I am trying change what kind of coordinates are displayed to,UTM, DMS,
and MGRS. The createCoordinateInformationLine function is called by the
fireMouseLocation method in CoordMouseMode class to display the lat and
long in degrees if possible , along with the x and y position. Has
anyone ever overridden this createCoordinateInformationLine called by
the fireMouseLocation? Can anyone supply me an example of how to
override this function to affect what is displayed. I would like to in
fact to display whatever string I want to be displayed. Like displaying
the UTM, MGRS, and the lat and long all at the same time in one string.
Does anyone one have some source code to show me how to do this. I am
new at java and we lost our Java programmer his Java Map project was
dumped into my lap. My Java experience is about 2 weeks.
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Received on Thu Dec 09 2004 - 20:27:39 EST