Hi Erich,
The ShapeLayers implement the DataBoundsProvider interface, which
provide the extents of their data. The CSVTiledImagePlugIn doesn't
implement that interface, but it could.
There's a DataBoundsViewMenuItem that uses the MapHandler to find
DataBoundsProviders, and lets you zoom in over a layer's data if they
provide that information.
- Don
On Feb 1, 2006, at 11:11 AM, Klaus, Erich P. wrote:
> Hello,
> Does anyone have any common practices for gathering the extents or
> average area for
> shapelayers or csvtiledimageplugin layers that have been added as
> layers.
> Thanks,
> Erich Klaus
> erich.klaus_at_REMOVE SPAM HEREzai.com
> (Please Remove "REMOVE SPAM HERE" if replying directly)
> --
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