i too facing the problem of memory leak while
displaying gif images using OMRaster . I observed that
OMRaster is using "BufferedImageReader" in which the
image is read as type "TYPE_INT_ARGB" . When i
replaced the type with "TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED" in place of
"TYPE_INT_ARGB" it is observed "no memory leak" . And
i could able to display gif images without memory leak
Now i would like to know is this the problem with
OPENMAP or is it the java method unable to handle the
image ?
I would like the users who posted comments on
"OMRaster" to test this and pass on your comments ,
Thx and Regards
--- robert.m.dabell_at_L-3com.com wrote:
> Hey,
> I've been using OpenMap for about a year now. Great
> software.
> For the last while I've noticed a memory leak that
> would occur in my
> extended OMGraphicsLayer. I have several OMRasters
> on this layer and called
> the scaleTo function to scale the image to the
> desired size. The Lat and
> Lon of the said objects would change about once a
> second. I would then
> refresh the layer once a second. I have noticed
> that memory usage would
> increase until it would eventually crash my
> application. Then I took out
> the scaleTo calls (that were only called once or
> twice during execution) and
> it worked great. It looks as if memory is allocated
> if the position of an
> OMRaster changes and scaling is used. I have gotten
> around the issue by
> scaling the image before I set the OMRaster image
> but I figure that others
> may be dealing with the same issues and this bug
> should probably be
> addressed.
> Thanks.
> Mark
> --
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