We are working with Vmap data and we wondered if it was possible to know
within Openmap which area covers a given vmap data directory. We would like
to display on a projection set at a world or continental scale which areas
ar covered or not by the vmap data sets entered by the user. Ideally
something like a different color for each pixel on the map, depending on the
existence of vmap data at this point, or more simply something like a
rectangle covering the vmap dataset.
I found "Westernmost longitude", "Southernmost latitude", etc, in the 'lat'
file at the root of each vmap directory, that could help me, but the values
are empty ("-,-,-"). Is that normal ?
I would also be interested by the same information for DTED data. The dmed
file at the root of a dted dataset seems to contain the min and max
coordinates covered by the data, like "N30N36W120W100". Can these values be
retrieved using Openmap ?
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Received on Thu Jun 01 2006 - 14:15:59 EDT