I'm having trouble splitting my toolbar into two rows.
1) I add the drawing tool and a custom tool to the toolbar1 exclude list
property in openmap.properties.
2) I enable toolbar2 and add it to the list of components in
3) I add the drawing tool and a custom tool to the toolbar1 exclude list
property in openmap.properties.
Everything is showing up in one really wide toolbar at the top.
Here is an excerpt from my properties:
openmap.components= ... dtlayer myCustomTool toolbar1 toolbar2 ...
# ##
# ToolPanel definitions for the first ToolPanel 'toolbar'
# Tell the first ToolPanel to avoid putting the DrawingToolLayer GUI in
toolBar.avoid=dtlayer myCustomTool
# ToolPanel definitions for the second ToolPanel 'toolbar2'
# Tell the second ToolPanel that you only want it to put the
# DrawingToolLayer GUI in it:
toolBar2.components= dtlayer myCustomTool
# You can set the location, but it interferes with the
# InformationDelegator. Undefined, the ToolPanel goes North, but then
# it interferes with the first ToolPanel.
Erich Klaus
erich.klaus_at_REMOVE SPAM HEREzai.com
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