This method depends totally on the projected coordinates of the
OMCircle. For smaller OMCircle sizes at larger projection scale
values, I wouldn't be surprised if the PathIterator needs to be
flattened a little to interpolate between the points a little better.
Either that, or make the projection scale number smaller so the
OMCircle is projected at a bigger size, with more pixel space between
The other alternative is to call the getCoordLists() method on the
OMCircle to get the raw lat/lon points of the circle.
- Don
On Nov 1, 2004, at 3:02 PM, Whanger, Thomas wrote:
> Hello,
> The com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape.EsriPolygonList.convert(OMCircle,
> Projection) method converts the given OMCircle to an OMPoly using the
> given Projection, and it works great for circles with a larger radius.
> However, if the radius is less than approximately 0.2 decimal degrees,
> then the converted OMPoly is a rectangle or triangle (not a circular
> shaped polygon). In addition, if the radius is less than 0.04 decimal
> degrees, then the converted OMPoly is a vertical line (not a circular
> shaped polygon).
> Does anyone know why this method fails for these circles with a
> smaller radius and/or how to get the method to work with these circles
> with a smaller radius? Any help is greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> -Tom
> Here is the method's code:
> //converts circles into polygons
> public static OMPoly convert(OMCircle omCircle, Projection proj) {
> GeneralPath shape = omCircle.getShape();
> //get the PathIterator that defines the outline of the circle
> PathIterator circle = shape.getPathIterator(null);
> Vector initialPoints = new Vector();
> float[] segPoints = new float[2];
> while (!circle.isDone()) {
> //by passing segpoints the array is filled with each x\y
> point
> //iterated by the circle
> int segType = circle.currentSegment(segPoints);
> initialPoints.add(new Float(segPoints[0]));
> initialPoints.add(new Float(segPoints[1]));
> }
> float[] circlePoints = new float[initialPoints.size()];
> if (proj == null) {
> return null;
> }
> //convert the x/y points to lat/lon points
> for (int p = 0; p < initialPoints.size(); p += 2) {
> LatLonPoint llp = proj.inverse(
> ((Float)initialPoints.elementAt(p)).intValue(),
> ((Float)initialPoints.elementAt(p +
> 1)).intValue());
> circlePoints[p] = llp.getLatitude();
> circlePoints[p + 1] = llp.getLongitude();
> }
> //using the circle data create an OMPoly
> OMPoly poly = new OMPoly(circlePoints,
> OMGraphic.DECIMAL_DEGREES, omCircle.getLineType());
> poly.setAppObject(omCircle.getAppObject());
> DrawingAttributes da = new DrawingAttributes();
> da.setFrom(omCircle);
> da.setTo(poly);
> return poly;
> }
Don Dietrick,
BBN Technologies, Cambridge, MA
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