Hi -
I am trying to find time to get the SVGSymbolImageMaker to work properly.
The issue lies in the translation of the 15-character code into the
retrieval path for the image. I have a plan for implementing this based on
the image ZIP files released by DISA but I have not found the time to
complete the implementation yet. I hope to do so in the next couple of
weeks. If you can't hold out, I can talk more with you about my plan for the
- Chris
> -----Original Message-----
> From: iliu [mailto:iliu_at_mailbox.syr.edu]
> Sent: Monday, May 16, 2005 9:05 PM
> To: openmap-users_at_bbn.com
> Subject: [OpenMap Users] milstd2525 SVG symbol
> Hi, all:
> I am trying to use milstd2525 SVG image and was not
> successful. I was able to
> use PNGSymbolImageMaker but not SVGSymbolImageMaker. The
> ImageIcon that I
> tried to draw is:"I*A*--------***". I could build the openmap
> with my layer
> but always got run-time exception because I change the
> openmap.properties file
> to use SVGSymbolImageMaker instead of PNGSymbolImageMaker.
> The exception is a Batik TranscoderException. I did include
> Batik into my
> build script and classpath.
> I will appreciate it very much if I can get any help. Thanks.
> Y.C.
> --
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Received on Mon May 16 2005 - 21:59:36 EDT