Hi Raghu,
On May 12, 2005, at 12:25 AM, Raghu wrote:
> Hi Don,
> Thx for u r reply . But i noticed that Java supports
> only 3 True Type fonts (Times New Roman, Helvetica,
> Courier ) Is is true ?
I have no idea.
> if that is , how to give support of other True Type fonts to openmap.
This really isn't an OpenMap problem, it's a Java problem that I'm
unfamiliar with.
- Don
> --- Don Dietrick <dietrick_at_bbn.com> wrote:
>> Hi Raghu,
>> I'd look into how to access TrueType fonts into a
>> general Java
>> application. Once you have that figured out, you
>> can just set that
>> font in an OMText object.
>> - Don
>> On May 5, 2005, at 4:10 AM, Raghu wrote:
>>> hello ,
>>> Can any one tell me , how to use True Type fonts
>> as
>>> marker symbols for point features in openmap.
>>> help is greatly appreciated.
>>> bye
>>> Raghu(Raghavendra K)
>>> Raghu (Raghavendra K)
>>> Scientist , ADRIN(DOS,ISRO),
>>> Mob: 91-9440563501
>>> OFF : 91-040-27781234
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