Try adding
to your property file or do
when starting your app to get more debug info and make sure your
classpath is correct.
Esposito, Christopher wrote:
> I have written a custom GUI component to go in the horizontal list of
>tools seen in the base application - I started with the code for a
>ZoomPanel, and then modified from there, adding and deleting as needed.
>I then added it's name "probthresholdpanel" to the list of
>openmap.components in and added this line:
> probthresholdpanel.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.ProbThresholdPanel
>to as well. I know it doesn't *really* belong in
>com.bbn.openmap.gui, but it was less fiddling with the ant script to put
>it there for now. The code for the component compiles just fine.
>I set the ComponentFactory debug flag and on startup I get this output:
>ComponentFactory.create: Failed to create
>"com.bbn.openmap.gui.ProbThresholdPanel" using component marker name
>"probthresholdpanel" - error message: InvocationTargetException: null
>The Javadocs for this exception describe it this way:
>"InvocationTargetException is a checked exception that wraps an
>exception thrown by an invoked method or constructor", but no
>information about the wrapped exception is actually printed so I don't
>know what actually went wrong.
>The class defintion for the component starts as:
>public class ProbThresholdPanel extends OMToolComponent implements
> Serializable, ChangeListener
>And it has a no-arg constructor.
>Any ideas on how to figure out why the component isn't getting
>Chris Esposito, Ph.D.
>Associate Technical Fellow
>(425) 865-5322
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Received on Fri Mar 24 2006 - 01:51:59 EST