Hi John,
Sure, you can do this with any layer. For shape files, you have
several options - you can create a ShapeLayer and set properties on it
that give information about where the shape files are (they can be
URLs, too), or you can programmatically create a SpatialIndex object
and set it in a ShapeLayer.
You can also use the com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape package
components and get the OMGraphics directly, or use the
com.bbn.openmap.plugin.esri plugin components.
You'd want to get the LayerHandler in App 1 and add the layer to it,
giving it an index from the top of the map.
The thing is, all layers are created dynamically, it's just that they
are usually created at startup. I'd bet you could even create the
layer in App 2 and send it to App 1 using RMI.
Hope this helps,
- Don
On Nov 30, 2004, at 6:20 PM, Pearson John T Jr GS-13 453 EWS/EWA wrote:
> Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
> Security Control Marking: FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
> Don & List...
> I'm curious if OpenMap supports the addition of shapefiles on the fly.
> What
> I mean is this:
> I have two applications running on a PC, both in Java, but each
> launched
> from its own jvm.
> App #1 uses Openmap. App #2 uses it's own mapping application
> - App #2 gets some data from App #1.
> - App #2 does some work with the data from App #1 & generates a
> shapefile
> into the windows file system.
> Can the Openmap in App #1 be configured to read in this shapefile that
> was
> generated after OpenMap was launched by the startup of App #1? Can it
> load
> an arbitrary number of shapefiles?
> Regards
> John Pearson
> John T. Pearson, Jr., GG-13, DAF
> Senior IO Analysis Modeling & Simulation Engineer
> IMOM-Engineer Model Manager
> RF Sensors, Communications, Navigation and Identification Systems
> Analysis
> Element
> Electronic Warfare Analysis Flight (EWA)
> 453 Electronic Warfare Squadron (453 EWS)
> 318 Information Operations Group (318 IOG)
> Air Force Information Warfare Center (AFIWC)
> Air Intelligence Agency (AIA)
> Air Combat Command (ACC)
> United States Air Force (USAF)
> 453 EWS/EWA
> 102 Hall St, Ste 338
> San Antonio, TX 78243-7020
> Voice: (210) 977-2427, DSN 969-2427; STU-III Capable
> FAX: (210) 977-4586, DSN 969-4586 NON-SECURE
> SECURE FAX: (210) 977-4680, DSN 969-4860 (auto receive PM only)
> NSTS: 973-6147
> Home: rcd2951_at_aol.com <mailto:rcd2951_at_aol.com>
> NIPRNET: john.pearson_at_lackland.af.mil
> <mailto:john.pearson_at_lackland.af.mil>
> SIPRNET: john.pearson_at_afiwc.aia.kelly.af.smil.mil
> <mailto:john.pearson_at_afiwc.aia.kelly.af.smil.mil>
> JWICS: john.pearson_at_afiwc.aia.ic.gov
> <mailto:john.pearson_at_afiwc.aia.ic.gov>
> Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
> Security Control Marking: FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
> --
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Don Dietrick, dietrick_at_bbn.com
BBN Technologies, Cambridge, MA
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Received on Tue Nov 30 2004 - 19:27:43 EST