Hi Vitaly,
I'd think you want to do something similar to the pan requests that
the MapRequestHandler deals with, extending the protocol to handle
some kind of selection event. It looks like there is an
unimplemented QUERY request type in ImageServerConstants that the
MapRequestHandler.handleRequest(...) method doesn't deal with. You
might be able to take advantage of that. You can get your image map
in the browser to handle clicks on the map in different ways by
sending requests back to the server. I think in the old .NET demo
they were sent as RECENTER requests, but you would send them as say,
a QUERY request - then, in your special MapRequestHandler that deals
with QUERY requests and interacting with a particular layer (the
MapRequestHandler would keep a special handle on layers dealing with
queries), the appropriate response would be sent.
Hope this helps,
On Jan 15, 2006, at 7:56 AM, Vitaly Khait wrote:
> Greetings!
> Sorry for rather not competent question but I am really beginner to
> OpenMap and to web programming.
> What I am trying to do is to create an application running in a
> servlet environment that uses OpenMap to present locations stored in
> database and provides some additional functionality.
> I extend LocationLayer (as well as DBLocationHandler and some
> OMGraphics) and MapRequestHandler serves just fine for creating images
> according to the request.
> However, the additional requirement is to enable a user to select a
> Location object by clicking on the image in a browser. I've seen the
> examples implementing similar behaviour for application and applet
> (using mouse events) but still cannot think of any proper design in a
> servlet environment. Can you please give some hints for a correct
> architecture?
> Thanks ahead,
> Khait Vitaly
> --
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Received on Wed Feb 08 2006 - 09:10:47 EST