I think you must be divide the problem in two parts
The first: it is read the GPS information from a serial port with Java
Comm API, you must be cureful, because, in Windows, the Comm API only
see to COM4 and USB GPS are installed in any COM port, for example COM10.
The Second is cosntruct your layer, may be a PlugIn and a PlugIn-Layer,
the PlugIn is the provider for information and interpreter of the data
from GPS and the PlugIn-Layer only is the viewer of the information.
Eliecer Osorio Verdugo
Investigación y Desarrollo
Sisdef Ltda.
Fono: 56 32 810777
Fax : 56 32 811190
e-mail: eosorio_at_sisdef.cl
owner-openmap-users_at_bbn.com wrote on 21-03-2005 14:05:17:
> hi gentelmen
> how could we connect GPS with our lovely openMap package using any ports
> USB or serial ports and windows XP??
> thanks,
> __________________________________________
> Bader M.H. Halawani
> COmputer Engineering department (COE)
> KFUPM university
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