Thanks for the update, it's in the codebase now for the next relelase.
- Don
On May 11, 2006, at 5:45 AM, Stéphane Wasserhardt wrote:
> Hello all !
> Here is a new version of OMGraphic.render(Graphics) :
> public void render(Graphics g) {
> if (matted) {
> if (g instanceof Graphics2D && stroke instanceof
> BasicStroke) {
> BasicStroke basicStroke = (BasicStroke) stroke;
> ((Graphics2D) g).setStroke(new
> BasicStroke(
> basicStroke.getLineWidth() + 2f,
> basicStroke.getEndCap(),
> basicStroke.getLineJoin()
> ));
> setGraphicsColor(g, mattingPaint);
> draw(g);
> }
> }
> if (shouldRenderFill()) {
> setGraphicsForFill(g);
> fill(g);
> if (textureMask != null && textureMask != fillPaint) {
> setGraphicsColor(g, textureMask);
> fill(g);
> }
> }
> if (shouldRenderEdge()) {
> setGraphicsForEdge(g);
> draw(g);
> }
> renderLabel(g);
> }
> The only modification is that matting paint now uses the stroke's
> "EndCap" and "LineJoin" values. It is a small improvement, but it
> is an improvement :)
> I hope it will be included in the next OpenMap release !
> Stephane
> --
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Received on Fri May 19 2006 - 13:55:47 EDT