I almost managed to compile your code with the beta version of openmap that
I downloaded from the CVS.
The Problem was the big difference between your MapRequestHandler and the
CVS one (also from the 4.4.2, 4.4.3 versions).
A lot of your functions receives IHttpResponse object e.g. "public void
handleRequest(String request, IHttpResponse httpResponse)" while in today's
versions the functions receives OutputStream object.
So what I did is overloaded the cvs MapRequestHandler functions with your
versions functions. Is it ok?
But still there was a problem with PropUtils class. In your class
MapServer.java a call to non existing static fields
"PropUtils.httpRequestPropertySeparators" and
and non existing method signature parsePropertyList e.g.
" PropUtils.parsePropertyList(request,
PropUtils.httpRequestKeyValueSeparators, true);"
If I comment this line, I've been able to compile it, but of course the
mapserver.java will not be worth too much...
So I have 2 questions If I may:
1. Do you have the PropUtils class with those missing fields and methods?
2. Can you somehow upload your version of openmap with WMS server inside
already compiled that you were able at that time to work with it with map
builder, and a link for me to upload it? It will mean a great deal for me
and to my team, and save us all a lot of time.
Thank you, and sorry for the trouble, I just don't have anyone else to talk
to as you are the only one who was able to connect openmap to map builder.
Oz and the location team
-----Original Message-----
From: Vitaly Khait [mailto:khvitaly_at_gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 6:19 PM
To: theone3_at_gmail.com
Subject: Fwd: [OpenMap Users] OpenMap based OpenGIS WMS server
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Piotr Kamiński <Piotr.Kaminski_at_ctm.gdynia.pl>
Date: Mar 29, 2006 2:34 PM
Subject: [OpenMap Users] OpenMap based OpenGIS WMS server
To: "openmap-users_at_bbn.com" <openmap-users_at_bbn.com>
Hi Don,
Finally I am able to send you our OpenGIS WMS implementation. Enclosed
you can find zip file comprising of:
- wmsservlet directory - should be placed in openmap/src - it contains
servlet code. We found it more stable to use servlet container instead
of SimpleHTTPServer. Our servlet was deployed and tested with Tomcat and
MapBuilder as a client.
- wms package - contains all new classes implementing WMS. Package is
used by servlet. If you want to run WMS using SimpleHTTPServer you can
use MapServer class.
- 'http' and 'image' - a few changes were required here.
The code is not very clear, you can find classes with polish comments or
without them :-(. Sorry.
Please feel free to make any modifications. One thing that definitely
must be fixed is projection handling.
Now only one is used. Other projections require different handling BBOX
parameters, we didn't make it yet.
Best regards,
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