Make sure none of your colors have an alpha value set to "FF". X doesn't
too well for semi-transparency over the network.
Also, try setting
setenv NO_J2D_DGA 1
# allow pixmaps to be shared between client and server running on same machine
setenv J2D_PIXMAPS client
You can find more info about these flags at:
At 03:13 PM 9/29/2004, Andrew Hnatiw wrote:
>I am running OpenMap on a remote machine setting the display to either a
>Windows computer running cygwin or a unix machine with X, and have found
>that both are horribly slow, and that surprisingly the Windows one goes
>faster than the unix one. Does anybody know of any solutions to this
>problem? Things run fine when I run them locally on all of the machines
>I've been using for testing.
>Andrew Hnatiw
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Received on Wed Sep 29 2004 - 17:33:15 EDT