Hi Shahid,
Each of the OMGraphics can provide a java.awt.Shape object for their
map representation after they have been generated with their
projection. You can get bounding boxes from these shape objects for
an initial check for intersection, or you can create
java.awt.geom.Area objects from that Shape for precise answers. The
Area calculations are expensive, however.
The next version of OpenMap will have an enhanced version of the
com.bbn.openmap.geo package, which will be able to do these
calculations in lat/lon space. These improvements are really what
you want, but they won't be available until the end of the month.
Hope this helps,
- Don
On Apr 29, 2005, at 7:37 AM, chaudhry shahid wrote:
> Hi All,
> Is there any routine available that can help me detect objects like
> OMCircle,OmLine,OmPloy on the same layer.
> In simple words i want to avoid drawing of two objects at same
> location, like if i have drawn a circle, and a line wants to cross
> a circle i dont want to allow it.
> Is there any way of doing this.
> Regards
> Shahid
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