Hi Don,
We have extended WMSPlugin recently (part of this work is base on Bart
Jourquin's code). Now you can ask server for capabilities, received
document is parsed and table of published layers is displayed. I hope
you find this code useful. There are also several small changes in other
packages. Here is description:
* |com\bbn\openmap\util\propertyEditor\ColourPropertyEditor| - null
pointer checking
* |com\bbn\openmap\proj| - localization
* |com\bbn\openmap\BufferedLayerMapBean| - added option to change
brightnes ( overriding paint() method)
* |com\bbn\openmap\BufferedLayerMapBean| - avoiding layers blinking
(synchronizing paint and setLayers())
* |com\bbn\openmap\gui\WindowSupport| -
setDefaultWindowSupportDisplayType and
getDefaultWindowSupportDisplayType are now public.
* |com\bbn\openmap\image\ImageServerUtils| - setting transparent color
* |com\bbn\openmap\layer\dted\DTEDLayer| - translations, a small
change in gui
* |com\bbn\openmap\layer\dted\i18n| - translations
* |com\bbn\openmap\omGraphics\geom\BasicGeometry| - correcting
distanceToEdge for enclosing line case
* |com\bbn\openmap\plugin\WebImagePlugIn| - extracting query method,
enablig extracting query text from window
* |com\bbn\openmap\plugin\i18n| - translations
* |com\bbn\openmap\plugin\wms\*| - adding selecting displayed
layers, new gui
Best regards,
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Received on Fri Apr 28 2006 - 01:37:30 EDT