Hi Cary,
Thanks for the fix, it'll be in the next release.
- Don
On Aug 12, 2005, at 9:33 AM, Cary O'Brien wrote:
> We had a problem with null characters in the DBF data that came
> with the US Census tiger databases we downloaded from ESRI.
> Here is a fix in DbfInputStream.readFieldDescription()
> -- cary
> ---------- com/bbn/openmap/dataAccess/shape/input/
> DbfInputStream.java ------------
> /**
> * Initializes arrays that hold column names, column types,
> character
> * lengths, and decimal counts, then populates them
> */
> private void readFieldDescripters() throws IOException {
> _columnNames = new String[_columnCount];
> _types = new byte[_columnCount];
> _lengths = new int[_columnCount];
> _decimalCounts = new byte[_columnCount];
> for (int n=0; n<=_columnCount-1; n++) {
> _columnNames[n] = _leis.readString(11);
> //
> // Some TIGER dbf files from ESRI have nulls
> // in the column names. Delete them.
> //
> int ix = _columnNames[n].indexOf((char)0);
> if(ix > 0) {
> _columnNames[n] = _columnNames[n].substring(0,ix);
> }
> _types[n] = (byte)_leis.readByte();
> _leis.skipBytes(4);
> _lengths[n] = _leis.readUnsignedByte();
> _decimalCounts[n] = _leis.readByte();
> _leis.skipBytes(14);
> }
> }
> --
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Don Dietrick, dietrick_at_bbn.com
BBN Technologies, Cambridge, MA
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Received on Fri Aug 12 2005 - 10:24:23 EDT