProps.put("vpfLib.vpfPath", "D:\\VMAPLV0");
The LibraryBean is a separate class, and isn't something you can create
by passing it as properties to the layer. You have to create the
LibraryBean as an object, pass it it's properties, and then add it to
the MapHandler. You also have to give the LibraryBean some unique
name, and then tell the layer in it's properties what that name is.
- Don
> vpfLayerProps.put("vmapElev.class",
> "com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf.VPFLayer");
> vpfLayerProps.put("vmapElev.prettyName", "Elevation");
> vpfLayerProps.put("vmapElev.libraryBean", "vpfLib");
> vpfLayerProps.put("vmapElev.libraryName", "noamer");
> vpfLayerProps.put("vmapElev.coverageType", "elev");
> vpfLayerProps.put("vmapElev.featureTypes", "edge epoint");
> vpfLayerProps.put("vmapElev.edge", "contourl");
> vpfLayerProps.put("vmapElev.epoint", "elevp");
> vpfLayerProps.put("vmapElev.searchByFeatures", "true");
> vpfLayerProps.put("vmapElev.lineWidth", "1");
> vpfLayerProps.put("vmapElev.lineColor", "FF0000FF");
> vpfLayerProps.put("vmapElev.fillColor", "FF0000FF");
> vpfLayer.setProperties("vpfLib", vpfLayerProps);
> //with this I am getting the NullPointerException, and when I
> put this:
> vpfLayer.setProperties("vmapElev", vpfLayerProps);
> //I get the desired data display on the map but when I try to
> zoom in or try to adjust the layer properties I get the
> OutofMemoryError.
> //this also gives me the NullPointerException:
> vpfLayer.setProperties(vpfLayerProps);
> layerHandler.addLayer(vpfLayer);
> I would appreciate any help with this. Thank you.
> Jonathan Heh
> Software Development Engineer
> Northrop Grumman Mission Systems
> Phone: 937-431-2454
> Fax: 937-429-1893
> --
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Don Dietrick, dietrick_at_bbn.com
BBN Technologies, Cambridge, MA
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Received on Mon Aug 09 2004 - 18:21:57 EDT