Re: [OpenMap Users] BasicGeometry.setAttribute woes

From: Don Dietrick <>
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2005 15:08:03 -0400

Hi Thomas,

It's a bug in the BasicGeometry class, I've fixed it. This method
needs to be replaced in your version:

      * A call used by the BasicGeometry to replace a current
      * appication object with an Object Map while also adding that
      * application object to the Map under the APP_OBJECT_KEY key
      * value.
     protected void replaceAppObjectWithAttributeMap() {
         if (!checkAttributeMap()) {
             // OK, we know we need to create a Map for the attributes,
             // and place it in the appObject of this BasicGeometry.
             // So, get whatever is already there,
             Object appObj = getAppObject(false);

             // Create the new Map, set a pointer to itself so we know
             // it's the attribute Map (and not just replacing a Map
             // that someone else was using before
             Map attributes = createAttributeMap();
             attributes.put(ATT_MAP_KEY, attributes);
             setAppObject(attributes, false);

             // Now, set the old appObject if appropriate.
             if (appObj != null) {
                 attributes.put(APP_OBJECT_KEY, appObj);

The problem is that the attribute hashtable wasn't being set properly
with a self-pointing entry (which lets it know that the attribute table
is indeed itself, instead of a user-set appObject Map set previously).
This was affecting the first attribute set.

- Don

On Apr 4, 2005, at 1:26 PM, Lepkowski, Thomas M., CTR, OSD-PA&E wrote:

> Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
> Hello,
> Has anybody run into difficulty using setAttribute or getAttribute?
> I can get an OMGraphic object to store attributes if I say
> <code>
> ...
> omg.setAttributes( new HashMap() );  // line 10
> omg.putAttribute(SOME_KEY, someData );
> omg.putAttribute(ANOTHER_KEY, someOtherData );
> // then later in the code
> System.out.println( "SOME_KEY =>" +omg.getAttribute(SOME_KEY) );  //ok
> //does NOT print null because line 10
> System.out.println( omg.getAttribute(ANOTHER_KEY)  );
> OMPoint omPt = new OMPoint();
> //   everything works so far
> // now I want to replace omg with omPt
> // I need to swap app attributes.
> omPt.setAttributes(  omg.getAttributes() );  //line 468
> </code>
> Here's the Exception: 
> <dump>
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> at java.util.Hashtable.put(Unknown Source)
> at
> com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.geom.BasicGeometry.setAttributes(BasicGeomet
> at com.bbn.openmap.layer.UnitsLayer.replaceOMGraphic(
> </dump>
> Debug print of omg.getAttributes() showing key => value pairs :
> the Map size=4
> 2 => someData
> app_object_key => {app_object_key=null}
> 1 => someOtherDate
> att_map_key => {2=someData, app_object_key={app_object_key=null},
> 1=someOtherData, att_map_key=(this Map)}
> Any Ideas?
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Tobias Gorgs
> Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2005 3:19 AM
> To:
> Subject: [OpenMap Users] DTED
> Hi,
> I have two questions about DTEDLayers.
> 1) How is it possible to change the Opaqueness of a DTEDLayer?
> This is how I tried it:
> dtedLayer.setOpaqueness(135);
> dtedLayer.doPrepare();
> This lines of code should be processed, when a special button of my
> user interface is         pressed. If I ask for the new opaqueness
> (getOpaqueness()) the value is 135. But nothing     happens. The
> DTEDLayer is already added to the MapHandler. If I let OpenMap show
> the palette to change DTED-Properties it works. Any ideas?
> 2) Is it possible to remove a DTEDLayer from the MapHandler and later
> add it again? I want to show DTED Level 0 until a defined scale-level
> is reached and then show DTED Level 1. To save memory I thought I
> remove DTED Level 1 until the application has the defined scale and
> then add it. Is this the right idea?
> I already tried with:
> mapHandler.remove(dtedLayer);
> mapHandler.add(dtedLayer);
> The boolean which is returned is true for both lines of code. After
> the layer was removed it isn`t shown at the map anymore. This is
> great, but after I added the layer - it doesn`t appear on my map
> either. Can anyone help me with this topic?
> Thanks a lot.
> Tobi

Don Dietrick,
BBN Technologies, Cambridge, MA

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