Hi Guy,
Thanks for the report, I'll update the code.
- Don
On Apr 24, 2006, at 12:09 PM, Guy Pascarella wrote:
> I ran into a bug in com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.ESRIPoly that I
> thought I
> should share.
> In the methods getRadians() and getDecimalDegrees() the isRadians
> member
> isn't updated to reflect the current state of the ESRIPoly. From
> ESRIPoly:
> public float[] getRadians() {
> if (!isRadians) {
> ProjMath.arrayDegToRad(radians);
> }
> return radians;
> }
> So, the radians array is being converted to radians, but the isRadians
> indicator is not being updated. Multiple calls to this method will
> result
> in varying results upon each successive call. The same bug exists
> in a
> similar manner within getDecimalDegrees().
> Is there a formal way for submitted bugs?
> Regards,
> Guy
> Guy Pascarella
> Intelligent Software Solutions
> (703) 416-6020 x8406 Office
> (315) 794-3409 Cell
> Guy.Pascarella_at_issinc.com <mailto:Guy.Pascarella_at_issinc.com>
> --
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Received on Tue Apr 25 2006 - 09:30:58 EDT