Thanks Piotr!
On Apr 28, 2006, at 1:31 AM, Piotr KamiĆski wrote:
> Hi Don,
> We have extended WMSPlugin recently (part of this work is base on
> Bart Jourquin's code). Now you can ask server for capabilities,
> received document is parsed and table of published layers is
> displayed. I hope you find this code useful. There are also several
> small changes in other packages. Here is description:
> * |com\bbn\openmap\util\propertyEditor\ColourPropertyEditor| - null
> pointer checking
> * |com\bbn\openmap\proj| - localization
> * |com\bbn\openmap\BufferedLayerMapBean| - added option to change
> brightnes ( overriding paint() method)
> * |com\bbn\openmap\BufferedLayerMapBean| - avoiding layers blinking
> (synchronizing paint and setLayers())
> * |com\bbn\openmap\gui\WindowSupport| -
> setDefaultWindowSupportDisplayType and
> getDefaultWindowSupportDisplayType are now public.
> * |com\bbn\openmap\image\ImageServerUtils| - setting transparent
> color
> * |com\bbn\openmap\layer\dted\DTEDLayer| - translations, a small
> change in gui
> * |com\bbn\openmap\layer\dted\i18n| - translations
> * |com\bbn\openmap\omGraphics\geom\BasicGeometry| - correcting
> distanceToEdge for enclosing line case
> * |com\bbn\openmap\plugin\WebImagePlugIn| - extracting query
> method,
> enablig extracting query text from window
> * |com\bbn\openmap\plugin\i18n| - translations
> * |com\bbn\openmap\plugin\wms\*| - adding selecting displayed
> layers, new gui
> Best regards,
> Piotr
> <>
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Received on Fri Apr 28 2006 - 16:51:17 EDT