Hi Greg,
Well, I was going to reply that this was the expected behavior (well,
*my* expected behavior), but then I started looking into the Proj
code, and it turns out there was a really old bug there - where the
maxscale was being calculated based on the default projection width
of 640, instead of the width the projection was being created for.
The projection has a wicked constructor hierarchy where it's possible
to get into trouble by having methods called before the constructor
has completed, resulting in constants being set related to default
values - and that was what was happening.
I've fixed it, and it should be behaving like *you* expect. The new
Proj class is in the beta cvs repository on the website, and I've
included it here.
Thanks for persisting.
- Don
On Feb 15, 2006, at 3:31 PM, Greg Bulla wrote:
> Don - Thanks for investigating this.
> I am not sure I understand everything, am still having the problem
> nonetheless. When I request an image sized at WIDTH=640 HEIGHT=480
> with a scale of SCALE=210474240, or when the width/height is set to
> 800x600, it works fine. When I request an image of size 480x360
> using the same scale, SCALE=210474240, it clips. Note that I have
> already set the scale to its maximum but I did try a larger value to
> make sure (no effect). As you can see, WIDTH and HEIGHT changes are
> working for images larger than 640x480 but not smaller. I don't know
> why you are not having the problem - are you possibly using the beta
> version and/or vers 4.6.3?
> Please see the following images:
> 640 by 480 image
> http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f194/GB9/
> MapServlet_640width_480height_21047.gif
> 800 by 600 image
> http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f194/GB9/
> MapServlet_800width_600height_21047.gif
> 480 by 360 image
> http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f194/GB9/
> MapServlet_480width_360height_21047.gif
> Also, I've expt'd with the properties' openmap.Scale=210474240f
> setting and have set it to a higher value - no difference.
> Greg
> ------------
> Hi Greg,
> It sounds like you expect the height and width settings to affect the
> scale parameter, and that's not what happens. If you want the entire
> world to appear in the smaller image, you need to adjust your scale
> value accordingly (bigger number).
> It's as if you had the map up in the OpenMap application, and resized
> the window - the scale of the map doesn't change, just the area
> covered.
> - Don
> On Feb 14, 2006, at 12:11 PM, Bulla, Gregory wrote:
>> Don - I'm having to reply with another email. Due to some
>> complications here we can read our Yahoo email today, but not send
>> any.
>> Ok, but did your image clip?? On my app it returns the requested
>> size but if it is smaller than 640x480 it clips :(. My property
>> settings are
>> # Width and Height of map, in pixels
>> openmap.Width=320
>> openmap.Height=240
>> and I am passing
>> http://localhost:
> 8080/...REQUEST=MAP&SCALE=10000000000&LAT=32.3800&LON=-117.90&PROJTYPE
>> =Mercator&LAYERS=shapePolitical&WIDTH=400&HEIGHT=300
>> Note that it IS returning the correctly-sized image, but that it is
>> clipped. Check out http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d73/
>> dennylee60/MapServlet.gif for what I'm getting.
>> GB
>> ------------
>> Hi Greg,
>> I just tried out the SimpleHttpImageServer, and the openmap.Width
> and
>> openmap.Height settings in the properties file were the default
>> settings for images.
>> I was also able to make requests for smaller images than the
> default
>> settings. I'm confused as to why your images would be limited to
> the
>> default sizes, I can't see in the code where such a limit would be
>> enforced.
>> - Don
>> On Feb 13, 2006, at 7:47 PM, Greg Bulla wrote:
>>> We're using OM's MapRequestHandler class in a servlet. We want to
> be
>>> able to request a map image smaller than 640 by 480, but it
> doesn't
>>> appear that OM will allow this even if you set the (default?)
> width
>>> and height in the properties. For example, it is set to
>>> # Width and Height of map, in pixels
>>> openmap.Width=480
>>> openmap.Height=360
>>> but always returns an image of 640x480 if you don't specify the
> size.
>>> It returns a larger image if you request that, like 800x600, but
>>> ignores smaller requests.
>>> Am I doing something wrong here? Any workarounds?
>>> Greg
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- application/octet-stream attachment: Proj.java
Received on Wed Feb 15 2006 - 17:36:30 EST