Hi Peter,
You can override OMGraphicHandlerLayer.getItemsForOMGraphicMenu() to
get this behavior, albeit on a right-click. You're supposed to return
a list of java.awt.Components, and I just tested it with a JPanel
containing buttons, and it worked fine.
If you're not familiar with the OMGraphicHandlerLayer and how it uses
the StandardMapMouseInterpreter for handing MouseEvents over its
OMGraphics, this might be helpful:
Hope this helps,
- Don
On Sep 13, 2004, at 3:18 PM, Peter Solderitsch wrote:
> All,
> I'm trying to implement a feature that works something like this: User
> clicks on a graphic (OMGraphic subclass of some kind) on the map. In
> response, a java panel/swing component of some kind, which may have its
> own nested gui controls like buttons or list boxes, is displayed at a
> particular x,y offset from that selected graphic on the map.
> Moreover, I'd like it to be possible for more than one of these
> components to be overlaid at a given time (n of them, where n is the
> number of OMGraphics on the map that are currently in "selected"
> state).
> Our current version of the app displays a complicated set of other
> OMGraphics (lines, rectangles, OMText lines, etc) as the popup control,
> but you don't get the full features this way (basically, since that
> panel is made up of OMGraphics, all you can really do is
> select/deselect/drag and drop).
> In my first crawl through the javadoc, I haven't found a
> straightforward
> approach to this problem yet - I'm writing this in the hope that it's
> obvious and I've missed it, or that someone else has tackled this (or
> someone to tell me it's impossible).
> Thanks,
> -Peter
> --
> Peter Solderitsch
> Gestalt, LLC
> --
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Don Dietrick, dietrick_at_bbn.com
BBN Technologies, Cambridge, MA
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Received on Mon Sep 13 2004 - 15:37:09 EDT