Hi Carsten,
On Dec 16, 2005, at 11:07 AM, Carsten Ø. Madsen wrote:
> declutterButton.setToolTipText(i18n.get(this,
> "declutterNames", I18n.TOOLTIP, "Delutter Names"));
You might wand to check to see what "this" is. If you are using the
TimerLocationLayer or another subclass, and have the property under
the "LocationLayer" in the i18n properties, this call will fail.
For this case, I'd change 'this' to 'LocationLayer.class'.
- Don
> Don Dietrick wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> There is one in the beta, you need to add it to the
>> openmap.properties file as an openmap.component.
>> You might want to update the cvs tree for that, I just checked in
>> some improvements to the mode yesterday.
>> - Don
>> On Dec 15, 2005, at 12:47 PM, John Pearson wrote:
>>> Got it all downloaded, rebuilt & working.
>>> I was wondering, in the next release will there be some sort of
>>> sticky hand
>>> pan mode? I've seen references in the mailing list of people
>>> working on
>>> this/wanting it...
>>> JP
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: owner-openmap-users_at_bbn.com [mailto:owner-openmap-
>>> users_at_bbn.com]On
>>> Behalf Of Don Dietrick
>>> Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 8:34 PM
>>> To: John Pearson
>>> Cc: Openmap-Users
>>> Subject: Re: [OpenMap Users] Starting OpenMap
>>> Hi John,
>>> You need a CVS client (there are several available for free, just
>>> Google), configured as described on the download page near where you
>>> found the link for the beta.
>>> Once you set up the 'cvs root', you do a 'checkout' to initially get
>>> the code downloaded onto your machine. Then you can 'update' to
>>> merge any changes into your files at later dates.
>>> - Don
>>> On Dec 14, 2005, at 5:46 PM, John Pearson wrote:
>>>> What do I need to have in order to access CVS?
>>>> JP
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Don Dietrick [mailto:dietrick_at_bbn.com]
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 4:46 PM
>>>> To: John Pearson
>>>> Cc: Openmap-Users
>>>> Subject: Re: [OpenMap Users] Starting OpenMap
>>>> Hi John,
>>>> It just downloaded OK for me, but I don't have access to a windows
>>>> box right now. I'll have to try it out tomorrow.
>>>> I see what the problem is, though, I didn't realize you were
>>>> running
>>>> from that download. That file is a snapshot of the CVS
>>>> repository of
>>>> that day, and the class files and jar files (except for the symbol
>>>> jar) aren't checked into CVS. If you download the beta, you
>>>> have to
>>>> compile the code to use it. If you have a jdk installed with
>>>> javac,
>>>> you can run the ant.bat file to create the classes and jars. From
>>>> the openmap directory, run
>>>>> bin\ant.bat
>>>> Ant might want you to have the JAVA_HOME environment variable set,
>>>> and you should also have the OPENMAP_HOME environment set to where
>>>> ever openmap is.
>>>> - Don
>>>> On Dec 14, 2005, at 5:21 PM, John Pearson wrote:
>>>>> Don...
>>>>> I think the problem may be that the file I downloaded
>>>>> (ftp://openmap.bbn.com/pub/customer-redirect/openmap/openmap-
>>>>> beta-2005071210
>>>>> 28.tar.gz) may be corrupt. I tried to open it on a Windows 2000
>>>>> SP4 system
>>>>> using WinRAR 3.5.1.
>>>>> The following messages were displayed:
>>>>> ! C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My
>>>>> Documents\openmap\openmap-beta-200507121028.tar.gz: Unexpected
>>>>> end of
>>>>> archive
>>>>> ! C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My
>>>>> Documents\openmap\openmap-beta-200507121028.tar.gz: The archive is
>>>>> corrupt
>>>>> I made the changes you described below, but still get the same
>>>>> error.. I
>>>>> have discovered that there is no openmap.jar in the lib directory.
>>>>> I treid redownloading the beta file above, and it still
>>>>> appears to be
>>>>> corrupt.
>>>>> JP
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: owner-openmap-users_at_bbn.com [mailto:owner-openmap-
>>>>> users_at_bbn.com]On
>>>>> Behalf Of Don Dietrick
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 10:06 AM
>>>>> To: John Pearson
>>>>> Cc: Openmap-Users
>>>>> Subject: Re: [OpenMap Users] Starting OpenMap
>>>>> Hi John,
>>>>> On Dec 9, 2005, at 10:30 AM, John Pearson wrote:
>>>>>> Hi List:
>>>>>> I recently downloaded the OpenMap 4.6.3 beta version, and set my
>>>>>> paths as
>>>>>> required by openmap.bat in the bin directory, but OpenMap
>>>>>> fails to
>>>>>> start,
>>>>>> throwing the following exception
>>>>>> C:\openmap\bin>openmap.bat
>>>>>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
>>>>>> com/bbn/openmap/app/OpenMap
>>>>>> I looked in the directory and didn't see any ".class" files, but
>>>>>> neither did
>>>>>> I see them in the directory tree for the 4.6.2 release.
>>>>> The .class files are in the jar file, they are what the jvm
>>>>> actually
>>>>> uses when running a java program.
>>>>> The problem is that the jar file isn't in your classpath.
>>>>>> As you can see I have OpenMap installed on my C:\ drive in "C:
>>>>>> \openmap".,
>>>>>> Java is installed in "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_05".
>>>>>> The contents of openmap.bat are as follows:
>>>>>> _at_echo off
>>>>>> rem This will launch the OpenMap application
>>>>>> rem Java Virtual Machine
>>>>>> JAVA ISN"T IN
>>>>>> YOUR PATH
>>>>>> set JAVABIN=C:\PROGRA~1\JAVA\jdk1.5.0_05\bin\java.exe
>>>>>> rem OpenMap top-level directory
>>>>>> IF YOU
>>>>>> MOVE THE
>>>>>> rem BATCH FILE.
>>>>>> set OPENMAP_HOME=C:\openmap
>>>>>> rem CLASSPATH points to toplevel OpenMap directory and share
>>>>>> rem subdirectory. Add other jar files as available.
>>>>>> set
>>>>>> CLASSPATH=%OPENMAP_HOME%;%OPENMAP_HOME%\classes\openmap;%
>>>>>> OPENMAP_HOME%\share
>>>>>> ;%OPENMAP_HOME%\lib\milStd2525_png.jar;%OPENMAP_HOME%\lib
>>>>>> \openmap.jar;%OPENM
>>>>>> AP_HOME%\lib\omsvg.jar;%OPENMAP_HOME%\lib\omj3d.jar;%
>>>>>> \lib\omcor
>>>>>> ba_vb.jar;
>>>>>> rem OK, now run OpenMap
>>>>>> %JAVABIN% -Xmx64m -Dopenmap.configDir=%OPENMAP_HOME%\share
>>>>>> -Ddebug.showprogress com.bbn.openmap.app.OpenMap
>>>>>> Any Ideas why I can't get OpenMap to start?
>>>>> Is the OpenMap installation at c:/openmap?
>>>>> You could also modify the bin.bat script so that it contains a jvm
>>>>> flag that explicitly sets the classpath:
>>>>> %JAVABIN% -Xmx64m -Dopenmap.configDir=%OPENMAP_HOME%\share
>>>>> -Ddebug.showprogress -classpath %CLASSPATH%
>>>>> com.bbn.openmap.app.OpenMap
>>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>>> Don
>>>>> --
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