Hi Debbie,
I'm still struggling with the architecture of OMGraphics that use
doubles, I'm working on a class structure that lets you choose
between floats and doubles (space vs precision).
At the least, what 4.7 will definitely do is allow you to do define
your own OMGraphics that use doubles for precision, and use the
standard projection library components to display them in a layer.
- Don
On Jan 6, 2006, at 3:04 PM, Pierce, Deborah wrote:
> Hi Don,
> I'm hoping that the release of Openmap 4.7 will address an issue
> that
> I came across in Openmap 4.6.2. We connected Openmap to a
> GPS system we have that produces lat/lon data as double. But, to
> show the data on OpenMap, we had to cast the data to float to show
> data using OMPoint. When we brought up the data in Openmap,
> unfortunately, the GPS points showed the loss of precision, the data
> formed
> an obvious grid.
> To fix this, I had to extend OMPoint (OMPointDouble),
> extend Mercator (MercatorDouble) and extend
> BasicProjectionLoader (MercatorDoubleLoader), and use my derived
> classes
> to show the data. Is this going to be fixed in OpenMap 4.7?
> Regards,
> Debbie Pierce
> MITRE Corporation
> --
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