Btw, I did find this under the src/svg/tools/symbology/milStd2525 directory
of the OpenMap release. Haven't tried incorporating that yet though.
- Chris
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Hopkins
> Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 1:38 PM
> To: ''
> Subject: [OpenMap Users] MilStd 2525 SVGSymbolImageMaker
> Hi all -
> So, I was looking at the API docs online and noticed this
> comment in the
> SymbolReferenceLibrary class.
> # properties to use for SVG image data files obtained from
> DISA. You need to
> have Batik jars in
> # your classpath to use the SVG files, as well as the omsvg.jar file
> ymbology.milSt
> d2525.SVGSymbolImageMaker
> I have downloaded the SVG implementation of the 2525B
> standard from the DISA
> site and all the images are in SVG format. Is there an
> SVGSymbolImageMaker
> kicking around that I could use to load those images?
> Thanks,
> Chris
> --
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Received on Thu Apr 07 2005 - 15:04:35 EDT